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So Tom...

Posted by jbow 
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So Tom...
June 15, 2010 06:40PM
is the United States going to have a space program in the future. Has Obama cancelled the Constellation program? Is anything going on or do you think the future of space exploration will be a private effort rather than public?

Re: So Tom...
June 16, 2010 12:14PM
While a decision has yet to be made for our Space Program by this current administration; we do know this:

Much of Kennedy Space Center is being dismantled/demolitioned....beyond the point-of-no-return.
The Space Shuttle and its replacement (the Constellation) are cancelled. (Only 2 Space Shuttle launches remain).
Soon, the U.S. will solely be reliant upon Russia to transport U.S. astronauts to the Space Station.
The public space program is being transitioned over to the private sector.
Within the past year; thousands of layoffs.....along with resignations......have taken place just at Kennedy Space Center alone. These folks are scientists, physicists, technicians, engineers, mathematicians etc. The largest layoff is to take place in Sept/Oct of this year.
Hussain Obama wants a much higher Muslim presence in our space program (Feb 16 - Orlando Sentinel.....under the column "The Write Stuff").
This administration wants the rest of the world to catch up to our space program.....so as to 'even' the playing field. A Muslim nation.....or China, India may now take the lead in space.
Recently, large amounts of money is being pumped into the private sector program.
The Space-X Falcon-9 might be the Space Shuttle replacement..... but currently, this is a unmanned rocket.

These are just a few of the 'known status' items IRT our space program.
Re: So Tom...
June 16, 2010 01:14PM

Thanks for letting us know about the extent of the decline of our space program. Like a lot of Americans I knew the space program was being scaled back, but had know idea it was being taken apart let this. I will contact our Congressman and Senators here in NC. I am very sorry to see this happen.
Re: So Tom...
June 16, 2010 02:42PM
That is outrageous. This is what happens when the people elect a president based on what they "feel" rather than what they "think".

I was listening to a message by R.C. Sproul and something he said really jumped out at me. It was, in general terms, a reference to how it happens when he asks a student a question and the student begins the answer with the words, "well, I feel that... blah, blah..." R.C. said he will stop them there and tell them that he does not want to know what they "feel", he wants to know what they "think".
It may seem like a subtle difference, a non-issue but in the wake of the presidential election of '08 I think it a quite profound difference. I hope that irrepariable damage isn't dome to NASA, the military, and to the United States in general before someone does something.
His dismantling of NASA is just a visible, tangable example of what he is trying to do to the USA and its foundation. He does not like the founding principles and is trying to destroy them. He is the closest thing to an American Lenin or Stalin we have had. I hesitate to say this as I don't want to invalidate my complaint but it is true, he is another president from Illinois. The other one made illegal war on the states based on feelings rather than law and took control of the free press. I hope this one doesn't turn to voilence. He is already using intimidation against the business sector.
You called hin Hussein Obama and I think it does indeed speak volumes that he changed his Christian name to his muslim name whil in college after a trip to Pakistan... he was no longer Barry, he was now Barack Hussein Obama. All muslims know that a muslim does not necessarily become a muslim by conversion. A son born to a muslim... is a muslim and their "religion" approves of them lying to further the ends of islam... just saying... it waddles and it quacks.
He sure looks and acts like an anti-american president... but he made people feel good... so I guess it is ok.

It is maddening. Will we wake up in time? Didn't the military also take an oath to protect and defend the constitution? I guess I better shut up.

I am beginning to think that the "disaster" in the gulf was caused by Obama's hesitation... that he wanted this to become a disaster because it gives him the chance to seize more power by massive new regulatory laws... remember? ... never let a crisis go to waste!! He could have accepted the help that was offered by other nations, he could have allowed the states to do what they could to try to keep the oil off shore, he could have allowed BP to begin to burnoff the oil from the beginning but, (and this is my personal opinion), he didn't want it contained right away. BP had an accident, the result of nothing being done with the spilling oil is the cause of the "disaster" and the "people" also bear the blame for electing politicians who would enforce their desire to have oil platforms way out in deep water so they wouldn't have to look at them. If the oil companies had not been forced to drill in way out in one mile of water, then through two more miles of rock... does anyone really think they would have done that? I don't. I think they would all be in much more shallow water where they would have been able to cap the well in about a week. They would be in Anwar. The people share the blame for this but everyone is pointing at BP... I will be buying my regular tank of BP gas today.

If it will somehow help NASA I will participate in the "Face in Space"program... but what a legacy for the end of our space program... it is truly sad.

Tom, I hope you land on your feet. Perhaps you have been able to pretty much outrun this. It is the younger people who are probably in total shock. After WW II the German scientists came to work for us mostly... perhaps our great minds can find employ in Russia or China. I'm sure that would please Obama.

Re: So Tom...
June 17, 2010 01:03AM
What is truly transpiring........is nothing short of surreal.

If only to speak my real piece-of-mind.

I do have one question: Why would someone deliberately WANT to change their name to Hussain.
Re: So Tom...
June 17, 2010 07:15AM
Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller's new book, "The Post American Presidency - The Obama Administration's War on America" will be released next month, and will be essential reading material for anyone concerned about this administration. Also, stay up to date with what is going on by checking Spencer's blog at jihadwatch.org.
Re: So Tom...
June 17, 2010 12:30PM
Hasnt chosen a church home in DC and plays golf on Sunday. Bows to heads of state. Jimmy Carter Jr. is what i have been calling him since the start. He is worse though. Wonder if it would help if we sent him an MD. Could change the course of history
Tom, is your job in jeopardy?
June 17, 2010 01:04PM
Are you in danger if getting wacked as well?
Re: So Tom...
June 17, 2010 01:13PM
Unfortunately with high unemployment, people leveraged to the hilt, loosing homes, wages cut and savings down the drain, most people in this country do not care or think about programs such as the space program because it does not effect them directly.

I think people who have a genuine love of the space program, NASA and how technologically it has advanced us, are the minority in this country. Cutting funding and dismantling the programs does not bring the masses into an uproar, so it's easy to do without political repercussions.

I for one have been a fan since I was 9 years old and still have my old space exploration binders with the books and stickers of the rockets. I also have my Apollo 13 command and lunar module model displayed in my den and tune into the NASA channel every day to check things out. Makes me sad to think how much farther we could be if we really funded these programs the way we should have instead of continuing to fund entitlement programs that continue to drain us all. I continue to preach that research and development in ALL endevours is the most important piece of the puzzle and companies who thoroughly fund their R and D department are those who are always at the cutting edge and brining new things into the mix. To me, NASA is our country's R and D department and we not only not fund it properly, but are dismantling it and this is a BIG mistake.
Re: So Tom...
June 18, 2010 04:28AM
and there shall emerge a great leader!..,but he is not as he appears to be!

Re: So Tom...
June 18, 2010 06:06PM
jmaryt Wrote:
> and there shall emerge a great leader!..,but he is
> not as he appears to be!
> (h.h!)
> j.t.

Obama is to world economics and the business community what Hitler was to his geograaphic neighbors. There are a lot of parallels if you look at the way Adolf took power. He did it slowly, over a number of years. He just took it like Obama is doing. Obama ignores the constitutional limits on the power of the federal government, he views them as a hinderance. He views the founders and the founding documents as flawed and he will seize as much power as he is allowed to seize. I just hope he is checked by congress, the judiciary, or the military before he is beyond reach. Many presidennts have severely over-reached their powers and it has never ended well for this country... it always ends with more federal power over the states and over the people. We are fast becoming a democracy and that will be the end of life as we know it. You know the old saying about three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner... well, we are the sheep in a democracy.

I think it is going to be really interesting to watch what comes out of the upcoming G8 meeting. Obama just sent a letter to European leaders reproving them for cutting back on spending... he says it will hurt America and that the European governments should continue to borrow and spend.
I think they will tell him to go pound sand... it may be a fun couple of weeks, I just hope he doesn't pursuade any of them but I don't forsee that happening because they can well see that the emperor has no clothes... or more suitably ...the suit has no man. Besides Angela Merkel is WAY stronger a leader than Hussein is and Putin could whip his arse.

In any case, i'm sure Mr. Obama will find someome to bow down to while he is abroad... or maybe his wife will touch the Queen again... or give her another ipod... good grief...

Re: So Tom...
June 19, 2010 03:50AM
Oh boy and everyone love Bush so much




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Re: So Tom...
June 19, 2010 04:47AM
Lawrenzo Wrote:
> Oh boy and everyone love Bush so much

I'm more of a Karl Rove fan myself.

Re: So Tom...
June 19, 2010 05:20AM
Lawrenzo Wrote:
> Oh boy and everyone love Bush so much

Right! Because everyone who doesn't like Obama must love George W. Bush. It's a requirement.

Nice strawman.
Re: So Tom...
June 19, 2010 05:39AM
Why is that always the stock answer from the left. Obama's been in power long enough that it's time to start laying blame at his feet. Regardless of what he inherited from Bush, he's mucked it up worse.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2010 05:42AM by Crosby.
Re: So Tom...
June 19, 2010 05:59AM
Crosby Wrote:
> Why is that always the stock answer from the left.
> Obama's been in power long enough that it's time
> to start laying blame at his feet. Regardless of
> what he inherited from Bush, he's mucked it up
> worse.

It's just an easy answer for them to shoot off without any real thought involved. It's a heavily marketed, packaged answer from the likes of Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and the rest of the MSNBC talking heads.

I'm no Bush apologist, and I blame his administration for many of the problems our country is currently facing, but Obama is far more dangerous. I don't know if any other President in history was as fiercely anti-American as Barack Obama. The damage he is currently doing, which is likely to continue for at least the next couple of years, may bring America to a point where it can never fully recover. He is working hard to make the US more like Europe, which is a very bad idea, considering the dire position Europe is currently in.

Are we enjoying our "hope" and "change" yet?
Re: So Tom...
June 19, 2010 06:59AM
Can we afford to pay for our "hope" and "change"? Um, no we can't.
Re: So Tom...
June 19, 2010 09:08AM
Crosby Wrote:
> Can we afford to pay for our "hope" and "change"?
> Um, no we can't.

Nope, but apparently we still have billions set aside to send to Pakistan so that they can "fight terrorism" which, to them, means giving the money directly to the terrorists.
Re: So Tom...
June 19, 2010 03:24PM
If we stopped blaming each side maybe we could get something done. And it is all lip service. I saw the movie Bobby and he wanted to change the country also. W have not really moved ahead. Everything we do has a cost I don't think anyone can fix it but they say they can, so what ever changes we have in the future is not going to make a difference less we change the system and I don't think that can happen. Now lets go detecting and we can all vote for the same crap different person in 2012.




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2010 03:26PM by Lawrenzo.
Re: So Tom...
June 20, 2010 04:58AM
OK but as I said get someone new in 2012 and we will just have more problems no one can take us out of this tail spin




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Re: So Tom...
June 20, 2010 05:47AM
the chinese own us!..they are financing our debt!
what an extremely unenviable position to be in!
we are literally f*25ed!..now!..what the hell have we done to ourselves?

Re: So Tom...
June 20, 2010 06:09PM
entitlement programs are a very necessary part of our society!..they have been established to help
the working poor,however the vast majority of the programs are ridiculously over funded,and require
more intense scrutiny to control the "bloat!"

Re: So Tom...
July 19, 2010 12:50AM
Okay Enough! We can try to blame the arrogant leaders we have so incompentantly put in office but everyone is missing the simple truth. We as a nation have turned from God and our founding fathers principles. Our founding fathers established this nation "Under God> and the reason why we were so blessed as a nation was our devotion to the Father. We had a Russian Missionary who talked in our church this morning and he warned of the impending complications we are facing because of the nation's lack of devotion to God and his laws. We have essentially slapped God in the face. We have broke our covenant with Him as a nation now we stand at odds. The Russian Missionary also stated the in countries such as Ukraine, people are able to take their Bibles to school and are able to actually discuss Christian principles in school. However, you can't find that in the US anymore. We aren't allowed. So get with it people and wake up. Vote for God and throw out the athiests, and the like, We got to get back to our Christian roots and renew our covenant with God or we stand to suffer the same fate as Rome, Ethiopia, and Haiti.
Re: So Tom...
July 19, 2010 05:48AM
well stated!..the "demon" is real,and is establishing absolute control over our society!
cast him out!..repent your sins!.,and re-establish your relationship with the lord!

Re: So Tom...
July 19, 2010 12:33PM
I think the fact that this nation has a military presence in over 130 countries, allows it's corporations huge tax breaks while the same corporations are out sourcing our jobs, continues to dump 100's of billions of dollars into social programs that do not work, and welcomes illegal aliens over it's boarders has a lot more impact on our social and economic ills then whether we have faith or not.

Just my 2 cents.
Re: So Tom...
July 19, 2010 01:36PM
You are right to an extent but you still aren't getting the big picture. These things are happening because people have come to worship money instead of God. In essence God is allowing us to destroy ourselves. If we were to get back to the basic principles of Christianity then these things may sieze to continue happening and man would realize what is truley truth and what is truley important. If we would only realize that we are not in control of anything and there is something bigger than us that we have to put our faith in then maybe things will get better. Our fore fathers understood this and relied on their faith in God to build this once blessed and great nation. Be not fooled, this nation wouldn't have come into existance without the will of God. Come on, farmers with basically pitchforks facing the mighty British army and defeated them. A classic David and Goliath tale. Nothing can happen without God's will.
Re: So Tom...
July 19, 2010 02:44PM
Dirtmaster...your quote is the small picture.

"If we were to get back to the basic principles of Christianity"

I am a Christian, but please remember there are many more religions than Christianity, and there are many more diverse people in this country, and the world as a whole. There is a world economy now and many more players are in the picture.

The big picture is not, and cannot be religion. Moral,social and economic issues span across religion, race, creed, color.

Our forefathers did understand this...very well. Hence separation of church and state. Our forefathers preached a non-interventionalist government. Protection of our boarders, self defense, free trade, pursuit of liberty...but not pre-emptive strikes, nation building and the attempt to sway religious beliefs.

This nation did not happen based on the will of God...it happened based on the will of the PEOPLE. God gave us that will and then lets us do what we want with it. We can believe or not believe, we can be moral people or immoral...that is our free will which God has given to us. I do not thank God for his will. I thank God for giving me free will.

This is a fasinating topic, which much constructive debate can occur. It can't, however, get us that extra inch of depth we need to find those 1916D merc dimes !!!! ( or maybe it can !).

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2010 05:59PM by therover61.
Re: So Tom...
July 19, 2010 05:58PM
Spoken as a man who has more faith in man and his freewill than of God. How easily Satan has won over many Christian minds. Many people forget that the seperation of church and state was to protect the church from the state not the state from the church. Satan has inched in and caused us to now begin to persucute the church via the state now under this seperation. Read the bible man and your history.
Re: So Tom...
July 19, 2010 06:20PM
OK...so what good is free will if God as already determined your fate ? You are now condeming people for their faith in mankind ? Didn't God give me free will to make that decision, and who are you to determine if that is right or wrong ?

Satan ? Please. Another man made 'icon' to scare people into giving up their free will.

Read the bible ? I hope you do not take every word of that body of work literally. Please remember...religion is MAN MADE and every word in the bilbe written by man. Man is not perfect...neither is the bible.

Religion is consensus based...FAITH is individual based. Religion is so screwed up, there are Catholics out there who think that people of the Christian Orthodox religion do not believe in Jesus. Am I really going to 'hell' because I ate meat on Friday ?

Do I really need the 10 commandments to tell me, MORALLY, not to kill, rape or steal. Really ?

Question. If a person rapes and murders someone, and then becomes a born again Christian, and believes in his heart he has done wrong, repents and believes with all his hear that Jesus died for his sins, why is it that this person now may be 'able' to go to the 'divine place' where as an Athiest, that never committed any crime, who gives to charity and helps those in need, will NEVER get to that 'divine place' ?

If you can give me an answer to that one, I would love to hear it.
Re: So Tom...
July 19, 2010 06:31PM
Well sir I can give you many scriptures to answer your question but since you have nullified the Bible God's only word to man What's the point? You consider yourself a Christian but you don't put faith in His Word. Okay now I leave you to God and I shall pray for you brother. You have made the point I was trying to make very clear.