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new gold machine?

Posted by Lawrenzo 
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new gold machine?
January 12, 2010 03:38AM
Tom what is your take on the new fisher gold machine...do you think it will be a good relic hunter..fast and good at unmasking? Will it be better then the F5?




If you don’t dig it, then how are you going to know what you’re missing!
How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat!
Gain & threshold all metal vs disc
January 12, 2010 10:16AM

In all metal you have adjustable threshold. Switch to disc and most likely as on the Omega the gain control also adjusts the threshold. Now the answer you want to know is.... what will be the difference if any on response to relic/coin size targets at depth of the two modes on a 19Khz detector?

It could be the same or it could be totally different. Do you clean up the signal in disc by using what they learned with the LTD's BP mode for a little more depth on coins/relics? Did they "map" the gain/threshold ala the Je mode on the F75 so that disc mode will give good response to small gold? A combination of both (BP) at low settings and JE at higher gain settings in disc?.. or do you go back to an analog type circuit?

How hair splitting will the disc mode be... will it give good response to small nuggets at small iron reject settings? Being that it is 2 tone you can't turn the disc down and get audio clues on nails like the double beep of analog machines. Some gold machines have a confidence meter to fall back on when it comes to iron ID. I don't see a confidence meter on the Gold Bug. A few prior digital detectors bounce iron/foil on small jewelry which gives a clue when running low disc. Perhaps they have a new system for ID'ing small gold from boot tacks in disc mode. Lacking that, disc mode will be for larger gold and tuned more toward the coin/relic guys.

Heck it could be something totally new and off the wall that will leave us going WOW again. smiling smiley

Unless Tom is testing one and can give us a tidbit we just gonna have to wait.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/12/2010 10:32AM by Jackpine.
Re: Gain & threshold all metal vs disc
January 13, 2010 02:50AM
Very good Tom.

......I'm going to be 'disciplined' for this one, but; hold off on the new Gold Bug...........until further notice.