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Posted by fisher cz-3d 
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October 20, 2012 03:55PM
Is this a dumb question?.........I have a CZ-3D 1021, I have a Sunray probe..the coil wire connects to the sunray box then the sunray box connects to the CZ-3D main box, can one lose depth when detecting with this set up?.................
Re: CZ-3D
October 20, 2012 03:57PM

You may induce some in-line EMI with the in-line probe...... causing a overall loss in performance. I never recommend in-line probes. I have demonstrated this to a few forum members.
Re: CZ-3D
October 20, 2012 04:11PM
I should try an air test with (sunray) connected ,then with (sunray) disconnected?????........Thank You
I would really be interested in your findings...thanks!!!
October 20, 2012 04:14PM
Re: I would really be interested in your findings...thanks!!!
October 20, 2012 04:34PM
Try this outdoors where there is 'some' EMI.
You will find your answer.
Re: CZ-3D
October 20, 2012 05:07PM
I dont like any probe...even hip mount...they cause problems wearing them on your side..and you may not even be aware of it...

I cant stand the in line probe's...

Re: CZ-3D
October 20, 2012 07:20PM
Garrett handheld probe guy myself and never seen this come up on any forums...Would be interesting to hear the results....even if I never plan to use one..
Good question and guess live and learn never stops in this hobby...

Could ask the same question with hand held probes and interference but with so many hand held probes and so many different freq. units certainly all depends...
Re: CZ-3D
October 20, 2012 08:07PM
Well I think with a handheld...they are off and off to the side (hip mounted)...where as the sunray is physically mounted on the shaft of my CZ-3D...(1021) and wires are connected...... If it makes the difference of a half inch on that sweet old dime ...I guess you know I'll remove the sunray probe.......Im gonna make a video...stay tuned!!!!..............
Re: I would really be interested in your findings...thanks!!!
October 20, 2012 08:08PM
n/t ??.................forgive me whats that mean?..... Thank You
Re: CZ-3D
October 20, 2012 09:53PM
When the Garrett and F75 were paired up it was shown there was interferance with PP shut OFF.
I keep mine in opposite rear pocket of swing arm.
Re: CZ-3D
October 20, 2012 11:34PM
fisher cz-3d Wrote:
> Is this a dumb question?.........I have a CZ-3D
> 1021, I have a Sunray probe..the coil wire
> connects to the sunray box then the sunray box
> connects to the CZ-3D main box, can one lose depth
> when detecting with this set up?.................

When I tried one on my 3D it made it unusable. Same with the Sunray 12 CZ coil. It just acted up & couldn't stand it. That's my take on them. HH TIM
Re: I would really be interested in your findings...thanks!!!
October 20, 2012 11:53PM
I had sold my SunRay CZ probe a while ago, it made the already off balanced 3D even more heavy and cumbersome.
Re: CZ-3D
October 20, 2012 11:54PM
fisher cz-3d...

n/t = no text. What he had to say was in his heading for the post :-)
Re: CZ-3D
October 21, 2012 02:20PM
gman let me understand a handheld probe turned off caused problem with a metal detector turned on...doesn't seem plausible turned off but on depending on the probe and the detector can understand. Perhaps some knowlegable forum members can add their expertise on this one...
Re: CZ-3D
October 21, 2012 05:22PM
Dan its a little or a LOT over my head .
It was talked about back when the Garrett came out .
If i recall the F75 would induce a signal into the pinpointer making it hot but not on
Almost like the PP was a dish bouncing it back to the F75.

Hope someone can chime in here.
Re: CZ-3D
October 21, 2012 05:30PM
Like Tom said, the insertion of an inline probe, turned off, may induce more susceptibility to EMI due to the fact that the coil circuitry has been modified, even if just by extending the physical length of the connection circuit. The introduction of two more connection points by themselves may make EMI worse too.
Re: CZ-3D
October 21, 2012 11:13PM
Yes, the Garrett PP in the OFF position makes my f-75 a bit chattery. When the PP is turned on, the 75 stops. I have to keep the PP in it's holster behind my back. I know, makes no sense to me either.
Re: CZ-3D
January 03, 2013 04:02AM
I am new to this forum and am excited to learn from others about detecting! Regarding the emi problems you are discussing here, I wonder if my years as a HAM radio operator might help, since we are using a radio receiver and transmitter to locate things in the RF field. We use transformer science to filter out unwanted signals by utilizing ferrite toroids, (donut shapes) passing the cable carrying our wanted signal through the toroidal ferrite. I do a lot of part reclaiming from old electronics and find these in nearly every powr supply. The ones I like best are in a small plastic enclosure and actually open up allowing one to merely lay the cable in the opened filter (as it os appropriately called) and close it up, which locks the tabs securely. The can be purchased on Ebay for very little (they should not be more than $3-$5. I have placed one on the cable, between the coil and the control box on every detector that I own! It really helps. The only rub is that different filters work on different frequencies based on the different types of ferrite. This is known as mu. Since we are dealing with roughly 3 to 20 kilohertz signals it is quite easy to find. Many are designed to deal with the 60 Hz noise surrounding us by way of our AC electrical grid (AKA 60 cycle hum) so these are perfect for issues from the noise entering the transmission/receiver lines in the coil cable. You can place two or more if needed. I just opend the swithbox on my Sunray FZ-1 because I hipmount my beloved Fisher CZ5 and need to extend the tiny cable that connects the Sunray to the Fisher control box. What I found impressed me. Two high quality sheilded cables (one for the transmit coil/ one for the receiver). More connectors in an RF line can create a door for noise (any signal other than the one desired) so I've been considering building the switchbox contents into the Fisher unit itself eliminating two connectors! I just need to make sure there is room in the Fisher and also need to see that they are properly shielded from each other. Not too sure about it but... news at 11!
I am also interested in hearing from NASA Tom about his detector tweaking abilities. I just bought this CZ5 and after 3 years of detecting with a DFX, XLT, Garrett ADS, Whites Classic and others, the CZ found my first gold ring, an 8. 4g, 14k wedding band! Now I'm ready to get serious and until I find that target that buys me a new XP Deus I want my Fisher to be at the top of it's ability. NASA Tom, if you see this, please PM me.
P. S. Noticed someone asking what the reply "n/t" meant. Usually in a text message it means "no trouble" just as "NP" is "no problem". Hope it helps.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2013 04:28AM by Blissterd1.
Re: CZ-3D
January 03, 2013 04:28AM
What about using a Detector pro Uni Probe ???

I use one....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2013 04:49AM by Scooter.
Re: CZ-3D
January 03, 2013 04:44AM
At over $300 that's too expensive for my blood at this point. Garrett Pro-Pointer maybe. Could likely pay for one with this FZ-1 Sunray! Has the Pro-Pointer caused anyone any headaches?
Re: CZ-3D
January 03, 2013 02:55PM
Blissterd1 Wrote:
> At over $300 that's too expensive for my blood at
> this point. Garrett Pro-Pointer maybe. Could
> likely pay for one with this FZ-1 Sunray! Has the
> Pro-Pointer caused anyone any headaches?

No problem with the pro pinpointer while using AT Pro, F75 SE newest model and CZ3D. It does make my MXT squawk unless the MXT is an arm length away but I very seldom use the MXT. I have used various pinpointer over the years and it is by far the best for me. My Pro Pointer has taken a real beating this year and I am getting a backup before next spring!