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Great condition,I've used this machine but it's well taken care of and still looks excellent..Two coils,wireless headphones,accessory battery,box,manual,etc.. Running the Latest software and I've had no problems,runs great... sold in ebay
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Woodbutcher........ that person ....would be ME.
> I am the crazy person that can (irrefutably/defini
> tively) tell you that a:
> EQX-900 with stock 11" coil will ascertain a Nicke
> l in wet-salt to 13.8" deep.
> Manticore with 8" M8 coil will ascertain a Nickel
> in wet-salt to
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Not sure who would go to a beach, dig a 15.8 inch hole just to bury a nickel and then try to hit it with a metal detector? Lol.. Hell,if that person was going to the beach to play I'm thinking a plastic bucket and shovel woulda been alot cheaper than a minelab manicore ..lmao
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I have a clean Fisher 1236 x2 in great shape,has 3 coils,8 inch stock,5 inch and a 10.5 spider coil. Extra lower rod also....Will trade or sell for $245 PayPal shipped. Can txt or email pics.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I have three new unused Fisher f75 coils if anyone is interested. $60 each shipped,PayPal . The coils are a 11 DD,,,5 inch round DD ,,and a 5x11 concentric.. Feel free to txt if interested,thanks. 7242370208
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I've been at this a long time, and I'm pretty sure my finds are just as good as any other hobbyist on these forums. I don't consider myself an expert,and I'm not a narcissist telling everyone that my opinions are facts... But there seems to been a few hobbyist doing that in the last 5 years, on this forum and every other forums ..It's a hobbie ,that's it. The experts
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Nokta/Makro is the only reason these other companies are stepping up to the plate and reworking they're old tired tech. .. Minelab is starting to get like Fisher, putting out a watered down equinox and calling it a Xterra Pro...And XP deus did it too with the ORX ....
You guys ought to be giving Nokta/Makro credit for making these other tired companies get off their asses and get back in th
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I hope your right,I hope for $269 we all see $1000 dollar performance and discrimination. Notice I keep saying discrimination, cause that's were these companies seem to suck at. Almost all newer machines released in the last few years are relic ,dig it all machines.. Minelab has the best discrimination in the business,FBS, ,,but they've left that behind I guess to appeal to the relic hu
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
TN,thanks for posting the video...I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say your getting a machine with $269 dollars worth of performance... I can make any machine look good,or bad in my test bed,and in controlled tests ... You get in the field and find out the discrimination actually sucks,start digging lots of high toned trash,etc..I like minelab,but a $269 machine is still a $269 machine, b
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
shoveler Wrote:
> It's actually hilarious , Carl , observing the pot
> , the frying pan and the burner all yell black at
> one another about high tech "advancements" on the
> only forum that rivals the Leatherwall for obsoles
> cence.
Huh? Lol, I'm sure your right on what that is your saying and I&
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Geotech Wrote:
> This is incredible. The answers are so simple.
> If you don't like Friendly Forums, don't go there.
> If you don't like Calabash videos, don't watch the
> m.
> If you don't like denizen X, don't read his posts.
> But dragging all the dirty laundry to this f
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
tnsharpshooter Wrote:
> Just an FYI= no loss.
> Cheers.
TN, no need to be bitter because no one on friendly wanted to see calabash videos. At least I think that's why your not on friendly anymore,for flooding the site with banned members misinformational videos?
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
tnsharpshooter Wrote:
> Gifted Equinox 800 has been shipped to Person code
> name Kelly NC.
> EDD is 12-19-2022.
> Person who sent me Kelly NC as potential candidate
> to be owner of this detector, check your pm for tr
> acking info.
> Just maybe ole Sharpshooter will put one smile on
> one persons fac
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Daniel Tn Wrote:
> He wasn't saying test gardens aren't beneficial.
> He is saying: watching someone else do a video in
> *their* test garden doesn't give him any great inf
> o to get excited about. He knows a detector's perf
> ormance will vary for different soil conditions an
> d most likely, th
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Guys ,I gotta disagree on these controlled tests. You take someone down south,with that loamy soil and watch them hitting coins at 14 inches in they're test bed..You come up here to Western Pennsylvania and bury any coin, anywhere you want,,and you don't stand a chance in hell with any machine on the market of hitting that coin at 14 inches.....yea, geographics play a bigger part than t
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I understand making a personal test bed for amusement,but I just can't get excited about watching anyone do depth tests. I will be looking out for actual in field live hunt videos tho, so if you get any TN please post them.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I've dug my deepest coins to date with the f75 and Teknetics T2...I prefer the F75 tho. Just a great straightforward machine with no gimmicks, smooth running with lots of horsepower..I always ran mine in DE mode, 99 sensitivity and 3H tones..I've played with other modes and settings but those are my go to settings for parks and yards..Good luck, hell of a machine..
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
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