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So how do the single frequencies compare on the Multi Kruzer and Equinox?

Posted by woodchiphustler 
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So how do the single frequencies compare on the Multi Kruzer and Equinox?
March 22, 2018 11:23AM
I think it would be of some interest.
Re: So how do the single frequencies compare on the Multi Kruzer and Equinox?
March 22, 2018 12:26PM
That is a very interesting topic.... One thats got my complete attention .I heard about what you said on the podcast about not being a fan of the equinox. Everyone likes what they like and you have been in the game a long time ,so you know what you don't like and do like. I cant comment on the kruser as I don't have it but it should be similar to the Deus single freqs ..... That equinox running the multi freqs IMO is doing something NO single vlf can do . It can hit a broader range of conductive targets without ever having to be changed. Where as on the kruzer or deus you might have to lower freqs (hunt deep silver) or raise freqs (hunt gold or relics in iron) to get the best performance out the machine. Minelab has done away with that pretty much with the Nox. BTW if someone wants to send me a Kruzer I will compare the two.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2018 12:27PM by calabash digger.
Re: So how do the single frequencies compare on the Multi Kruzer and Equinox?
March 22, 2018 12:36PM
What podcast?
Re: So how do the single frequencies compare on the Multi Kruzer and Equinox?
March 22, 2018 01:17PM
Multi IQ is doing more than operating over a more broad range frequency wise.
The tech is unmasking nonferrous in the soil better.

If we allow a VLF detector is when it alerts on a nonferrous target, the detector, all it's really doing is recognizing a ground anomaly, Equinox is doing this better.
More data is being exchanged to solve the equation.

Now, notice some here have been commenting on Equinox ID, like it is not stable.
Well, remember I am not an engineer, but I notice something about Equinox that stands out.
A good example to show what Equinox is really doing is to test on an aluminum screw cap.
Notice how the ID behaves on the Equinox.
It moves around when the coil is swept over.
Because there are points of the cap that differ in conducivity. The cap in the bends is thicker, The orientation of the cap (metal wise) changes, from being flat, to some parts of the metal doing more on edge.

ID of Equinox to me seems to be more real time based on detector's calculations. Tone(s) provided seem more real time too. Hard to jam Equinox's tone presentation with appropriate speed setting for conditions.

Equinox does have ability and I have done actually to be able to pull deeper masked higher conductors vs its French counterpart.

So it is not just actual frequencyl used that makes Equinox special IMO.
It is how all the frequency data is handled inside the detector that makes it special.

I'll admit, I'm a big time fan, because I see big time benefits using.
Kudos to the brainpower behind Equinox.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2018 01:19PM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: So how do the single frequencies compare on the Multi Kruzer and Equinox?
March 22, 2018 01:30PM
Over on Geotech1, a little bit of early 'poking about' has been attempted on an Equinox. It appears that in single-freq mode, it does indeed actually only transmit the single frequency (rather than transmitting 3 or 5, and just ignoring the non-chosen freqs.) This means it transmits a moderately stronger signal at the single freq. Which should in turn mean it would be less affected by EMI or other unwanted noise such as electronic circuit noise.
However .... it could be that whatever multifreq techniques are used may give increased (or decreased) EMI immunity, so it's no certainty you'll see any difference.
However, it would be one aspect to bear in mind when comparing single vs multi operation on the Equinox.

Whether it's relevant to a Kruzer comparison, I don't know.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2018 01:33PM by Pimento.
Re: So how do the single frequencies compare on the Multi Kruzer and Equinox?
March 22, 2018 01:31PM
I was once blind,but mine eyes have now seen the glory!!!!
Re: So how do the single frequencies compare on the Multi Kruzer and Equinox?
March 22, 2018 01:34PM
tnsharpshooter Wrote:

> A good example to show what Equinox is really doin
> g is to test on an aluminum screw cap.
> Notice how the ID behaves on the Equinox.
> It moves around when the coil is swept over.
> Why?
> Because there are points of the cap that differ in
> conducivity. The cap in the bends is thicker, The
> orientation of the cap (metal wise) changes, from
> being flat, to some parts of the metal doing more
> on edge.

tn....good point on the aluminum screw cap. But here is the kicker when it comes to the gold jewelry hunter. A gold engagement ring could have the same properties. Ie, conductivity, bends and breaks, curves, etc. So jumpy ID in that instance should not deter one from digging IF they are hunting for gold jewelry.

Nox unmasking has now been well documented. You and others have shown that. The unmasking is the big hurdle when jewelry hunting in iron. If the Nox is sounding off on a target and reporting non-ferrous, dig it.

When the small coil becomes available, we are going to see a lot of tot lot and park hunters digging up some interesting stuff...IF they are willing to dig lots of non-ferrous junk.
Re: So how do the single frequencies compare on the Multi Kruzer and Equinox?
March 22, 2018 03:47PM
I'm thinking the 600 and 800 will be a huge hit. I have and was a tester for the impact and really trust it. I also had the deus and sold it after 4 years. Having multi freq working all at the same time and the freq they use are solid for relic hunting and I would think gold hunting. Once you understand the 800 if your a relic hunter I think there may be no turning back in the near future. I have one on order so I will test it on hunted out relic areas I have cleaned out myself so the testing will be based on that as an important way for me to judge the machine




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