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Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity

Posted by Tri 
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Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 17, 2012 03:08PM
In the recent horrible shootings in Conn........Metal detectors/Mfrs. have a Golden Opportunity, to shine and do good...with implementation of proper security

I pray ALL of our 2nd Amendment rights do not suffer, and for those parents and children that did.

Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 17, 2012 03:59PM
If the 2nd Amendment goes away............ all of the remaining Amendments will follow suit.

((( I have learned from history........... that........... we do not learn from history. ))) --(((subsequently, history keeps repeating itself)))--
Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 17, 2012 08:09PM
Tri, not sure what you're stating here but if it is for the metal detector manufactures that make and sell walk through scanners, then I agree that now would be the time for them to step up and offer these units to schools at a huge discount. It would be big for them to give up big profit on these machines in exchange for making schools safer. Schools right now are extremely tapped on budgets and can't afford such necessary devices.
Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 17, 2012 09:22PM
Yes,....I am stating it would be a great time for metal detector mfrs. to step up and jump on this opportunity.......Even if schools cannot afford the walk-thru scanners , they should certainly be able to afford the wand-type (paddle) hand-held detectors.....as they are relatively cheap.

I know they were available back in the '70's when I was MUCH younger and doing stupid things.....Feds should subsidize, at least partially, to offset the cost of
the walk thru's.

It also helps to see that NAME on the side of the unit everytime you pass it....( free advertizement )

I know working as a correctional ofc. there were several years , our unit DID NOT have one, as the states in general are not Pro-active...only re-active.

May GOD BLESS each and every victim & their family....so sad..

Just to be crystal clear, I/yours/our 2nd amendment right should NOT be infringed, in order to resolve this problem.

Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 18, 2012 12:27AM
The maniac that did this horrible crime would not have been stopped by a metal detector. He shot the glass out and entered.
The only way to stop him would have been someone with a gun on the inside.
Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 18, 2012 01:19AM
I see on the news where the proponents of second amendment infringement are setting up and getting ready for war. It's a hot topic on all of the news channels whenever that horrific episode is brought up. As much sympathy as I feel for the ones affected.....I still hold to my view that paring knives/ hatchets, ropes, water, arsenic, guns are all capable of ending a human life if they are put into the wrong hands. This teenage mutant (from what I heard on the news) used his mother's guns. One of the new's affiliates are already asking in an ominous way: "Why did Adam Lanza's mother keep a 'cache' of hi powered weapons?" The media will have a heyday and the politicians will promise a crackdown on the 2nd Amendment. I am SO sorrowful for those parents of children who were killed, and the brave principal and another adult who lunged at the gunmen. To all who lost their lives to this deranged individual. But I am NOT for amending the second amendment....it's NOT the answer.
Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 18, 2012 01:52AM
gun control/doing away with the right to bare arms is not the answer! the criminals or criminal wannabes will allways be able to obtain a weapon!!!!!
heres a different angle.......mental illness has long been misunderstood and hidden! kids who are "different" in schools are ignored , teased to no end, socially shunned etc: whats the answer.....i dont know but there could be signs early on that we could pick up on.somtimes its drugs/drug use thats to blame!
heres something that may cause a stir.......there is such a thing as evil!!!!!!

what would have stopped this tragic event or many of the others? a few highly responsable adults present at each shooting that were trained and carrying a weapon.

Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 18, 2012 02:02AM
Tom is exactly right, we don't learn from history.
This kind of thing is a result of moral degradation.

No discipline in people's lives....

I can remember back when I was young.....this didn't ever happen.
But then again, nobody bothered anyone else either.
Didn't ever worry about cars stolen, houses broken into......(this list can go on for a while).

The answer is simple and isn't arms control.
The answer is simple yet even if I were to tell it, it would be rejected by the vast majority.

Soooo, people will look to the leader for solutions and get his....but we who know better, know it is not the correct answer.

Here we go...don't have to be a prophet to know how this will turn out....
Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 18, 2012 02:24AM
Steve(MS) Wrote:
> Tom is exactly right, we don't learn from
> history.
> This kind of thing is a result of moral
> degradation.
> No discipline in people's lives....
> I can remember back when I was young.....this
> didn't ever happen.
> But then again, nobody bothered anyone else
> either.
> Didn't ever worry about cars stolen, houses broken
> into......(this list can go on for a while).
> The answer is simple and isn't arms control.
> The answer is simple yet even if I were to tell
> it, it would be rejected by the vast majority.
> Soooo, people will look to the leader for
> solutions and get his....but we who know better,
> know it is not the correct answer.
> Here we go...don't have to be a prophet to know
> how this will turn out....

i agree !!!!! took the discipline out of schools! took the prayer out of schools! people actually started to believe the "experts" crap took consequences out of our bad behaviour just about everywhere in society, etc: were told that the "old ways" were not correct and we were not educated enough to realize what they were trying to tell us!
"spare the rod and you spoil the child"!!!! duh! oh wait, thats fiction, mythology, ..........idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 18, 2012 04:07AM
Well, one thing that was different when we were kids is that TV wasn't so into explicit violence and digging around in dead bodies like it is now. If you want to stop gun violence, shut off all the violence on TV. I don't even watch that stuff anymore because it is so pointless. It is having way more influence on this culture than anyone will admit. It isn't even on their radar as a problem. Obviously, there are many other problems, too, but it is much easier to blame guns. When I was in high school we had rifles in the pickup to shoot at the dump after school. Not a problem. People have changed and not for the better. And we certainly don't want to look at any moral issues......it was interesting to see on Drudge report the same day someone in china knifed 22 students! Didn't get much play in the news. It is truly tragic to see our nation this messed up......
On the brighter side everyone, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Thank you for a great forum......
Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 18, 2012 04:44AM
Forget about TV, kids are becoming desentized by these sadistic and extremely violent video games where they can murder, rape and torture other human beings.....
Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 18, 2012 11:37AM
Things seemed to turn, when to live a normal life here in the US, two parents had to work. When I was a kid, mom would be there to run the household and supervise us kids and even keep an eye on the neighbors kids when they were around our house. The neighbors did the same.

My mother actually saved my friends life. He was putting a marble in his mouth when all of a sudden it got caught in his throat. our screen door flew open and out flies my 5'3" mom at the speed of light. She flipped him upsidedown and smacked his back until the marbel rolled out. To this day, I don't know how she did that because Johnny B. wasn't a small child.

I digress. Now, the kids are by themselves and supervision is fallen by the wayside until the parents get home. So I think it had its beginning when the mighty doller started to buy less. Who's tho blame on that? take a guess.

Did anyone read about the young elephants harassing and killing the rinos? Turns out there was a shortage of bull elephants. Once they introduced a few bulls into the area, the young elephants stopped their schennagins. The bulls put them in their place and the killing stopped.

Now the TV and video games are the babysitters.

Guns aren't the problem. They have been around all along.
Re: Metal Detector Mfrs. , Here is an opportunity
December 18, 2012 02:31PM
Lipservice - Fair Statement.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/18/2012 02:33PM by mcgov51.