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F70 All metal mode?

Posted by beastdig 
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F70 All metal mode?
March 20, 2015 12:03AM
Does the F70 have a Motion AM mode like the F75?
Re: F70 All metal mode?
March 20, 2015 03:38AM
Hi,,,it should be in the manual.........JJ
Re: F70 All metal mode?
March 20, 2015 03:57AM
Yes, it does. And it's plenty deep with the 11" coil.
Re: F70 All metal mode?
March 20, 2015 04:11AM
Thanks. Might look into one. Wonder how it stacks up to the F75 ltd's Bp AM mode. Either way the F70 looks like a bargain.
Re: F70 All metal mode?
March 20, 2015 03:03PM
I don't use AM often and I haven't used an F75 LTD, but I believe it is very similar to the older generation F75 LTD's BP mode when you run the F70 in SL mode - maybe just a tad shallower from what I've read on this forum. One other possible difference is that I don't seem to get a VDI readout on things much deeper than 8" or so in the ground (AM or otherwise), even though the audio is there. This could be my bad dirt because I've heard others say differently. Definitely a bargain, though.
Re: F70 All metal mode?
March 21, 2015 10:30AM
I can't express how impressed I am with this thing.
I spent most of last year experimenting and examining most targets every which way but Sunday with all kinds of settings trying to get a handle on this thing.
From Dec.2013 through most of the spring and summer my usual finds totals suffered a bit because I was messing around more than digging, but once I settled down with some favorite setups by September I made up for that and then some.
So many settings available, so much it can do with the right settings in so many different types of sites and under a vast number of different conditions.
Most of the good stuff in my area seems to hover around the 6" depth mark, but I have found great targets a bit deeper and this thing easily goes twice that in all metal and in disc especially when using the big DD F75 coil.

Regarding AM...that feature I used to my advantage in a surprising way in a place that most would think would be...unadvisable, a site so filled with iron of all shapes, sizes and amounts that everyone else that ever came here left after only one visit with little to show for their effort.
Stubborn me stayed and kept trying and eventually I found patterns in all the jumpy numbers and tones I was hearing and seeing using maxed out everything in AM and eventually started to dig the better targets we all suspected were here but we're masked so badly that nobody could recognize them for what they really were..
Over time I dug a lot less iron and a lot more non ferrous targets till I got to the point I could pick out those non iron targets and dig very little iron at all if I chose to do that.
Months later I used this same method at a completely different site at a hunted to death site in a public park with similar conditions and plucked out a silver dime that was still there that everyone had missed.
I also have used Tom's suggested method of hunting this kind of site in disc 6 and monotone to some success, so now I have 2 different techniques that work under some very challenging conditions.
Such is the power and ability of the F70.
Here is what it found hidden at that site I affectionately came to call the iron mine.

Through the rest of the year I made up for lost time and ended up with a better year than I thought possible despite my anal way I have learning any new detector.
It might seem to others I was spinning my wheels at first with the F70, I prefer to think of it as time well spent that will pay me back 10 fold as long as I use it.
Here is my 2014 year end wrap up.


This year in a very cold January with extremely little hunting time I made those few hunts that were possible count.

In the last few weeks after the weather got better and the soil defrosted the finds are still coming at a great pace including 8 silver jewelry targets so far, a ton of clad and many other great items and the year is only beginning.

Sleeper is a word used for products that are better than they seem at first, when describing the F70 I believe this word does not do it justice.
Try amazing, jaw dropping and flat out remarkable.
My opinion , of course, but other owners that spent the time to learn and understand it all seem to have a similar opinion.
Re: F70 All metal mode?
March 23, 2015 02:31PM
Well said. On many accounts.
Re: F70 All metal mode?
March 23, 2015 02:54PM
I agree with digg. An amazing detector..