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Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!

Posted by mrwilburino 
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Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 05, 2011 04:59PM
I knew it was one of the countries in South America. Good info.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 05, 2011 08:50PM
jmaryt Wrote:
> Up to my ____ in Pulltabs, Grant Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Steve(MS) Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Low oil prices are good for Americans and the
> > > economy.
> > > How is it that Obama and before him George W
> > Bush
> > > by the fact
> > > of their inaction allow rich companies to
> gouge
> > > Americans all they want?
> > > Oh, and add the Congress in also.
> >
> >
> > Get a grip, stop with the Bush Bashing.
> > OBAMA is ransacking our country, BUSH has zero
> to
> > do with anything, he's gone.
> > The blessed savior OBUMMER who has the ability
> to
> > bring oil prices down, has in fact done
> nothing.
> > He refuses to lift the
> > drilling moratorium or to limit the amount of
> > power wielded by the people who control the
> > futures market.
> > Its all political BS, he will not allow the
> price
> > on oil to go down until its time for elections.
> > He can then claim that he engineered the master
> > plan to save all of us, now vote for me.
> >
> > This just in from our news desk, OSAMA BIN
> > is still DEAD !
> > Massive fish kill, marine life threatened from
> > rotting terrorist.........................
> "o' bummer" has 1 billion dollars for his war
> chest!
> i think he wants another "crack" at it!..(hot
> damn!)
> (h.h.!)
> j.t.

The record high gas prices of 3 years ago were under the illiterate GW Bush Adm. There is no shortage of oil, its speculators that are driving the price up, just like last time
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 05, 2011 10:20PM
> The record high gas prices of 3 years ago were
> under the illiterate GW Bush Adm. There is no
> shortage of oil, its speculators that are driving
> the price up, just like last time

I'm really tired of all the idiots proclaiming Bush as dumb, stupid or illiterate.
The man had an I.Q. high enough to fly F-106 military fighters.
He was smart enough to become President, so lets just drop the BUSH BASHING started by the
spineless left wing liberal media scum bags.
As far as oil speculators adding to the higher oil prices, you are partially correct. As far as it being the same exact scenario you are wrong.
It is true that the idiots who control the futures market do so with very few regulations to keep them completely honest.
These oil speculators manipulate the market for their own greed and profit. Our government allows them to carry on this way.
Obama ( Domestic Terrorist ) refuses to lift the oil drilling moratorium which exacerbates the issue.
Obama is the ultimate cause of Gas being over $4.00 and not simply the oil speculators.
Like I said before, the S.O.B. will not step in and do anything about oil until its election time.
To hell with him and anyone who supports him.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 06, 2011 12:36AM
Up to my ____ in Pulltabs, Grant Wrote:

> I'm really tired of all the idiots proclaiming
> Bush as dumb, stupid or illiterate.
> The man had an I.Q. high enough to fly F-106
> military fighters.
> He was smart enough to become President, so lets
> just drop the BUSH BASHING started by the
> spineless left wing liberal media scum bags.
> As far as oil speculators adding to the higher
> oil prices, you are partially correct. As far as
> it being the same exact scenario you are wrong.
> It is true that the idiots who control the futures
> market do so with very few regulations to keep
> them completely honest.
> These oil speculators manipulate the market for
> their own greed and profit. Our government allows
> them to carry on this way.
> Obama ( Domestic Terrorist ) refuses to lift the
> oil drilling moratorium which exacerbates the
> issue.
> Obama is the ultimate cause of Gas being over
> $4.00 and not simply the oil speculators.
> Like I said before, the S.O.B. will not step in
> and do anything about oil until its election time.
> To hell with him and anyone who supports him.

When gas first jumped through the roof was when Bush was in office and the whole country cried it was because HE had his hands in big oil just like his daddy.... how fast they forget!!!! Get off your almighty high horse Grant! The truth is we have no "Leaders" in this country that do not have a personal agenda... which is to line their own pockets. They are all liars, period. Bush bashing... HA! Get real!!
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 06, 2011 01:21AM
I frankly don't give a damn what you or anyone else believes about BUSH, he gone, its over. You can believe the twisted hypocritical left-wing hate speak regarding Bush that
was designed to divide people. Liberals are so damned gullible but that's a subject too vast for me to even want to elaborate upon.

Right now in the here and now, setting all contempt for BUSH aside, the fact that Obama is a complete and total failure, is incontrovertible.
Obama is responsible for the high oil prices and his failure was forewarned by his advisers whom he ignored.
The growing inflation is part of Obama's agenda. There is no need to F'up everything like he has or is there?
He's more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda.
I wouldn't urinate on him or his followers if they were on fire.
He's got to go.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 06, 2011 01:32AM
A wise man once told me "When you vote you are just replacing one crook with another."
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 06, 2011 02:10AM
So many opinions, so little knowledge.
Neugene.....Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 06, 2011 03:47AM
True words of wisdom. The whole damn system is corrupt.......and has been for several administrations. Now days, government corruption is openly practiced, with the government basically telling the private citizen to..........screw off!!!!! That's the reality of things.
Ponder this statement from one of the greatest politcal analysts of all time:

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” -Alexis de Tocqueville

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2011 03:53AM by TerraDigger.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 06, 2011 06:30AM
Former Navy. I had my affiliation with them. This link is the reality. Like I said earlier...............just a naturally psychopathic lot....smiling smiley In a good way.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/06/2011 06:32AM by TerraDigger.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 06, 2011 07:33AM
AUDuke Wrote:
> jmaryt Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Up to my ____ in Pulltabs, Grant Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Steve(MS) Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Low oil prices are good for Americans and
> the
> > > > economy.
> > > > How is it that Obama and before him George
> W
> > > Bush
> > > > by the fact
> > > > of their inaction allow rich companies to
> > gouge
> > > > Americans all they want?
> > > > Oh, and add the Congress in also.
> > >
> > >
> > > Get a grip, stop with the Bush Bashing.
> > > OBAMA is ransacking our country, BUSH has
> zero
> > to
> > > do with anything, he's gone.
> > > The blessed savior OBUMMER who has the
> ability
> > to
> > > bring oil prices down, has in fact done
> > nothing.
> > > He refuses to lift the
> > > drilling moratorium or to limit the amount of
> > > power wielded by the people who control the
> > > futures market.
> > > Its all political BS, he will not allow the
> > price
> > > on oil to go down until its time for
> elections.
> >
> > > He can then claim that he engineered the
> master
> > > plan to save all of us, now vote for me.
> > >
> > > This just in from our news desk, OSAMA BIN
> > > is still DEAD !
> > > Massive fish kill, marine life threatened
> from
> > > rotting terrorist.........................
> >
> >
> > "o' bummer" has 1 billion dollars for his war
> > chest!
> > i think he wants another "crack" at it!..(hot
> > damn!)
> >
> > (h.h.!)
> > j.t.
> The record high gas prices of 3 years ago were
> under the illiterate GW Bush Adm. There is no
> shortage of oil, its speculators that are driving
> the price up, just like last time

i agree!..but he's still gotta do something about this!..gotta get "proactive!"
whatever it takes!..remember!..as these guys are fond of saying!.."the buck stops here!"
end of the line!..so to speak!

Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 06, 2011 07:37AM
Up to my ____ in Pulltabs, Grant Wrote:
> >
> > The record high gas prices of 3 years ago were
> > under the illiterate GW Bush Adm. There is no
> > shortage of oil, its speculators that are
> driving
> > the price up, just like last time
> I'm really tired of all the idiots proclaiming
> Bush as dumb, stupid or illiterate.
> The man had an I.Q. high enough to fly F-106
> military fighters.
> He was smart enough to become President, so lets
> just drop the BUSH BASHING started by the
> spineless left wing liberal media scum bags.
> As far as oil speculators adding to the higher
> oil prices, you are partially correct. As far as
> it being the same exact scenario you are wrong.
> It is true that the idiots who control the futures
> market do so with very few regulations to keep
> them completely honest.
> These oil speculators manipulate the market for
> their own greed and profit. Our government allows
> them to carry on this way.
> Obama ( Domestic Terrorist ) refuses to lift the
> oil drilling moratorium which exacerbates the
> issue.
> Obama is the ultimate cause of Gas being over
> $4.00 and not simply the oil speculators.
> Like I said before, the S.O.B. will not step in
> and do anything about oil until its election time.
> To hell with him and anyone who supports him.

my sentiments exactly!..obviously,he underestimates the american people,and their ability to figure things out!
shame on you!.."o' bummer!"

Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 06, 2011 01:49PM
>" He was smart enough to become President "
A chimpanze could become president with the right promoter.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 07, 2011 12:50AM
Hmmm, I don't care if it is speculators that is driving up the price or whatever.
The govt could put a stop to the rich raising oil and gas prices.
Great quote Terra.
Neugene's point is well taken also since the founders of this Country assumed
honest men would hold offices.
Without honorable men, wouldn't hurt if they were patriots, this republic will not prosper.
Used to be doing what was in the best interest of others was more important than self
promotion, self gain or the desiring of gaining power for one's own self.
To many politicians of today talk one way before election and do something different when elected.
I am old enough to call people who do that what they really are --liars.
They tell you how good it will be when they are elected....does that ring a bell?
Ask not what your country.....but politicians know how to cash in on promising favors for votes.

One thing that separates Bush from Obama....Oboma mentioned before he was elected
that oil prices must go up....
I agree, there are Domestic Terrorists....and Washington is full of them.
If I had voted for Obama, I wouldn't tell anyone.
I wish I could believe another election cycle could fix the problem(s) but
I have my doubts that a half dozen would help at this point...
with more dishonest politicians lining up to run.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 07, 2011 02:19AM
I agree Steve and though I can't reasonably say that all politicians are crooked I can fall back on more words of wisdom. "If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck." Honestly though, is it any wonder that a crook would go into politics?
I think "We The People" have become too easily distracted and pacified. Add to that the fact that most of us seem to have the attention span of a flea and it's pretty easy to see how things have gotten into the shape they're in. All you need to get elected is a good sales pitch. Get on TV and tell everyone exactly what they want to hear while throwing in just enough cynicism so as to not make your ploy obvious. Convince the voters that you are one of them and have their best interest in mind and that you can solve their problems or at least make things better. Then, once you're elected, create a distraction like maybe a war or a terrorist threat or maybe even an environmental crisis or some other common threat. Finally, while everyone is watching your right hand you can slip your left into the cookie jar and eat your fill while you share your bounty with your buddies.

The positions our politicians fill are supposed to be public offices. Lately these offices are being ran like private businesses and most of the elected officials are more interested in lining their pockets than looking out for "We The People".

In my opinion, our government will not be "honest" until several things are changed. A partial list in no particular order might consist of
1. A ONE TERM LIMIT. Let's say you are a butcher and you want to run for office. Campaign, get elected, serve then go back to cutting meat.
2. NO POST TERM BENEFITS. Once your term of service is finished get a job and save for your retirement. Military service men/women who only serve one term do it, politicians can too.
3. EXTREMELY LIMITED CAMPAIGN SPENDING LIMITS. As it stands now you've got to have money to make it to the big show. Until the middle and lower class are represented by their (our) own kind we don't have a chance.
4. BAN LOBBYISTS. Our politicians should be in touch with their constituents and vote/act accordingly. We shouldn't need a high paid spokesperson to voice our concerns to people we chose to look out for us. The whole purpose of an elected official's position is to act in the best interest of those who voted for them right?

In short take the extreme profitability out of politics. This, in my opinion, will weed out the type of men/women that have ran this once great country of ours into the ground and open the door to those that really do have the interest of "We The People" at heart.

As always these are just my opinions......
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 07, 2011 02:46AM
The ancient Athenians of Greece ran their original democracy similar to what Neugene states in #1. The common citizen, and I mean the everyday citizen, was required to serve in politics. They did their service to the city state and then went back to their occupations. Athen's is considered the birthplace of western democracy/ideals. Alas, it to became corrupted by 'career' politicians and eventually failed. See the similarities between Athens and the U.S.?
It is my feverent wish that civic's & political history be heavily taught in schools so that we have an aware populace..........those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. And that's all that is occuring nowaday's. Sad............but it could have been prevented. Maybe, I am prejudiced because I have a degree in Public Administration and learned these so called 'useless' bits of political knowledge/history & how governments really operate for good or evil.
I forgot to add that Neugene hit the nail on the head, when he stated 'that lobbyists should be banned'. That was a specialty of study in my degree. Lobbying is nothing more than a government sanctioned snakes nest of corruption and has no place in a democracy/republic. Lobbying is the primary evil in our government. Deals struck in whispers & shadows are nothing more than sedition. Just getting rid of that one thing would vastly improve the well being of this country.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2011 03:05AM by TerraDigger.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 07, 2011 02:58AM
AUDuke Wrote:
> >" He was smart enough to become President "
> A chimpanze could become president with the right
> promoter.

and a "very" large "machine!"
money helps too!..

Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 07, 2011 03:02AM
Steve(MS) Wrote:
> Hmmm, I don't care if it is speculators that is
> driving up the price or whatever.
> The govt could put a stop to the rich raising oil
> and gas prices.
> Great quote Terra.
> Neugene's point is well taken also since the
> founders of this Country assumed
> honest men would hold offices.
> Without honorable men, wouldn't hurt if they were
> patriots, this republic will not prosper.
> Used to be doing what was in the best interest of
> others was more important than self
> promotion, self gain or the desiring of gaining
> power for one's own self.
> To many politicians of today talk one way before
> election and do something different when elected.
> I am old enough to call people who do that what
> they really are --liars.
> They tell you how good it will be when they are
> elected....does that ring a bell?
> Ask not what your country.....but politicians know
> how to cash in on promising favors for votes.
> One thing that separates Bush from Obama....Oboma
> mentioned before he was elected
> that oil prices must go up....
> I agree, there are Domestic Terrorists....and
> Washington is full of them.
> If I had voted for Obama, I wouldn't tell anyone.
> I wish I could believe another election cycle
> could fix the problem(s) but
> I have my doubts that a half dozen would help at
> this point...
> with more dishonest politicians lining up to run.

it is the "main" reason why you must pick the "lesser of the two evils" at election time!

Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 07, 2011 03:13AM
Neugene Wrote:
> I agree Steve and though I can't reasonably say
> that all politicians are crooked I can fall back
> on more words of wisdom. "If it looks like a duck
> and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's
> probably a duck." Honestly though, is it any
> wonder that a crook would go into politics?
> I think "We The People" have become too easily
> distracted and pacified. Add to that the fact that
> most of us seem to have the attention span of a
> flea and it's pretty easy to see how things have
> gotten into the shape they're in. All you need to
> get elected is a good sales pitch. Get on TV and
> tell everyone exactly what they want to hear while

> throwing in just enough cynicism so as to not make
> your ploy obvious. Convince the voters that you
> are one of them and have their best interest in
> mind and that you can solve their problems or at
> least make things better. Then, once you're
> elected, create a distraction like maybe a war or
> a terrorist threat or maybe even an environmental
> crisis or some other common threat. Finally, while
> everyone is watching your right hand you can slip
> your left into the cookie jar and eat your fill
> while you share your bounty with your buddies.
> The positions our politicians fill are supposed
> to be public offices. Lately these offices are
> being ran like private businesses and most of the
> elected officials are more interested in lining
> their pockets than looking out for "We The
> People".
> In my opinion, our government will not be "honest"
> until several things are changed. A partial list
> in no particular order might consist of
> 1. A ONE TERM LIMIT. Let's say you are a butcher
> and you want to run for office. Campaign, get
> elected, serve then go back to cutting meat.
> 2. NO POST TERM BENEFITS. Once your term of
> service is finished get a job and save for your
> retirement. Military service men/women who only
> serve one term do it, politicians can too.
> it stands now you've got to have money to make it
> to the big show. Until the middle and lower class
> are represented by their (our) own kind we don't
> have a chance.
> 4. BAN LOBBYISTS. Our politicians should be in
> touch with their constituents and vote/act
> accordingly. We shouldn't need a high paid
> spokesperson to voice our concerns to people we
> chose to look out for us. The whole purpose of an
> elected official's position is to act in the best
> interest of those who voted for them right?
> should be necessary for this one.
> In short take the extreme profitability out of
> politics. This, in my opinion, will weed out the
> type of men/women that have ran this once great
> country of ours into the ground and open the door
> to those that really do have the interest of "We
> The People" at heart.
> As always these are just my opinions......

william shakespeare's famous quote:.."to thine own self be true"
has indeed stood the test of time!..just sayin!

Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 07, 2011 11:03AM
It's a fact that we all have one vote, and it looks today like the we'll have four more years of -O-. No guarantee, of course, but it's sure looking that way.

Anyone watch the GOP debate Thursday night from Greenville, SC? I thought it was all about the economy, but the candidates chose to tackle foreign policy, right on the heels of Obama's finest week. What a losing proposition!!!

I really liked how Cain presented himself, looking very non-political and a very good speaker. But black is not in vogue in the 2012 GOP. He'll get no money and gain little traction. Too bad.

Santorum looked very dull until the "Social Issues" subject was brought up. He presented a very passionate view that I care little about in this election cycle. (Its the ECONOMY stupid!)

Pawlenty was indifferent and performed poorly against this 2nd Tier group. He's done.

Ron Paul was, well, Ron Paul. Now too many Tea Partiers have some of his same views so he doesn't stand out as in the past. And he's had no success on this stage in previous attempts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2011 11:16AM by go-rebels.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 08, 2011 02:59AM
with the exception of "romney",who has a "credibility" issue,
it is indeed a "poor" field! "o'bummer" has a "huge" war chest
and momentum with the bin laden thing!..lots of staying power
IF he doesn't f**k it up!..he's GOT to address this gas situation
and SOON!,or he goes away "fast!"..just sayin!

Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 08, 2011 12:06PM
The gas situation has been addressed by killing Bin Laden. It's dropping all around me, as is the price of silver and gold.

No president can influence these commodities in a substantial manner. Tapping into the Strategic Oil Reserve is not a root-cause solution.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 08, 2011 06:25PM
go-rebels Wrote:
> The gas situation has been addressed by killing
> Bin Laden. It's dropping all around me, as is the
> price of silver and gold.

Really, It's still claiming down here in South Florida.

> No president can influence these commodities in a
> substantial manner. Tapping into the Strategic
> Oil Reserve is not a root-cause solution.

The tapping of the U.S. oil reserve is not the answer, it only decreases the price temporarily and usually only a few cents at best.
The fact that the incompetent moron in the White House refuses to lift the oil drilling ban has a tremendous influence on supply and demand and everyone from the oil companies and oil speculators know this. They are exploiting it. The oil companies are getting rich off our backs and the sheep ( general public ) will believe the lies, deceptive diatribe, blame and excuses that Obama and his worthless supporters regurgitate.
If you all believe that Obama has been showing his @$$ during this term, wait and see what he does when there no looming threat of not being re-elected during a second term if God forbid that ever happens.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 08, 2011 07:37PM
go-rebels Wrote:
> The gas situation has been addressed by killing
> Bin Laden. It's dropping all around me, as is the
> price of silver and gold.
> No president can influence these commodities in a
> substantial manner. Tapping into the Strategic
> Oil Reserve is not a root-cause solution.

I have to disagree with this.
There is an increasing brainwashing going on about how oil supplies are running out.
Then there is the global warming bunch that claims emissions are the cause.
Back years ago Reagan started the "Protectionism" phrase which led to allowing
manufacture and resources to go overseas. (He supported free trade)
The allowance of total "free trade" has decimated our country in many ways.
John Hofmeister who recently was on CNN briefly also appeared before Congress
telling them what we must do to have affordable oil and gas.
He stated on CNN that we do have the reserves and the ability to produce our own
oil here in the States and can do so quickly.
He went on to mention how the US has no strategic energy plan while China
does and they are putting it in force the plan to make sure they have all the oil
they will need.
He went on to state that the US can produce 50% of our needed oil supply
quickly and can do so for many decades into the future.

I recorded his appearance on CNN onto my hard drive
and he has the credentials to back up his statements.
If any of you are interested, see if you can find it on the web.

What we have is an unwilling President and Congress to do what it takes to get affordable
Some may ask why is our elected allowing this to happen.
It gets back to indoctrination through which most of those who run for election evidently
have gone through----which is we are running out of oil, global warming and other such nonsense.

And don't believe for a moment that if the Congress and President wanted to they could regulate
oil commodities.
And they could put pressure on oil companies to stop gouging consumers.

Like I have stated before Americans used to have a can do attitude, now it is a polically correct attitude.
There is at the very least a conspiracy of stupidity going on in Washington.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 08, 2011 08:39PM
" Get a grip, stop with the Bush Bashing.
> > > OBAMA is ransacking our country'"
Why is "Bush bashing" not ok, but its ok to bash Obama. sounds a little hypocritcal to me.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 08, 2011 09:47PM
Most of what the media and democrats said about BUSH is not true.
All of the B.S. I hear from people who want to bash BUSH can never back up anything they ever parrot.
They never have credibility or sources, its always some generalization about BUSH being stupid or ineffective.
Well I say F you all who dare to repeat that liberal propaganda B.S.
The only reason people ganged up on BUSH is because he was a Republican and that is it.
Everyone wants to blame BUSH for the Democratically held congresses failures.
If anything failed during Bushes last term it was all of the politicians who where supposed to represent all of us.
If you want to talk hypocritical then look everywhere in the overly politically correct Democrat party.
There has never been more bias, more partisanship or more negative partisan garbage than ever before.
Hey Obama F you, you sit in the back, shove your health care, your cap and trade and your oil drilling ban right up your @$$.
Remove your head and the lips of the media and followers so there is room up there.
The Dem party slap full of two face hate mongers who like to do nothing more than vilify and attack the other side.
The Republicans are too weak to tell them to F off and get back to work.
There are Republicans who have been brainwashed into believing that they must compromise our core values so that they might be perceived as being bi-partisan and there for doing their job. ( B.S.) These spineless weak-minded worthless progressive Republican idiots have to go too.

If we dismantled / $#it-canned the entire system and started over without any labels, handles or tags, we could then easily weed out the
If they want Socialist Marxism I'll give it to them just like Joseph Stalin. I'd purge every God Damned one of them.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 08, 2011 09:55PM
So grant, outside of wearing out your keyboard on this forum, tell me what you are doing to get your favorite Republican elected???

It's 3rd and long.

We're very curious.
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 08, 2011 11:20PM
Up to my ____ in Pulltabs, Grant Wrote:
> Most of what the media and democrats said about
> BUSH is not true.
> All of the B.S. I hear from people who want to
> bash BUSH can never back up anything they ever
> parrot.
> They never have credibility or sources, its always
> some generalization about BUSH being stupid or
> ineffective.
> Well I say F you all who dare to repeat that
> liberal propaganda B.S.
> The only reason people ganged up on BUSH is
> because he was a Republican and that is it.
> Everyone wants to blame BUSH for the
> Democratically held congresses failures.
> If anything failed during Bushes last term it was
> all of the politicians who where supposed to
> represent all of us.
> If you want to talk hypocritical then look
> everywhere in the overly politically correct
> Democrat party.
> There has never been more bias, more partisanship
> or more negative partisan garbage than ever
> before.
> Hey Obama F you, you sit in the back, shove your
> health care, your cap and trade and your oil
> drilling ban right up your @$$.
> Remove your head and the lips of the media and
> followers so there is room up there.
> The Dem party slap full of two face hate mongers
> who like to do nothing more than vilify and attack
> the other side.
> The Republicans are too weak to tell them to F off
> and get back to work.
> There are Republicans who have been brainwashed
> into believing that they must compromise our core
> values so that they might be perceived as being
> bi-partisan and there for doing their job. ( B.S.)
> These spineless weak-minded worthless
> progressive Republican idiots have to go too.
> If we dismantled / $#it-canned the entire system
> and started over without any labels, handles or
> tags, we could then easily weed out the
> undesirables.
> If they want Socialist Marxism I'll give it to
> them just like Joseph Stalin. I'd purge every God
> Damned one of them.

So tell me how you really feel
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 08, 2011 11:55PM
This forum sure would be a nice place to discuss metal detecting...
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 09, 2011 12:08AM
We hear ya Wally. Now can you add the Picture/Video uplink icon for the Phorum software like FMall has?
Re: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead!!!!
May 09, 2011 12:39AM
And how about some 'stickies?'