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Reducing emi using Deus 2 video under high power lines

Posted by tnsharpshooter 
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Reducing emi using Deus 2 video under high power lines
December 18, 2021 12:00AM
Re: Reducing emi using Deus 2 video under high power lines
December 18, 2021 12:26AM
I wonder is it just masking the EMI sound interference or actually able to remove it and it's effects?
I'd guess you'd know by doing a depth test below the power lines to find out.
Re: Reducing emi using Deus 2 video under high power lines
December 18, 2021 10:18AM
Exactly, ghound. I was hoping he'd get a nice deep signal/target after the noise cancel. . . that would have been sweet. Would have meant 'No Silent EMI'.
Re: Reducing emi using Deus 2 video under high power lines
December 18, 2021 12:40PM
As the EMI changes the noise cancel becomes meaningless. Some EMI is in a relentless change of frequency disruption. Some you never hear. Noise cancel selects the best available channel at the time. I have never seen a claim from manufacturers that it eliminates all EMI. What we as customers want is a detector that mitigates EMI better than the last generation of detectors. Does the Deus II do that? We shall see. I will say that the original Deus I owned and I owned 3 at different times was not very good on EMI.
Re: Reducing emi using Deus 2 video under high power lines
December 18, 2021 01:06PM
There are 3 types of EMI:

Low PRF (Pulse Repetition Frequency) EMI.
Carrier EMI. (((Of which hardly affects a metal detector....due to it NOT being alternating-current; but/rather......a steady carrier))).

Yes....... you can have a few different Low PRF EMI's in the atmosphere...... ALONG WITH...... a few High PRF's in the atmosphere.

Silent EMI can come in all 3 forms/types of EMI.

((( I can say no more........ will not say any more. )))
Re: Reducing emi using Deus 2 video under high power lines
December 19, 2021 01:26AM
A well stated problem is a problem half solved.
