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Detecting in Iron DVD by K.S

Posted by wolfau 
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Detecting in Iron DVD by K.S
January 04, 2014 01:26AM
How awesome would this be if Keith.S made a DVD?

A 90 minute DVD of detecting action in iron infested ground using a number of detectors
watching Keith use his knowledge and experience finding the treasure among the iron.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2014 10:25AM by wolfau.
Re: Detecting in Iron DVD
January 04, 2014 02:34AM
There's something I'd pay good money to own...


How about it, Keith?! winking smiley

Re: Detecting in Iron DVD
January 04, 2014 02:53AM
he kind of has that you just have to watch them on you tube




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Re: Detecting in Iron DVD
January 04, 2014 03:19AM
Looks like I need to check out youtube...if any of his videos have the detector's sounds piped into the video's audio track (like on NASA-Tom's "Inland Coin" DVD), that will be amazing...

I'd still like to see him put together a video, though...he could make some $$$!

Re: Detecting in Iron DVD
January 04, 2014 03:29AM
I'd give a few shekels for that.
Re: Detecting in Iron DVD
January 04, 2014 04:38AM
Yep fully aware of Keiths Dvd's on youtube and

Have enjoyed watching them.

I think Keith has much more knowledge to share though and

Keith deserves to make a few bucks from that

Even though money has never been a motivation for

Keith. Just my thoughts.

Re: Detecting in Iron DVD
January 04, 2014 05:09AM
I've suggested that very thing. I have my debit card ready!!!! It doesn't even have to be video clips of great finds ...ie buckles, plates, Southern buttons. Just video about an hour (or two) of hunting in iron. There is a VERY good chance that I am doing it too fast, or too slow. I love watching a detectorists who knows what he's doing, do it.
Re: Detecting in Iron DVD by K.S
January 04, 2014 06:51PM
Hey Fella's !!!

Very nice of you to want to see a video of iron hunting from me...Flattered that you would pay money...But anything I can come up wiht in quality would be primitive at best...

Here's the problem I have ran into with trying to do a hunt with audio..the sounds I want to dig sounds like the sounds I dont want to dig on the video...in other words something is lost in the audio clarity...

I have been experementing on thing's...

I have a nicer waterproof sport's camera now and maybe I can figure away to hook up the audio from the headphones and feed it in ..that should be easy but then I have to figure out a way to talk also...if the mic is plugged into the detector not sure if I can also split it off an get some sort of Mic unit for my talking point's...

but at the moment Im perplexed...But I do have a piece of Nice gear for filming now..Also working on some mount setup's...Im thinking chest mount might be the best right now..

I have hours and hours of video tapped out in the woods hunting but have not assembled it together and edited out the dead zone's.....but still they are not educative since the audio sound is way off...

You know how when you watch a video and you say why does he not dig all those signals Im hearing...well here in lies the problem.. they don't sound like that in real world, that's why there not dug.. theres not enough definition on the camera mic...

Im a one man operation and not very technical savy...so trial and error is in order till I find the proper setup to work..

I assure you I am trying ..and I find it a challenge and I like that.. yet I like to detect to and like to find palces to hunt so that takes up time also...

Not enough time in the day to accomplish everything I want to do..LOL!!


Re: Detecting in Iron DVD by K.S
January 04, 2014 10:36PM
Count me in Keith if you make a dvd using the G2 which i just purchased.

An easy program to make dvd's is imovie but you need an Apple computer
And your camera needs to be suitable for it.

You may want to try a 2 way microphone jack splitter.

Connect one end to your mic which sits in place on your face.

Get a tiny second mic (cheap on ebay) and Conect to other splitter

and stick this into one of the head phones.

Have not tried this but cant see why it should not work.

Not sure though if your camera has a mic jack.

You could have like 15 dvd series using different machines create an

Ebay store and start selling.

Printers are cheap enough for disk labels and you can get a heat sealer

And heat shrink plastic cut a piece to fit dvd heat seal edges then with heat gun shrink

Plastic until its tight around case.
