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Question on F75 and using 4H tones

Posted by Pac man 
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Question on F75 and using 4H tones
January 17, 2015 01:40PM
Since I got the F75 I have mostly been using 3 tones and some time 3H. After reading Toms compilation F75 and seeing what older coins,main focus on the $5 gold coin,fall into the mid high tone I got to thinking about where the $1 dollar would fit.

If I remember right Tom said that the $1 gold coin would VDI at 24.

Just to see if I understand the VDI and tone relationship using 4H below is how I think it breaks out.
If I am wrong let me know.

Low tone 1-15
Mid low tone 16-25 / 36-52 with 16-25 as $1 gold coin range
Mid high tone 53-65 $5 gold coin range
High tone 26-35 / 66-99

One question is using either 3H or 4H does that bring the whole nickel range of 26-35 in to the high tone or is the VDI range narrower?

If the above is correct the only way that the $1 gold coin would be anything other than a mid low tone would be by up it averaging 1point or more into the nickel 26-35 range thus giving it a high tone.

Next question is how likely is that to happen? And under what conditions would the up averaging occur. Would being tilted or on edge have an up averaging affect or just the opposite.
I know there are no clear set rules and a lot of things affect the out come for such , just trying to get you guys thoughts.

Using JE mostly and silver coins does seem to up average a lot on when the coins are deeper and using a fairly fast swing but once located and working the coil directly over the target the VDI start to settle down and read to closer proper VDIs.

Pac Man
Re: Question on F75 and using 4H tones
January 18, 2015 12:58AM
Regardless of 'which' tones......... anytime 'H' is selected (3H or 4H)...... the nickel conductivity window remains the same.

TOO many variables for up-averaging or down-averaging ..... in reference to the U.S. $1 gold coin.
Re: Question on F75 and using 4H tones
January 18, 2015 03:17PM
So which tone settings would work the best to detect the $1 gold coin?

I currently have a F75 LTD.
I'm hunting a site with a lot of old nails (1850-60s) and believe there is a good
chance for a $1 gold coin to be there. I've found five half-dimes (1832-1857),
seven shielded nickels and several Indians on three hunts. Most of the large (easy)
stuff has been hunted out over the years.

I would like to set the F75 so it would have the optimal chance of detecting the $1 gold coin
under these conditions. Suggestions anyone?

Re: Question on F75 and using 4H tones
January 18, 2015 05:32PM
You can not 'assign' tones to the F75. The U.S. One Dollar gold coins conductively are just barely above iron ID. Right in the middle of the 'foil' range. Selecting 2 or 3 or 4 tones on the F75...... and the small gold coin will ID as a mid-tone 'foil' ID reading....... under ideal conditions.
Re: Question on F75 and using 4H tones
January 18, 2015 05:43PM
Hi Tom,,,,correct me if I am wrong but I thought I read that the F-75 can be set up to emulate/simulate the 3D?...JJ
Re: Question on F75 and using 4H tones
January 19, 2015 12:22AM
When you select 4H tones on F75....... it is "old coins" CZ-3D (nearly) exacting.