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Off track but pertinent...

Posted by Dan-Pa. 
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Off track but pertinent...
August 04, 2013 01:28PM
Taking Coumadine and a beta blocker for A Fib and an hour in the field and ready to pack it in...after several month they finally have my coumadine level at a steady 2.5 but my get up and go has got up and went. Not much choice as if the A Fib kicks in again a blood clot could easily give me a stroke.
Any input from members who have experience with same would be appreciated as all my other test are negative and numbers spot on...
Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 04, 2013 02:12PM
Hang in there Dan. An hour in the field is still good exercise and way better than sitting and stagnating. What does the Doc say about detecting? Did you ask him about the loss of energy?
There are a few foods that you shouldn't eat while taking coumadine, ones rich in vitamin 'K'.
My wife's mother takes coumadine, I've noticed she lays in the hammock often...have never seen her do that before.
Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 04, 2013 02:45PM
Ozzie covered all the bases and seems it affects everyone a little different. Got the feeling that your body adjusts to it after time so lets hope its soon.
Being active with other senior citizens one can get first hand info and certainly have confidence in my Doc's or would change Doc's....
Certainly don't like going from an active 74 guy to an inactive 75 year old guy and hope its not a permanent type reaction...besides some of these local younghuns need some competition...
Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 04, 2013 02:54PM
I like your spirit, Dan.
Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 04, 2013 02:54PM
Hi Dan, you reminded me of a time when I was in the hospital. About 6 years ago I felt awful, very very tired all the time and my left arm felt odd/heavy. To make a long story short I was rushed to a major hospital and woke up the next morning with 3 stents in my heart. I am told that I am very lucky to be alive 3 out of 4 arteries were 100% blocked and the 4th. was 65% blocked. I had to have a stent placed in part of the heart that they don't like to touch unless they have to they call it the widow maker. They put me on a buch of medicines, the beta blocker slowed my heart down to a crawl and ended me back in the hospital. Took of that and things were better, put on several different cholesterol pills but they all made my legs hurt and or cramp. I was on blood thinners for two years, no longer take it. I am 52 and do pretty good but am not like I used to be some has to do with getting older but I believe most of it is the meds. I am on. If I get tired out I take it easy and rest for awhile, don't over due it Dan, and if you don't feel right tell your doctor or the hospital you go to there are many different meds out there. Sometimes it takes a little while for your body to get adjusted to a new medication. Best of luck to you Dan, I find that sometimes it is good to talk to others that have or have had similar issues, and I'd be more than happy to give you my number if you ever want to chat. I have done alittle business with you over the years and have enjoyed reading your posts on the forums, you are a real asset to the hobby and hope that you are around for many many more years. Steve.

Well since I have already made my short story long I might as well tell you this -

While I was in the hospital after getting my stents they brought this older gentleman in my room in the other bed across from mhe had a-fib. All of a sudden the nurse (Asian nationality of some kind) came running in and stoood over his bed and said so sorry sir almost in a panic voice, she apologised and apologised and he said whats the matter. She said I jsut noticed that you were a doctor (he was a retired doctor) and I didn't address you as Dr. So and so, he pointed at me and looked at her and said you see that young man over there I am just like him I get up in the morning and put my pants on one leg at a time, I am no different than he or anyone else is there is no need to apologise. He was alot of fun rooming with. I will never forget that fella and what he said about being no better than anyone else.

P.S. I'd put my money on that you could find more in an hour than them younghuns could in a day.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2013 02:58PM by SkiWhiz.
Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 04, 2013 04:12PM
Hang in there Dan.

I take a pharmacy grade of CoQ10 (found at Costco) that my help the side effects of Beta Blocker. Talk to your doc and see if its ok to take.

Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 04, 2013 04:31PM
Becareful of your skin becoming thin and bleeding...I hope you get through this and return to what you lovet o do in life.




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Anonymous User
Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 04, 2013 09:58PM
Dan, I have been dealing with A fib for the last six years. I have chronic A fib, my heart is never in rhythm I'm 62, had the ablation operation done but it did not work. I take verapamil to control heart rate, and Pradaxa ( blood thinner ). With Pradaxa I don't have to have my blood checked every two weeks, which saves me a bundle on copay. The Verapamil really saved my butt, Doc said if it didn't work then the next step would be pace maker. I have my A fib under control and I can function normal about 90 percent of the time. You really have to be careful about cuts, it takes forever to get the bleeding stopped. I don't clean fish or cut up deer anymore.
I hope I will still be able to swing for an hour at 74. You will learn how to deal with this.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2013 10:33PM by Mojo Daddy.
Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 04, 2013 11:23PM
Dan, I have been on a B Blocker for about 10yrs now. Still surf(40 years now) and try to get out detecting a couple times a week, can't surf more than a couple hours and the 8 hr days of detecting aren't happening any more. Yep, I feel tired but just pace myself. I think the effects you experiencing is more from the condition you have than the meds themselves. The heat this time of year only adds to the tired feeling, be sure to stay hydrated. Slow and easy wins the race.
Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 05, 2013 02:10PM
Thanks for the support guys...indeed all drugs etc. have their side effects and certainly been a hot summer which adds to the problem.

Golden years are only golden for the Doc's-hospitals and such...quoting my wife you should be glad for what you have as many in my age category
really have problems and are really limited in their lifestyles..Come on Fall as when it cools off should get some quality time in the field...

March was the start of an off year for sure but hope to end the season with a goodie or two in the pouch....
Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 05, 2013 11:04PM
dan, sure hope you can get this figured out and overcome! what does the doc say, short term and long term?

if you have any calm lakes to hunt that might be a better way for you to still enjoy the hobby until you get things straightened out.

Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 06, 2013 01:31AM
Fellas, I have to say aging is just about as much fun as an ingrown toenail. I have to say a prayer for all of us, especially you guys
that have learned to cope & deal with it. I thank the Good LORD for my wife who has suffered with polycystic kidney disease and is now on hemodialysis, 3-days a week, lot of pain and praying, research on the web, and learning to never trust any doctor until he/she can prove to me that I am not on an assembly line and/or lab rat. If the doc can't explain to me without giving me that "How dare you question me......." , attitude.and take the time to explain things to my satisfaction , then they are not worth my time,nor anyone's for that matter.

IF you find a competent doctor, you better thank the LORD, and hang with them.....in my experience they are few and far between.
There is a lot of info on the web...research, and just like sharing here, sharing info is an excellent time saver.

(www.clinicaltrials.gov) has proven to be an excellent source for new/upcoming treatments for ailments A-Z.

God Bless you all.

Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 06, 2013 02:25AM
Hope things work out for you Dan!!

My dads 80 and in great health but His Knees are shot,, and his feet...All those years in the Marine Corps running ...He used to hunt with me and dig bottles and such We had some great times up till about 15 years ago....But he can hardly walk to the Mailbox now...

So if your physically able once you get your meds dialed in you will be good to go..that's the thing if you can get around comfortable your 3/4's there...Jsut get your body adapted to med's...sometimes it takes awhile ...

I know every time I feel a little down I think about this Guy I saw one time years ago in a wheelchair...it was ice cold outside and he had no legs and one arm and was trying to get across an interscetion while holding His groceries in his lap and using his one arm to roll..I thought poor guy then I saw him let out a big laugh to a pedestrian on the corner..must have said somehting funny ...Who Know's? ....I thought to myself ..WHAT A GUY!!!

Good luck I will keep you in my prayer's..

Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 06, 2013 04:42PM
Well i just got home from the hosiptal yesterday, and that's what they told me i got A-FIB and they perscribed a pradaka i gues thats how they spell it, real shortness of breath and keep getting sweaty after i take my meds, it's not fun, got to go see the heart doctor monday and see what he has to say, i'm getting tired real fast and i never knew i had this thing, HH
Re: Off track but pertinent...
August 06, 2013 10:03PM
For those not aware A Fib is basically an electrical inbalance which cause the heartbeat to become irregular....The scary part is if it happens again could cause a bloodclot which leads to a stroke or even death. Right now on a blood thinner and a meds to control the heart. Imagine could be many variations which are treated in various ways. In my case a real problem as my dad died from a blood clot to the brain but actually doing well but tire easily and my wife of 49 years has problems which further complicates the situation. As Keith alluded to the fellow complaining of worn shoes changed his attitude when he saw a fellow with no legs so indeed I will work thru it as no blockages or valve problems and has to cool off soon so thankful for the blessings I have.....