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Posted by Pips 
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December 09, 2007 05:18AM
Well, you asked for my two cents on your DVD.

Best 30 bucks I have spent in a long time. I’m telling the truth.

Pros - How excited you got when you found something (that was cool )
Shows you proper swing control and timing
How to locate and define a target
What targets are a waste of time
How to setup a test garden
The dirt in the hand cutting in half
What I was doing wrong (and 90% of the people on the beach do it wrong)
Holding the head on the ground instead of 2 inches up

Cons - Cheesy sides between segments (didn’t look classy)
Have a little plastic coated check off list included w/DVD for leaving
the house and setting up to start the hunt at the site
Need to explain “what is the Salt setting on a detector - my def is
beach but I found out it is wet sand (But how wet? Wet from the tide
going out? Or watery?)
Website hard to find with search engine

As you can see I have 3 times as many Pros - this DVD should be part of the Detector package when you buy one and spend 500 to a 1000 dollars for a detector. It would sure cut the learning curve. PIPS
December 09, 2007 02:51PM
Thanks for this review. This is exactly the info I seek to find out........ especially for (whenever) I find the time to commece a beach DVD.