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First Gold Coin!!!!

Posted by Kevin B 
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Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 08, 2012 07:14AM
Simply, wow, wow, WOW!!!!

Find of a LIFETIME, right there! I DREAM of someday finding a U.S. gold coin, and realize it will very likely never happen. That is a most rare find, and I can't imagine how excited you must be. HUGE HUGE congrats to you, you really deserve it!

Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 08, 2012 12:56PM
Sweet find indeed! And with the Deus too. I am leaning towards one of these units but waiting to see what First Texas is putting out next. It killing me though!!! Congratulations!!! smiling smiley

"Happy hunting" - Schultzie
Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 08, 2012 02:22PM
I ran the coin under the Deus in both 18 khz and 12 khz. The readings with the coin flat on the ground were thus: 18 khz/ 53..............12kz/ 46 Wow, that is scary!!!! I am not sure that I would have dug those signals yesterday!!!!! But I was seeitng a higher number but it was real bouncy!!! Of course, it was under a big tree root that was in the shape of a "Y" directly over the coin. It was a Red Cedar tree root. Now, I don't think that the tree root would up average it (at least, I don't think it would). So, I suspect that the ground was doing it. The deeper ya go with the Deus, it seems to want to take the numbers up into the 90's. I happened to be at moderated depth (5 inches give or take) and it was in the 60's and 70's, if memory serves. You fellows have been correct, those of you who said to NOT pay attention to numbers. With the Deus, the numbers just don't tell you a whole lot.
Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 08, 2012 03:20PM
15 mm thats small good thing you where at 12khz thats what is so nice about the dues you can change khz and that baby is in nice condition WOW
Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 08, 2012 03:49PM
The numbers on the Deus can be all over the place. What I found out on mine is that the Deus will give you a bunch of different numbers if you keep swinging at a buried target. But those numbers do indeed tend to climb. You just need to make the decision to dig or not. On private ground with little modern trash I dig. I know two things before I dig. At least it isn't iron because I din't get the 97 & 98 numbers. It probably isn't a pulltab because I'm on private property. And if it is a pulltab I need to dig it sometime anyways just to clear it. I have had Buffalo Nickels start out at 55 in 12 Khz and end up in the 70s before I dug them. I always attributed it to me running the Deus hot for really deep targets. Then I hit a nickel at 4 inches. SO I figure it was some sort of headlights in the fog thing.

We need to remember that these detectors were designed for Europe where thay dig everything above iron. Their Hammies start coming in right after iron. Most of them don't even us the remote. They set it up, turn it off and put it in their pocket.

If I was to name a bad thing about the Deus it would be the bouncing numbers. Maybe this version 3 software coming out will address the problem. Until then if you get that sweet narrow target Deus tone we need to dig away.
Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 08, 2012 04:08PM

Congrats! A beautiful and historic coin. Wonderful to see on our forum here too!

You know, I would venture to guess that the $1 gold signal would be passed over by most detectorists (sadly).

As much as I would love tro find a gold coin (of any denominatrion) I can usually only hope for gold jewelery. Now, gold jewelery is good and does get me excited...but really...does NOT have the Pizzaz of finding a Gold Coin! I totally agree with Tom. Soon to be visiting my dad in Virginia...I'm going for the GOLD...Coin!

I've adjusted my hunting strategy with the Deus on the beach to get the MOST excited at the non-coin signals.

Regards, Joe (California)
Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 08, 2012 06:12PM
WOW! Congrats Kevin - really happy for you. A beautiful coin. Whole heartedly agree with Tom, that gold coin would mean more to me than any gold ring I would ever find (unless it was from 1859! LOL, kidding).

Enjoy the moment,
Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 08, 2012 07:18PM
I want it, here is my address, please send it right away!! kidding of course, my goodness what a find. That is outstanding, huge congratulations!!!

Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 08, 2012 10:09PM
Wow!!!!!! My thread in the Coins and Relics subforum of Friendly Metal Detecting Forum has my "I Found a Gold Coin" thread in there featured section. It got put in there this morning or last night!!! Wow!! That's kind of like, an honor, or something to me. It sort of brought it all home to me: I found something that many, including myself, consider very very significant, historically speaking. And isn't that what all this is about anyway?I could make more at less than minimum wage job than I could make at Metal Detecting. It is SO funny, and even overwhelmingly silly, that people actually think that we take up our metal detector to get rich quick or to strike it big. When I dig a three ringer, (I could sell all of my perfect ones now and probably get a dollar a piece for them) I get FAR more than a couple of bucks worth of satisfaction!!!!! Not to metion the satisafction that will come next year when I pick it up, or a button, and hold it and wonder again whose coat it went on. Did they have a family waiting on them somewhere? How did their story play out? Did they get killed at Shiloh? And so on. You cannot affix a monetary value to that. But sadly, that's what people think when they see you pulling a detector out of the trunk. But ya know, let them think it. It will keep them from buying one and me having to answer a bunch of dumb questions!! LOL You know, like the questions I have been asking on this forum since I joined!!?? LOL But the point is.......it IS all about the history. I guess that it's just part of human nature to be curious of our forefather and what they where up to and why they did what they did, and just a general inquisitiveness of their comings and goings. Whew. I'm tired after typing that. Now....for some coffee. Peace and Happy Hunting to you.
Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 09, 2012 03:12AM
Congrats!!! Awesome find!!!!!
Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 09, 2012 03:41AM
amazing find! congrats!!!!!!!!!
Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 12, 2012 12:45AM
Kevin congrats, that has to be a huge rush to find your first gold coin!!

Happy hunting,
Re: First Gold Coin!!!!
July 12, 2012 01:56AM
Oh it was a rush. But ya know, I pick it up and look at it now, and I think...."well, that's nice, I'm fortunate" and I set it back down. And that's about all. It supplied me with much euphoria and PLENTY of pats on the back and "Atta-boy"s but it's sort of fading now. But thanks for your awesome comments guys, don't wanna take away from that.