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Careful my northern climate friends

Posted by SkiWhiz 
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Careful my northern climate friends
January 14, 2014 04:12PM
I woke up this morning and after looking outside and seeing spots of green grass peaking out of the snow I ended up with a good case of detectoritis. Will let you know what the dermatologist has to say, I am real itchy hopefully he has a cure for it.
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 14, 2014 04:25PM
Don't worry. As soon as it gets warm it will rain alot.

Discrimination is the root of all evil.
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 14, 2014 09:48PM
Even the best Doc. in town can't cure cabin fever....
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 15, 2014 01:57AM
Take 1 tablespoon of dirt three times a day with food.
Water as needed.

DeepTech Vista X with 3 search coils.
Works for me
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 15, 2014 01:28PM
Just do what I do

pack machine in truck and head for every sledding hill you can find in the area!

I found over $5 in change this past saturday on 2 different sleddin hils ;-)

Not ideal hunting by any means but helps with the "cabin fever" problem!
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 15, 2014 02:33PM
One local fellow hit the snowbanks of the plowed parking lots to break cabin fever.

Years ago took the gamblers bus to Atlantic City which makes for a long day but saltwater beaches never freeze. Coins back to seated and a few gold rings along the way.

Where there is a will there is a way.
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 15, 2014 05:04PM
No one around here detects at least I never see any in the 30 years I have been at it other than one fella I saw years ago that had a detector at a park. So if anyone saw me detecting a parking lot snowbank or a sledding hill they would think that I was nuts and want to admit me to the funny farm. Not many sledding hills around come to think of it as this means the kids would have to actually go outside and leave their Nintendo's, Wii's, Ipod's, TV's and other life support things at home.
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 15, 2014 08:17PM
Don't be fooled as every area has detectorists....been in some way out of the way areas and know someone has been there before me...unfortunately lots of them are not very neat...only see a few over a season but know we have a large active club and a lots of singles roaming around...
As far as sledding hills we have a few and as soon as the weather breaks know there is some gas money laying right on top after the snow melts...
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 16, 2014 08:35PM
SkiWhiz Wrote:
> No one around here detects at least I never see
> any in the 30 years I have been at it other than
> one fella I saw years ago that had a detector at a
> park. So if anyone saw me detecting a parking lot
> snowbank or a sledding hill they would think that
> I was nuts and want to admit me to the funny farm.
> Not many sledding hills around come to think of it
> as this means the kids would have to actually go
> outside and leave their Nintendo's, Wii's, Ipod's,
> TV's and other life support things at home.

oYou've got a point with the kids having to leave their life support systems at home and their lack in being outdoor active these days skiwhiz!
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 16, 2014 09:15PM
I just bought a G2 from NASA Tom, and had to take it out Sunday, since it was finally above freezing...barely. I am sure the detector worked great but I had to dig through ice/frozen ground for anything over 1.5" deep. found a few coins, pocketknife, old metal airplane. I am thawed out now and able to type again. Back to watching Tom's videos and waiting this time for a day with temps of at least 40. Spring better hurry.
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 17, 2014 12:36AM
Welcome to the forum, Rod.
Re: Careful my northern climate friends
January 17, 2014 01:15AM
Checked my ground in my back yard today as was doing some work outside anyways and it it is still frozen solid. Last year I detected all winter as didn't get cold enough to freeze. What a difference a year can make. I guess it was that polar vortex we got when are high temp was - 11. And that was with out the wind chill! The windy city.