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T2 LTD vs F75 LTD 2-tone audio ?

Posted by Cal_cobra 
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T2 LTD vs F75 LTD 2-tone audio ?
June 02, 2011 10:53PM
The T2 LTD can only use 2-tone audio in BP mode (whereas the F75 can use any audio mode in BP mode).

The F75 LTD has a very binary type sampled audio, does the T2 LTD have modulated audio (like the Omega) or is it more akin to the binary sampled audio mode of the F75?

Re: T2 LTD vs F75 LTD 2-tone audio ?
June 03, 2011 12:32AM
Wish I could help more, but I am not really sure what binary type sampled audio vs. modulated audio means. I own the T2 SE and all I can say that in 2+ or BP mode the audio is very very smooth, while in 3 or 4 tones I really don't like the audio much, it might make the same tone as the CZ 3D, but the audio itself is not even close to being as smooth. Just my opinion. Hope others han chime in on this and help.
Re: T2 LTD vs F75 LTD 2-tone audio ?
June 03, 2011 05:32PM
Idreamin3D Wrote:
> Wish I could help more, but I am not really sure
> what binary type sampled audio vs. modulated audio
> means. I own the T2 SE and all I can say that in
> 2+ or BP mode the audio is very very smooth, while
> in 3 or 4 tones I really don't like the audio
> much, it might make the same tone as the CZ 3D,
> but the audio itself is not even close to being as
> smooth. Just my opinion. Hope others han chime in
> on this and help.

I pilfered the description of binary vs modulated (or proportional as Garrett calls it) from the Garrett AT Pro description (another great feature of the AT Pro, the ability for the USER to select which mode they want to use):

"The detector with binary audio gives a solid, consistent beep for both the shallow and the deep coin. In contrast, the AT Pro’s proportional audio provides a stronger signal for the shallow coin and a softer signal for the deeper coin. The actual profile, or signature, of the target’s response is heard, thereby providing more information. "
Re: T2 LTD vs F75 LTD 2-tone audio ?
June 06, 2011 12:09AM
In that case the audio is definitely modulated, meaning proportional in 2+ mode, as well as in all other modes. Meaning that even in 1, 3 or 4 tones you hear a softer audio when the target is further away from the coil then when its close. Also, the 4 tone mode could use a better tone separation in my opinion, but that could be just a matter of getting used to. In 1+, 2=, BP and CL modes the audio is actually something other then modulated, it changes pitch depending on how close the target is to the coil, the high squeal for close to the coil, and a low faint (almost a grunt) for targets further from the coil. I think the tonal separation could be better for the Iron v.s the 1+, 2+, BP and CL modes when you are hunting for deep faint targets that are soft low tones, and although they are different from iron grunts, still not as easily heard as I would like. It can be a challenge to listen to the faint low tone with lots of iron around.
Idreamin3D .......Re: T2 LTD vs F75 LTD 2-tone audio ?
June 06, 2011 04:30AM
I agree.......the tone seperation between 3 & 4 in 4 tone is too darn similar. Really sucks when one hits the trashy areas. Maybe someone at First Texas will read this and take note of the complaint.