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Posted by Pips 
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December 29, 2007 03:59PM
Tom --

I felt I really needed to tell you this. I was very frustrated and ready to sell my CZ 70 until I found this website and your DVD.

The right to the point complete answers you give to questions and your tips on how to use my machine have rekindled my desire to hunt more. I was doing so many things wrong but didn’t know it. I know I have many more hours of swing time to be more competent but at least I’m pointed in the right direction.

You are doing more for the sport than the machine manufacturers with their cryptic instructions and 5-minute videos.

Please keep on doing what you are doing. You’re a great encouragement.

Thanks again and my you have Great Finds in 2008, Pips
Re: Appreciation
December 29, 2007 09:48PM
Tom has a great site here and there is all kinds of help here.

I have a CZ 70,CZ 5,CZ 3d and a ID Edge.
The CZ 70 and the 5" is like swinging nothing.
If you don't have a 5" coil,get one.
Don't know what kind of hunting you do,the 5" is the coil that I use the most.
In our soil, I have no problem hiting a 9" coin with the 5" coil..
The problem that I have, is 2 other hunting buddys use CZ's and when we got on a small house lot, they get to talking when we get close, that is why the Edge.
The CZ's are well built.
Re: Appreciation
December 30, 2007 04:12AM
As with many things in life, inspiration, aspiration and perspiration describe the essential escence of this hobby. "To inspire" and "to be inspired" is double icing on the proverbial cake. --- At times, I am slow to respond or short on time.... but always try to give myself, my time and as many tips and pointers.... hoping that...... one of them may just be the one special tip that leads to the road-to-success for someone. Yes, I concur this should be one of the responsibilities of the manufacturers. Pips; Thanks for the positive feedback!

Re: Appreciation
December 30, 2007 09:47PM
Thanks for the input BJ -

I got the CZ 70 because of the water-resistant factor for beach hunting in Florida, which is mostly what I do. But I have been scoping out some old home sites nearby for future hunting. It is good to know that it is as reliable as Tom has said. I’ll put the 5” in my journal that I’m keeping so I don’t forget all the tips I’m getting. (Especially setting)

As I said in the note to Tom, without someone to walk/talk you through some of this stuff you don’t have a clue and just get frustrated to the point of wanting to quit. But I’m on the right track now. I’ve been practicing more with a garden of my own.

2008 will be great and I pray that all of us will have your biggest finds yet – just watch where you’re BJ digging (snakes that is)
