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Tom, on another thread, you wrote: ...Where as the F-75 is EMI sensitive and can audibly be fatiguing..... but can run circles around most.... especially in iron...

Posted by PanMan 
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you said this regarding a cz 3-d comparison...my question for you sir is....

In an iron laden back yard w/ many close to eachother targets...what settings do u tell a beginner on the f-75 to utilize and what tips, if you have some to share, would be utilized in this same scenario?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2008 03:07AM by PanMan.

I like to see a beginner start off on the right foot. He/She will miss 'some' targets with moderate settings at first; HOWEVER, he/she is LESS likely to 'ditch' the hobby... if whilst cutting maiden voyage teeth..... the settings are NOT on steroids. Sooooooooooo........

Initiation settings:

Sens. = 70
Disc. = 06
Mode = PF
Tones = 4

As skill/learning curve is ready for the next journey..... then... the first thing increased would be Sens.

ok...thanks, but I might need to even lower it more, due to a small electrical distraction.

My back yard is not that large, but I pulled out a few really nice old items with my Whites ID w/ Mr. Bill's modifications...the thing is, there has GOT to be lots more...i can't move a 1/2" without a signal in any given direction from any chosen location (within fenced area)...This would be the yard to hit when any professional wants to "show" his skills!!!

Hey if you are ever in St. Paul, MN...I live in the suburbs and you are welcome anytime. I would truly LOVE to see a pro show me how to do this yard...I almost believe that nobody could, all detectable targets not effected by masking...etc...are gone.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2008 01:07AM by PanMan.
If you are encountering EMI..... drop Sens to say; '40'.... and raise Disc to '15'. "Cutting your teeth" with EMI is challenging!
Tom PF is that what you are using?




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Yes, PF or DE......... but never JE for the beginner.