November 22, 2020 01:26PM
Andrew....... the primary reason for SUCH difficulty producing another coil for the Tarsacci is: The coil for the Tarsacci was developed. THEN the Tarsacci was created AROUND the coil. In other words...... the electronics were created AFTER (and around) the existing 8" x 11" coil! Soooooooo...... it sure has been a long/hard road to create (reverse-engineer) ANY form of another coil. But........this challenge HAS been tackled ......finally. ((( This is very different than how most modern-day metal detectors are created today. )))
Yes...... this 12" coil will be an exact match for the Tarsacci MDT-8000.

Cost: We are doing everything we try to keep the cost of the 12" be below $400.00. (This will not be easy). could buy an entire (new-in-box) Minelab Vanquish for $400!!!
Right now...... the production-run Tarsacci performance is exceeding all other VLF's performance levels in bad dirt....and wet-salt (especially in the 'splash'); yet, there are a couple of PI's that present a bit greater depth over the Tarsacci in such conditions. The new 12" coil should formidably mitigate/suppress a lot of this.
November 22, 2020 03:23PM
Well anyone who owns a CTX, Deus or GPX knows the coils aren't cheap. So less than $400 sounds about right and if gets 2 more inches in bad soil it would be worth it. Sounds like it would put the Tarsacci very close in depth to a GPX running the stock 11" coil and discrimination to boot. I personally run a 14" most of the time on the GPX at it will be hard to beat it with the Tarsacci. But it will be the perfect backup detector for bad weather and iron infested sites. Can hardly wait to get the new coil.
November 22, 2020 05:15PM
My finger is on the buy it now button,went for 2 hours on the coast today a small fishing weight at 40cm with the standard coil(of course)

November 23, 2020 10:57AM
I remember when the 10" coil on say an Explorer II was one let go of those coils. Then came the 11" which really proved its self and suddenly more companies produced them. Now... it appears the 12" has been tweaked to gain its place ...maybe as an industry standard coil. 15" doesnt seem to gain us much..... so there does seem to come a point that the weight and depth just isnt worth the cost. That said..... im hearing some really good things about this coil. I know we could get 14" on a 3 gram ring here with water in the hole..... so 2", additional coverage, and TID ..... ill have to have one of these. A PI at that depth..... get ready to ice your back. Me and Cliff just the short target comparison we did with a PI and the MDT.... we dug some deep holes and in the wet sand man that can really kick your butt. I think with TID i can still cover a lot of water out there more efficient as well. The main reason many of us choose a VLF.... now the MDT over a PI on the beach. Tom.... when do you think we will get a peak of what the coil might look like?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/23/2020 11:02AM by dewcon4414.
November 23, 2020 02:54PM
I m testing a prototype of a sand scoop with the MDT, so far i am happy with that tool and i got 6 scoops to compare it too i am ready for the 12",hurry up the competition wont be long to react.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/23/2020 03:01PM by Rivers rat.
November 23, 2020 02:56PM
Ok iron fested place and nice find:
November 23, 2020 06:37PM
Shelton.......that's a really neat find! The significance and the historical value is what makes that pendant ...such a neat find!

Dew...... I just don't quite have the data what the coil will look like. Reason(s) being...... the production-run coil will probably look a bit different from the (one-and-only) proto. And....... we are having delays with the manufacturer that is making the coil producing machine. Once Dimitar receives this machine..... then things will move more expeditiously ........... and........................... on our time and dime. Any little tidbit of 12" coil data that I have...... I will definately convey/impart your way.
December 17, 2020 01:29AM
Wonder if NASA Tom knows anything about this ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2020 01:30AM by tnsharpshooter.
December 18, 2020 01:35PM
David........ Dimitar & staff are constantly seeking improvements/ models.....additional coil.....or anything to give 'the edge' out in the real world. I am CERTAIN he is working on stuff like this; yet, he has not officially informed me. About a month ago...... we talked about these upgrades. I also had the opportunity to test the new 12" coil (the one-and-only 12" proto)........and tested a few other things. Things are REALLY looking 'up' for Tarsacci; ......yet, they are TOO SLOW!!!! (((Because of my extremely impatient hunger))). I am (more than) anxious for this 12" coil!
December 18, 2020 10:41PM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> David........ Dimitar & staff are constantly seeki
> ng improvements/ models.....addit
> ional coil.....or anything to give 'the edge' out
> in the real world. I am CERTAIN he is working on s
> tuff like this; yet, he has not officially informe
> d me. About a month ago...... we talked about thes
> e upgrades. I also had the opportunity to test the
> new 12" coil (the one-and-only 12" proto)........a
> nd tested a few other things. Things are REALLY lo
> oking 'up' for Tarsacci; ......yet, they are TOO S
> LOW!!!! (((Because of my extremely impatient hunger
> r))). I am (more than) anxious for this 12" coil!

Thanks for replying.
January 03, 2021 06:40AM
Here is a great article written by Teresa aka (Coilpower) on the Tarsacci Forum I thought I’d share....

Tarsacci MDT 8000 Precis and Methodology for new users.

Having used the Tarsacci MDT8000 for relic, mud, water, beach and black iron sands since the beginning of 2019, this article is aimed at new users and as an optional refresher for others including myself.

A detector which gives PI depths but with target indication along with no sub menus....a weight of only 1.63kg, quality craftsmanship, superb ergonomics and carbon fibre components along with all the computations already dealt with “under the hood” within the unit itself, leaving the user free to only “fine tune” to the site being detected, is indeed “revolutionary technology.”

It is those last two words that in the beginning led to the presumption this detector was for the more experienced users and primarily beach hunting. NOT SO. It was later found by users to be a multi functional, multi talented detector easily learnt. So..... all that is needed is the correct mindset, a little time becoming familiar with it and of course experiment like you would any detector.

Several internet savvy people have taken great time and effort creating You Tube clips showing the attributes of the Tarsacci. For those with limited internet, I hope you may find the following exercises of some use thereby gaining enough confidence and eliminating frustration before heading out hunting with your settings....and.... READ THE MANUAL!!!! NB: Not written in the manual is which way to insert the EBL battery.....Insert it PLUS FIRST, otherwise it wont turn don’t panic if you put it in wrong, no harm done.

Legend: TrH on unit but written here= TH = threshold, Dsc = DISC = discrimination, Sens written SENS =sensitivity, Gb = GB= ground balance. BlkS=BLKS=black sand, St=SALT= salt or salinity, Track=tracking, Fc=FREQ=frequency. PP= pinpointer. AM=a true all metal mode showing ferrous or non ferrous target, DISC = discrimination, MIX = mixed sounds are AM then DISC heard in that order.

Note the following “air” exercise is absolutely NO indication of the depths that can be achieved as the Tarsacci uses the earths matrix, also “test gardens” do not give quite the same results as “cold” hunting.

1. Collect a variety of tear tabs, bottle tops, coins, rings, etc....trash and treasure and keep these permanently in a plastic container for future use.

2. After the obvious basics of turning on the unit and becoming familiar with the buttons, note how the black outlined box has a much thicker black outline when engaged. It is then the user can change it.

3. BLKS and TRACK are the only two boxes that will be entirely filled with black when engaged.

4. Place each piece of trash/treasure on the lawn or concrete (without steel in it) in a large circle.

5. Find a spot and using PP make sure there are no targets heard under the coil.

6. GB the unit, then SALT balance. When BOTH of these are in correct balance there should be NO NOISES heard. The unit is SILENT!!

7. Generally a good quick middle of the road setting is GB of 560 and SALT 27 may suffice. If not, adjust SALT up or down. With experience gained I cannot stress enough to GB and SALT balance correctly for SILENCE from the unit to the point you actually take a swing over your spade/scoop to make sure its working! Chatter, even slight, will distort signal processing by the unit to identify your target in a clean, clear, precise manner possibly tricking you to ghost targets not to mention a cacophony of sounds through your headphones.

8. For this exercise adjust SENS to 4, TH to 0, DISC to 0, BLKS off, TRACK off, FREQ to 18 and swing over your circle once with different settings from minimum to maximum in each.

9. Go over your circle of targets firstly in AM, then DISC then MIX. Get used to changing this MODE button without looking. You will find a personal preference of MODE and in the field no doubt will use all or one of them.

10. Again doing the circle, change DISC to plus 30, then minus 30. Note the audio feedback received with regards to the iron sound.

11. Change SENS from 1 through steps to 9. Leave TH on 0. Note chattiness from high settings.

12. Change TH from minus 9 through steps to 0. Note the correlation with regards to depth, density and size. Note SENS and TH are a balancing act to achieve varying results, size and depths the user wants.

13. Do some circles with your eyes closed to concentrate on audio feedback alone.

14. Experiment with different swing speeds over a target. You will find the optimum swing speed for the Tarsacci which differs from most other detectors and when correct will give a clean, clear and distinct target sound.

15. This leaves you with BLKS, TRACK to use/not use in the field. Note that by employing BLKS it is an extra filter used to settle “chatter” down whether you are in black sand or not.

16. FREQ of 6.4, 9,12,and 18 are sensitivity ranges related to size and conductivity. Experiment.

Basically by using settings on minimum and then maximum it will give you a good feel as to how each setting is integrated with another and the cause and effect they have in being altered upon other settings as to the overall balance of the Tarsacci and results achieved. Too high a SENS setting will give you an unstable chatty unit. Do not ever underestimate the power it has to surprise you.... even if the settings appear low. In time as your confidence grows you will find the optimum site setting no matter where you hunt. Just remember THE MOST IMPORTANT is to get the balance correct between GB and SALT to run silent and your swing speed. Thankyou for taking the time to read the above. It was hard to try and keep it short without overwhelming the user to “balance” all settings. This is but a brief insight into Tarsacci technology, exciting!

TARSACCI - “Digging deeper, BEHIND the competition!”
January 03, 2021 12:16PM
True that Aaron & Teresa. It is the quietest detector I have used once the balance is done, and it doesn't have to be set perfect, either.
I am anxious to get out with it again once the weather gets comfortable. I'm in need for old silver. Draped bust dime would a welcomed site, been a while.
January 04, 2021 02:30AM
I applaud Teresa for taking the time to do this write-up. Good advise! And........ I'm REALLY glad that Teresa is still engaged! I know she does not post much. (It eats up her detecting time)!

Thanks for the Cut-n-Paste Aaron!
January 05, 2021 06:06PM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Andrew....... the primary reason for SUCH difficul
> ty producing another coil for the Tarsacci is: The
> coil for the Tarsacci was developed. THEN the Tars
> acci was created AROUND the coil. In other words.
> ..... the electronics were created AFTER (and arou
> nd) the existing 8" x 11" coil! Soooooooo...... i
> t sure has been a long/hard road to create (revers
> e-engineer) ANY form of another coil. But........t
> his challenge HAS been tackled ......finally. (((
> This is very different than how most modern-day me
> tal detectors are created today. )))
> Yes...... this 12" coil will be an exact match for
> the Tarsacci MDT-8000.
> Cost: We are doing everything we try to
> keep the cost of the 12" be below $400
> .00. (This will not be easy). could
> buy an entire (new-in-box) Minelab Vanquish for $4
> 00!!!
> Right now...... the production-run Tarsacci perfor
> mance is exceeding all other VLF's performance lev
> els in bad dirt....and wet-salt (especially in the
> 'splash'); yet, there are a couple of PI's that pr
> esent a bit greater depth over the Tarsacci in suc
> h conditions. The new 12" coil should formidably m
> itigate/suppress a lot of this.

Tom - What I read into this, is, that the coil is actually the magic behind the MDT?
January 05, 2021 06:30PM
Yes. That's a large part of it. Tarsacci platform is formidably different than any/all other VLF's. More akin to P.I. --- The electronic architect is a marked departure from the norm. We are nearing the completion of the 12" coil..........and hindsight .............we can look back and see where it would have been easier to design a whole new detector........around a 12" coil.

I can clearly see that Tarsacci and Minelab are the true forerunners in the World's detecting community. (((XP has some major attributes also))).
January 05, 2021 11:08PM
Tom, we are glad you are connected to both companies!
January 06, 2021 02:43AM
It is THE MOST craziest thing......being mega-imbedded into both companies.......and it NOT being a C.O.I. (Conflict of Interest). Each entity has strengths/weaknesses (as to be expected). . . . . and ......they are not the same. (((A few are similar......but most are not))). In cumulative/collective foray....... I am actually able to launch to even higher plateau's........due to this enhanced diversity. Minelab is a bunch of uncanny cohesive physicists/engineers that churn-and-burn for stupendous performance. Tarsacci is WAY outside-the-box (total departure-from-the-norm) type of thinking/engineering. Whilst the platforms come from completely different angles; there is a common denominator. That being: REAL WORLD applicability.

We (at Minelab) have JUST achieved: Lift Off. Shattered plateau. On orbit! ( it may be; yet, will circularize the orbital trajectory the near-future). If I can define it......they can design it! (((Yes...... a collaborative & collective effort))).
We (at Tarsacci) have also achieved: Lift Off..........but in tangential fashion. And on two fronts.

All I can say is: STAND-BY!
January 06, 2021 04:53AM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> It is THE MOST craziest thing......being mega-imbe
> dded into both companies.......and it NOT being a
> C.O.I. (Conflict of Interest). Each entity has str
> engths/weaknesses (as to be expected). . . . . and
> ......they are not the same. (((A few are similar.
> .....but most are not))). In cumulative/collective
> foray....... I am actually able to launch to even
> higher plateau's........due to this enhanced diver
> sity. Minelab is a bunch of uncanny cohesive physi
> cists/engineers that churn-and-burn for stupendous
> performance. Tarsacci is WAY outside-the-box (tota
> l departure-from-the-norm) type of thinking/engine
> ering. Whilst the platforms come from completely d
> ifferent angles; there is a common denominator. Th
> at being: REAL WORLD applicability.
> We (at Minelab) have JUST achieved: Lift Off. Shat
> tered plateau. On orbit! ( it ma
> y be; yet, will circularize the orbital trajectory
> the near-future). If I can define it......
> they can design it! (((Yes...... a collaborative &
> collective effort))).
> We (at Tarsacci) have also achieved: Lift Off.....
> .....but in tangential fashion. And on two fronts.
> All I can say is: STAND-BY!

I have the ability to be hard on equipment like Dew, and can make things preform like Joe. All on a lightly traveled beach not in America and even less traveled by detectors. I am able to sign a nondisclosure agreement. Count ME IN on testing!

Thanks Dave
January 06, 2021 11:11AM
Well what ever ML produces..... lets not see it watered down. Lets get the impossible dream..... depth and sensitivity. Id sure like to see a salt setting become standard practice ....anything that allows single freq to work this well in the salt water is worth taking a serious look at.

I like the direction the MDT is taking. Ive been a user of the machine for a couple of years now with what id like to say are great results. I stayed on the fence for some time.... but liked what it did in the salt water. So i bought one from Tom.... ive not been disappointed. Never though anything would replace my Xcal for Fls year round hunting. One of the biggest things is repairs.... mine seemed to be more in Joes shop than in the water lol. I can most certainly find the breaking points of most machines lol.

Now lets kick it up a notch and see that 12".
January 25, 2021 07:26PM
Heads-up/update: Another 12" coil prototype has been created...... and is being tested now! We're getting closer. In fact........ it is OUTSIDE of Dimitar's hands!

Stand-by for further update!
January 25, 2021 07:31PM

January 25, 2021 08:17PM
Here's the 12 in MDT coil.



“I don't care that they stole my idea . . I care that they don't have any of their own”
-Nikola Tesla
January 25, 2021 10:04PM
This is great news! I'm looking forward to hearing some more information!

January 25, 2021 10:45PM
Hm coil lugs still not central

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2021 10:46PM by sanjuro.
January 25, 2021 11:12PM
Definitely looks better. It appears to be the same length as the original coil.

Is there a reason why the rod attachment can't be in the center of the coil where it logically should be?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2021 11:19PM by Badger in NH.
January 25, 2021 11:14PM
I hope it will be well balanced.....

January 26, 2021 01:54AM
Aaron should DHL that thing to me in Mexico. I am sitting on my friends MDT, and could put that coil through the ringer in wet sand and moving salt water!!!!!!!!
January 26, 2021 11:23AM
Hey wait a min. Im in Fl year round ..... and in the water lol. But i dont do u-tube. It doesnt look to be 12".... but i dont care if it gets me more depth in the water. Now have we got a target date or are we still waiting on that mold? Id like to have seen those ears a little more in the center as well. Nose weight causes constant movement and wear. I was kind of hoping to get a peak at it during Tom and Demitars testing but didnt work out. Does he have a price tag on it yet? Im thinking about sending my shaft to SteveG to see if he can make me a custom thinner shaft for water use.
January 26, 2021 01:28PM
So the length of the coil has stayed the same. Unless the internal windings have been improved in some way, I wouldn't expect it to go any deeper than the original. Increasing the width of a coil usually doesn't affect depth much, but this is not your usual detector. It will be interesting to see the test results.
January 31, 2021 05:25PM
Tom D do you think you could trick the MDT into going
deeper in your test garden by placing minerals
under the coil to make it punch deeper.