Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 02:34AM

The Morning Joe show used to actually be a good program.
Because you had a liberal Mikka and Joe a conservative debating looking at both sides of issues.

Now what do you have.
Two liberals it seems with only one side.

Funny thing, Joe and Mikka loved interviewing Trump on the program when THEY thought he was a joke as a candidate.
But when reality set in, Mikka and Joe changed-Trump remained the same person and still does.

I'll make a prediction right now.
Since it seems Joe and Mikka are it seems getting married or are married, the show will tank big time.
It already has to a rather large degree.
Let's see how goodI am at predicting.

Especially if the Reps keep control of the house in the next mid terms.
Expect Morning Joe show to fizzle.

Both of these people evidently have been giving their marching orders in what to say about Trump.
I mean they get paid thousands each for each program by doing.
Totally fake news, just like FNN.

Trump is winning the battle with the media, the media has cut its own throat.

Wonder what is going to happen if the USA gets hit by a monster hurricane in a heavily populated area, or we indeed have to put troops into say N Korea.
What is the media going to do?
Keep trying to tell us how bad and dumb Trump is.
And this will seal the deal with the American people.
At least all but the left wing nutjob extremist.

Just like these loony tick federal judges trying to block Trumps travel ban.
Talk about dumb.
Can't these judges read, it is spelled out in black and white.

Trump by becoming President of USA didn't lose his 1st amendment rights.
Hence he is firing back at all these media types, they deserve it too.
The future conservatives wanting to make a run for pres had better be taking good notes.

What we are witnessing is the biggest conspiracy we have ever saw.
And folks realize it too.
Conspiring and collusion against Trump by the media and the Democratic Party.
Left wing nutjobs are off the rails big time.
They have lost all their power and are down just to the poor aZz media.
I hope Nancy hangs around, she is a real winner for the folks in this country who indeed have common sense.

Mikka she's got brain surgeon mentality alright.
She couldn't manage a fruit loop bowl of cereal.
Poor Joe, he is in the tank, love stricken by an extremist.
His brain is polluted now.
Wonder if he could run again in Fla as a conservative.
I'll bet he couldn't get elected dog catcher.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 11:36AM

Trump has reached a breaking point. The president of the USA has become a vindictive, petty and irrational laughing stock.

To think in a few days he will be at the G 20 in Germany representing our nation on the world stage is shocking...
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 12:10PM
I'll make a prediction right now... the show will tank big time. It already has to a rather large degree. Let's see how good I am at predicting.

Buster, how can we take you serious about predicting when you can't even get the base of your argument correct?

MSNBC producer shares 'Morning Joe' high ratings after criticism from Trump


A senior producer on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" fired back at President Trump's assertion on Saturday that the political morning show's ratings are dwindling.

"Just a reminder about the @Morning_Joe ratings," Jesse Rodriguez tweeted, linking to a statement from MSNBC earlier this week reporting that the show had posted its highest ever second quarter ratings this year.


Especially if the Reps keep control of the house in the next mid terms.

Next mid-term? grinning smiley What's your problem today? Did you forget that y'all have both houses of Congress and the White House?

The House and Senate health care bills include huge tax cuts for the rich. Today president Bannon is now pushing Trump to raise the top tax rate on the rich to over 40%. []

How about we see a consistent message for a change???

Trump is winning the battle with the media.

Is this what winning looks like?

Poll: Trump's approval rating plummets after Senate releases health care bill


Keep trying to tell us how bad and dumb Trump is.

I'm more surprised that Trump still has the support of 35% of our electorate. What does it take for the Deplorables to see that they have been duped?

Trump by becoming President of USA didn't lose his 1st amendment rights. Hence he is firing back at all these media types,

My 4-year old grandson fires back too when he doesn't get his way. Like a petulant child, we now know that this is how Trump behaves. Buster, how does Trump tweeting a video of himself punching a CNN caricature advance the conservative agenda?
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 02:08PM
Trump is single handedly destroying the MSN media's credibility with his tweets. Obviously they'd say and do anything to stop him from tweeting because he's wining that battle. They'd rather that you listen to their 'fake' news. LOL


Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 03:53PM
Obviously they'd say and do anything to stop him from tweeting because he's wining that battle.

Everyone knows that you can't stop the man-child from tweeting; it's the perfect means from distracting from his other problems.

Hey tabman, how's that healthcare repeal & replace coming along? I want my tax break!
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 04:08PM
Only poll that counts is the one back on Election Day.

You believe all of Joe and Mikka's garbage, along with FNN networks talking heads.

The left is left hanging out in no persons' land, maybe your Land go-rebels.

Seems little Birdie Rice is about to sing, or will she plead the fifth?
Likely the latter.

What about all the FNN retractions and firings?
And retractions in NYTs?

What, can't these people get their stories straight?

This gent last name Sass.
Watch him, he is making some real sense.
Our culture needs a big jogging to get back on the right track.

All this handout mentality has to stop.

Gent named Levin is another brilliant minded person.
Go-rebels you should be listening closely to this gent, you just might learn a thing or two.

Ever notice, seems FNN and Mikka's network, do they ever get out of their studios and go to mid America and talk to folks and show us the interviews or question and answer sessions ?
Fox has folks that do.

No they had rather use stupid polls to try and prove their points.
And we know how good polls are now don't we.

What was it H in a landslide?

Been watching .Watter's World go-rebels?
It is pathetic to see college students who can't answer basic questions about our government.
These are who?
The folks who will be at the wheels in various places in our country.
This is alarming to me.
For these folks to be either so stupid or so ignorant.
This to me demonstrates a real weakness in our very own educational system.
These folks don't even know the month we actual have our election for President.

Seems what has and is going on in our classrooms hasn't been education at all.

I guess maybe now ham and bologna sandwiches can get high school diplomas and college degrees
How sad!

And we wonder why we can't compete on the world stage in the tech sector.
Now we know.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2017 04:10PM by Sod-buster.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 04:20PM
Gent named Levin is another brilliant minded person. Go-rebels you should be listening closely to this gent, you just might learn a thing or two.

Mark Levin??? LOL! If he's not worrying about contrails in the sky (what is the government doing up there?) then he's feeding the Man-child other conspiracy theories.

A Conspiracy Theory’s Journey From Talk Radio to Trump’s Twitter


And we wonder why we can't compete on the world stage in the tech sector. Now we know.

Yup... now we know...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2017 06:11PM by go-rebels.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 07:17PM
Anybody with an education or common sense should be able to see what the actual root problem is in Washington. Trump had it right when he called it the Swamp. The problem is that even though the Republicans control the House and Senate, they also still oppose Trump. They didn't like him in the primaries, and yet he picked them off one by one and was the last man standing. Cruiz was their pick, and yet I think they all knew that Cruiz did not stand a chance against Hillary even if he would have beaten Trump in the primaries. And now, IMO they are doing the same thing they did with Obama's administration once they regained the majority in both...that is, blocking everything that they don't like. That's how I and the rest of the common sense people see it. The rest of you seem to want to blame Trump himself, yet you forget how the government is setup and ran. It is not the 1600s with kings and queens. This is not the Game of Thrones. One man or woman can't bark off decrees and have Lords and Knights ready to jump to and instantly make it law. In truth, the presidency has always just been a ventriloquist show, with the house and senate controlling the actions and voices.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 07:52PM
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 08:21PM
Interesting... two comments to that garbage... the other 417 being removed by the author... eye rolling smiley
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 09:18PM
'Daniel Tn"
Anybody with an education or common sense should be able to see what the actual root problem is in Washington. Trump had it right when he called it the Swamp. The problem is that even though the Republicans control the House and Senate, they also still oppose Trump... The rest of you seem to want to blame Trump himself, yet you forget how the government is setup and ran. It is not the 1600s with kings and queens. This is not the Game of Thrones. One man or woman can't bark off decrees and have Lords and Knights ready to jump to and instantly make it law.

The Founding Fathers got it right when they created Congress... a.k.a. The Swamp. They anticipated a dangerous person as the Chief Executive, be it a buffoon like our current man-child, or a drunk like Martin van Buren. Many in Congress know they have a future beyond Trump's lone term ( [] ) and gain credibility when they work behind the scenes to stall Trump's nonsensical agenda, be it repealing healthcare insurance without a replacement or building the useless Wall.

When will The Deplorables figure this out? I figure it's an education thing...
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 10:06PM
go-rebels Wrote:
> When will The Deplorables figure this out? I figure it's an education thing...

"The Democratic Party suffered huge losses at every level during Obama’s West Wing tenure. The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency."

When will the Democrats figure this out? I figure it is an education thing.... Bwahahahahaha
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 10:48PM
The reason that Dems lost seats is not because of their platform. The problem is Dems do not vote in off year elections when local and state candidates are elected. Combine that with the fact that these candidates then set up the voting districts. Gerrymandering is a vital tool that the Cons seem to use quite well for their majorities. If you look back through past elections to 2012 you will find that the Dem candidates actually received 51 percent of the total votes but are a minority in both houses. In the House of Rep the Dems are not even close. Every 10 years these districts get redrawn. Things might change. Who knows. Oh the swamp starts far from Washington. And the Liberal message is not dead. The city voters just need to get off their asses and realize that the game is played every year and not every four.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 11:46PM
Gerrymandering is a vital tool that the Cons seem to use quite well for their majorities.

Wisconsin is a classic example that SCOTUS will soon rule upon. The Pubs gerrymandered the state districts to give themselves 5 districts while all the Dems are concentrated in 3, a state where Trump won the popular vote by only 0.8%. Unfortunately, Republican leaders in Wisconsin moved for a stay of the order to redraw the districts and the Supreme Court, over the dissent of its four liberal justices, granted it. Once again, voters may be forced to live longer under unconstitutional districts because the Supreme Court has blocked an interim remedy.

This is not how democracy is supposed to work.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 03, 2017 11:51PM
Cadman, we're all losers under the man-child. You just haven't figured it out yet.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 12:04AM
go-rebels Wrote:
> Cadman, we're all losers under the man-child. You
> just haven't figured it out yet.

That is your opinion, you know what opinions are like don't you?
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 12:59AM
I would like to see our next president really care for children rather than try to pander to his evangelical base over the fate of one brain-dead British kid. Trump could help hundreds of thousands of babies from starving in Yemen if he would just order the US Navy to allow in some food and medicine. []
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 05:27AM
go-rebels Wrote:

> The Founding Fathers got it right when they create
> d Congress... a.k.a. The Swamp. They antic
> ipated a dangerous person as the Chief Executive,
> be it a buffoon like our current man-child, or a
> drunk like Martin van Buren. Many in Congress kno
> w they have a future beyond Trump's lone term ( ht
> tp://
> alth-care-gop-240147 ) and gain credibility when t
> hey work behind the scenes to stall Trump's nonsen
> sical agenda, be it repealing healthcare insurance
> without a replacement or building the useless Wall.

You are correct in WHY they did what they did, but at the same time, you continue your banter blaming the stalled movement on Trump when you just acknowledged the actual root cause of the problem....the people in the house and senate. I personally think it comes down to THEIR agenda instead of Trump's. Just for fun and fantasy thinking, lets say Trump could lay out a plan that would get the US out of debt with a surplus, establish peace in the world, create millions of jobs in the US, lower taxes for everybody, and come up with the best healthcare and retirement plans to take care of people for the next 300 years. I am confident IF he were to have such a plan, and sent it to congress to vote on, they would not agree on it and stall it out or want to change everything about it until there was nothing original left in it, or until it profits them in some way.

In the end, that's all the people in congress are after. It's not the best interest of we the people. It's to put themselves in a position of power to profit themselves. We've sent some decent men into the swamp over the years that I truly felt like would make an effort to try to make a difference. In the end, they all end up the same and forget who put them in those positions.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 11:55AM
Right on, Daniel.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 12:21PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/05/2017 01:54AM by ozzie.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 12:52PM
Obamacare is collapsing because the law that the Dems single handedly created is a terrible law and is unsustainable, yet the leftwing loons want to blame Trump for not being able to get a healthcare bill passed to replace their own screw up while at the same time obstructing his every effort to do so. Sick! People with a lick of commonsense can see right through that BS.

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 12:58PM
Daniel Tn
You are correct in WHY they did what they did, but at the same time, you continue your banter blaming the stalled movement on Trump when you just acknowledged the actual root cause of the problem....the people in the house and senate. I personally think it comes down to THEIR agenda instead of Trump's.

Of course individual House and Senate members have their own agenda. South Carolina Representatives would vote for federal government subsidies to prop up their now-dead textile industries and mandatory Sunday church attendance given the opportunity. Trump advertised himself as the 'deal maker', the guy who would drain the swamp and get things done. Now we see that his legislative accomplishments are almost nil... that he is certainly unqualified to meet any of his 100-day promises in the next 100 days and only replaced some of the monsters in the swamp with those raised at Goldman Sachs. Many of us voted for Trump because we thought he could work through and around THEIR agenda. We were fooled.

Washington is not a town for decent people. Good representatives tire of it and leave. Look at Jason Chaffetz (R) today. Obama failed with Congress when he failed to build any substantial personal relationship with its members; Trump is failing today as he panders to his Deplorable Base at the expense of making decent, logical arguments to the other 65% of the electorate. Blaming Congress and the MSM is only a weak excuse for Trump's incompetence in cutting deals and getting things done. Only 6 months into office we've learned that the NY real estate mogul is woefully unprepared to lead our country the next three years.


N Korea just had a successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile today. Does anyone really believe that The Orangeman has the ability to deal with them? Trump reflexively tweets:
    North Korea has just launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life? Hard to believe that South Korea.........and Japan will put up with this much longer. Perhaps China will put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!
Perhaps??? Where's Tillerson?
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 01:18PM
Contrary to popular belief Trump is hated by both the right and the left.
This is a good thing IMO.

We got where we are currently without Trump even being involved with government.
It is not his fault.
He was in the cat bird seat however, and said as such when he campaigned.
He as a businessman had to play the game, and gave to both the right and left for contributions.
He didn't invent the system either.
Notice Trump has already signed executive order stopping the revolving door going from DC to K street.
This is where the swmapers go when they are done with government. And be rewarded for their 'great work'.

We had a problem in this country and the American propel seen it.
How did Hillary even remain a candidate for president, with what she did?
This spoke volumes about the Democrat Party.
A country of 300 million and she was the one! NOT

Using our natural resources smartly is key to being super power IMO.
The left didn't seem to think so.

Remember the roaring 50s.
What were we doing as a nation?

All this debt we have acrued has been a shell game of sorts.
But now we know where the pea is, Trump is showing us all.

The press, yes they are being thwarted in good fashion.
They thought they could spoon feed us on what they wanted us to know.
Not anymore.

The press is for the most part unbelievable now.
They cut their own throats credibility wise.
And with time they will have to change to survive.
The hipocracy runs deep with them.

Does anyone think Trump took this job to get rich?
Actually it has cost him $$.
But he will survive.

Wonder if ole Romney has learned a lesson?

Trump's being elected is one of the best things to happen to the USA.
We needed to get away from this cut cloth mentality for candidates for president.
Maybe now in the future we will see more non DC types having a go as a candidate for president.

There is more brainpower to be had besides these DC types.

The swamp was not built overnight and will not be gotten rid of either in a very short time.
But with time it will become less populated.

The USA as a whole speaking from an economy standpoint, and other issues is a big ship.
It usually takes a longer time to destroy a big ship, and yes it takes longer time to improve such a ship,
And this here is what allows these swampers to do what they do.
It is easier for them to play the shell game because of this.

The digital world has put pressure on these swampers too.
More and more pics, and recordings seem to surface exposing these swampers.

What part will the press play in our next presidential election, this I do 't know.
But if things don't change I feel their part will be rather minuscule.

The press needs a leader, someone who will rise up and put their house in order.
Hopefully we will see such a person.
Currently right now I don't think Americans have a person they can depend on or believe when it comes to the nightly news broadcasts on the 3 major news networks ABC, NBC, or CBS.

I try to view things objectively.
I think the above is an objective view and is spot on.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2017 01:40PM by Sod-buster.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 01:29PM
Trump owns healthcare insurance today; Obama is history.

Insurance companies themselves have stated that they're bailing because of the uncertainty related to the Federal Government's promise to maintain the subsidies that are integral to the ACA. What private business would take that risk?
    “The Individual market remains volatile and the lack of certainty of funding for cost sharing reduction subsidies, the restoration of taxes on fully insured coverage and, an increasing lack of overall predictability simply does not provide a sustainable path forward to provide affordable plan choices for consumers,” Anthem said in a statement.

Trump has the power to stabilize the current ACA in the short term, then go to the Democrats and negotiate Obamacare 2.0/Trumpcare 1.0 incorporating good ideas from both the Left and Right. Why can't we buy insurance across state lines? Oops, some Right Wing Nut Jobs don't support that because it inherently requires new Federal regulation. Why can't the Federal government negotiate drug prices they buy through Medicare/Medicaid? Oops, drug companies don't like that.

Jesus Christ, I thought Trump was a deal maker...
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 01:43PM
Notice Trump has already signed executive order stopping the revolving door going from DC to K street. This is where the swmapers go when they are done with government. And be rewarded for their 'great work'.


Trump has granted more lobbyist waivers in 4 months than Obama did in 8 years Violating his own ethics rules at a staggering pace.

June 1, 2017

On the campaign trail, Donald Trump presented himself as the ultimate outsider who would rid Washington of special interest corruption and “drain the swamp.” And immediately after taking office, he signed a flashy executive order tightening restrictions on lobbyists’ work in the executive branch.

But he immediately began to staff the administration with people whose work seemed, on its face, to clearly violate the terms of the order. Rather than publicly grant waivers of ethics rules with a clearly stated rationale, the White House was simply routinely waiving ethics rules in secret so nobody knew how many waivers were issued or for what purpose.

After extensive back and forth with congressional Democrats and the Office of Government Ethics, Trump has finally provided documentation, and it shows that the ethics rules are plainly meaningless. He’s granted five times as many waivers in his first four months in office as Obama did, which cover key figures in the administration like Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, chief strategist Steve Bannon, and counselor Kellyanne Conway. All told, 17 waivers were granted to members of the White House staff, and we still have no idea how many waivers have been granted for other executive branch agencies or whether anyone is even keeping track.


Buster, quit listening to Limbaugh and Alex Jones. They always disappoint...
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 01:57PM
Do me a favor.

Can you actually type out a whole paragraph detailing your thoughts as far as the political situation.
You seem to either post stupid links, or post stupid cartoons with little short snippets.

Do you have it in you to do?

I would expect more from a Beamer
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 01:58PM
Don't mess with Van mutton chops on the planet ! Even to this day !!!
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 04, 2017 02:19PM
Can you actually type out a whole paragraph detailing your thoughts as far as the political situation.

You'll have to figure that out all on your own...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2017 10:49PM by go-rebels.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 05, 2017 09:56PM
Yep, dumb cartoon. I just hope he keeps talking about the "deplorables". That's the kind of elitist crap that got Trump elected in the first place and will get him a second term. You can't just dismiss the backbone of America because they don't live the progressive model.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 05, 2017 10:18PM
I found a place for you.
You'll fit right in, nicely I might add.

You should go on the TV Program the View.
Smooch around those women.
Should be right up your alley. Lol

Jesus, talking about fruit loops.