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question for Tom

Posted by WadeS 
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question for Tom
January 14, 2008 07:00PM
I received your video a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed the tips and footage. I think it was very informative and well worth the purchase.

I just purchased an F-75 this past week and have been going through a number of threads on the F-75. I came across a thread you and Indiana Heath had several months ago pertaining to settings for the F-75. You mentioned that in most detecting situations you would use single monotone with a disc setting at 6, and sensitivity at 80 or so. Do you still feel this is the best approach with these machines? I assume you recommend monotone so users will dig all repeatable signals as opposed to "culling" certain targets based on tone pitch.

Most of my experience has been with an older minelab sovereign. When I went detecting yesterday with the F-75, I appreciated the machines quick response on targets near iron. I always felt I was missing targets while the sovereign was recovering. I was hunting in a recently plowed field so I'm not sure what I was hearing was indicative of "normal" conditions. I did find several shallow flat buttons and musket balls. I pinpointed the way you suggested in the referenced thread by narrowing the sweep to just a couple of inches. It seemed easier for me to differentiate location in that manner than activating the pinpoint switch and hearing the broad squeal. Is it easy to pinpoint with the sweep technique on deeper objects?

I'll stop for now. Thanks for any advise you can offer.

Re: question for Tom
January 15, 2008 01:58AM
I would NEVER recommend digging everything above a Disc setting of '6'. This is ONLY to be used for serious RELIC hunting......IF AND ONLY IF,,,,,,, it is a very old area...and is littered with iron..... and your intent ALREADY,,, is to recover all non-ferrous targets. If you are at a typical park/school/church etc.... digging everything would be quite painful. TOO much trash! But boy..... would I love to recommend EVERY newbe to this hobby dig ALL non-ferrous targets for the first 2 years. A MUCH greater appreciation of discrimination would be ascertained..... but also a great education on what SO many targets read,,,, including the gold items that would be found with this detecting mindset and method. Now-a-days...... time is just too critical.

Pinpointing; If you are fairly certain that there will only be one target under the coil that you wish to pinpoint...... use the pinpoint function. If the area hunted is quite trashy......don't use the PP function; rather, use the 'wiggle' function (very short sweep).
