Detector depth problems
March 18, 2010 05:59PM
In the article below Tom wrote of a problem that happened between two detectors when the came within 120 of each other. Is this still the rule for today’s modern machines?
If it is then I must start hunting a little further apart than 120 feet.

Re: Detector depth problems
March 18, 2010 08:24PM
Don't know about other units but if two CZ guys hunt together hunt super far apart as even if not crosstalking they are causing both fellows depth...been there done that..and read several stories on this CZ situation....
Re: Detector depth problems
March 19, 2010 02:45AM
I didnt know that. My buddys got a CZ too.
Thanks Dan!
Re: Detector depth problems
March 19, 2010 09:48AM
Aaron, this was a few years back when a hunting buddy of mine also had a CZ-5 and we had been hunting an old park together. One day I got there about an hour ahead of him and flagged 3 deep coin hits in an area we had both covered. They were the one way only type hits that pinpointed properly so probably not iron falses. Sure enough with both detectors operating a good distance apart those flagged targets were gone. All were silver dimes.

Re: Detector depth problems
March 19, 2010 10:43AM
When my buddy & I hunt together, we will often want to compare readings on a particular target. He uses an E-trac & I use a F-75.... no problems as long as our coils stay a few feet away.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/2010 10:44AM by ozzie.
Re: Detector depth problems
March 19, 2010 01:55PM
This was CZ-to-CZ.....a major problem. The biggest problem was the fact that 'YOU NEVER EVEN KNEW THAT YOU WERE OPERATING AT A REDUCED PERFORMANCE LEVEL' because the units were quiet/stable. Yes..... when the units were only a handful of feet apart from each could 'then' HEAR the interference. It is the 'quiet' or 'unobvious' times when the units are interfering with each other.....inducing 'reduced performance' that is the worst.......because you will never know it. I seem to recall 120-feet being the magic number for the CZ's.
The good thing about the F75's/T2' split second they incur interference......they will 'talk' ..and you will know it. No 'silent interference'.
Two F75's play fairly nicely together........with a minimum required distance of 60-feet from each other.
A CZ and a F75 is 19" (yes, inches). These units (dramatic Freq difference) play VERY nicely together.