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Tom what would hunt better in flat iron, the 5" DD or the 6x3" elliptical concentric coil?

Posted by Cal_cobra 
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On the F75 LTD? Wondering about hunting in some heavy iron, but the DD's seem to have a reputation for iron falsing, but what about the 6x3 concentric?

There's areas where that sheet metal they used back in the late 1800's to side buildings with is flat on the ground, rotting, but in giant sections and I know there's goodies underneath. Might be a good idea to just rake the junk away if possible.

I was going to ask a very similar question because I've got both coils too.
I've noticed the concentric tends to be a little quieter.
It seems that concentric coils are more immune to EMI and flecks of iron and mineral salts in soil then DD coils, but that flat decaying sheet iron I don't know about.

Heading back out for some ghost town hunting and would love to find some more masked keepers! I found a Goldfield, NV saloon token that was right in the thick of the iron, nails, flat rusty iron, the works and it sounded great, I was very surprised.

I found the 4x6 to be incredible in iron. Sometimes I wish I'd kept the original F75 just for that use.
Correct. The non-DD coil will work 'better' in flat/sheet iron. Far from perfect.......yet.........discernible enough (with a small learning-curve) for you to be able to differentiate. This is true with all brands of detectors.
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Correct. The non-DD coil will work 'better' in
> flat/sheet iron. Far from
> perfect.......yet.........discernible enough (with
> a small learning-curve) for you to be able to
> differentiate. This is true with all brands of
> detectors.

If that's the case, should I use the 10" elliptical concentric, or is it a case of too much of a good thing ?

Come to think of it, I've never used the 10" concentric with boost mode before, that should be interesting.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/24/2011 08:22PM by Cal_cobra.
Strongly recommend you trying it...........yet, keep in mind.......it is (approx) 1.5" less capable on a clad dime............vs.............the 11" DD.
Excellent, I'll bring it along for a test. I understand that concentric coils are more immune to EMI then DD, and there is some EMI in this area, so that in itself may be a large benefit.

Yes..........and keep in mind........if EMI is less...........some depth-loss is re-gained.