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Check out this gent finds. Gold!!

Posted by Sod-buster 
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Check out this gent finds. Gold!!
December 15, 2017 09:03PM
Looks easy I guess, at least looking here.

Go Deus!! And HF coil.

Re: Check out this gent finds. Gold!!
December 16, 2017 07:20AM
Just an incredible turn of events for that guy. TWO of 'em? A couple of feet apart? I think that almost qualifies as a "coin spill," and that would be a most AMAZING coin spill!

I'm awe-struck...

Re: Check out this gent finds. Gold!!
December 16, 2017 09:58AM
That's not all to the story and finds

cache of a life time

In a democracy, it is difficult to win fellow citizens over to your own side, or to build public support to remedy injustices that remain all too real when you fundamentally misunderstand how they see the world.
Re: Check out this gent finds. Gold!!
December 16, 2017 10:42AM
Pretty amazing.....and dang near walked away from most of it. I guess there is still hope.HH jim tn
Re: Check out this gent finds. Gold!!
December 16, 2017 12:40PM
Wonder what the coins in the metal thingy would have sounded on a GPX detector??
Probably not too good.
Or even a CTX??
And I wonder if this gent has considered getting a GPX and getting back in there and checking??
I would and likely would dig about anything the GPX made noise on.


Went from 0 to a bunch of gold coins quick!!

Could happen to any of us really.

Pretty good Christmas present if you ask me!!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2017 02:35PM by Sod-buster.
Re: Check out this gent finds. Gold!!
December 16, 2017 01:54PM
Although the fellow is mum about location on those threads, yet if you study his posts from older times, it becomes apparent that he's doing CA gold rush type sites. So this current find is no doubt somewhere @ the west coast sites. Probably, like before, gold rush sites (eg.: cellar holes, rock ruins, tent-city zones, stage stop type locations associated with the gold rush era.

As such, I can tell you for a fact, it's NOT EASY. All such sites are riddled with iron, slag, bullet shells, overgrown, etc.... Stingy enough to get period coins from such sites. MUCH less a gold coin, and MUCH LESS a gold coin purse/cache. An amazing discovery, that I'm sure he worked and researched hard to get on to. A great couple of posts, for sure.
Re: Check out this gent finds. Gold!!
December 16, 2017 02:49PM
What a euphoric dream! History....... with (and of) international significance!
Re: Check out this gent finds. Gold!!
December 16, 2017 05:23PM
Jackpine Wrote:
> That's not all to the story and finds
> [url=https://metaldetectingforum.com/showthread.ph
> p?p=2865658#post2865658]cache of a life time[/url]

That "taco can" looks like an old Prince Albert tobacco can which was used in the olden days for storing just about anything.