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On my mind -- Random Thoughts

Posted by NASA-Tom 
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Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
November 26, 2019 12:12PM
I still think Freq shifting is incorrect methodology for Noise Cancel intents. In most applications...…. it hardly rids EMI...…,,,,,,,, and the detector still remains subject to silent EMI.
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
November 27, 2019 05:49PM
IMO.... the CTX seems to do it the best. But you are right Tom.... turning down the noise doesn’t mean the noise is gone. Not sure what the chip in the coil does... but it seems to be at the source. Cranking up the power of the coil requires power.... batteries seem to be getting better.... and smaller.
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
November 28, 2019 02:11AM
dewcon4414 Wrote:
> .... Not sure what the chip in the coil does... but it seems to be at the source.

Regardless of the official ML stance, I believe the sole purpose of the chip is to prevent 3rd party coils, so people must buy the ML coils if they want a smaller or bigger coil.


You can see my videos here: [www.youtube.com]
My blog is here: [thesilverfiend.com]

Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
November 30, 2019 02:25AM
After another day of harsh defeat...… in another (common) carpet-of-nails...…. at a premium site; one paramount thought comes to mind:

If only to invent the reciprocal of a magnetometer.
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
November 30, 2019 11:30AM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> After another day of harsh defeat...… in another (
> common) carpet-of-nails...…. at a premium site; on
> e paramount thought comes to mind:
> If only to invent the reciprocal of a magnetometer
> .

If only...

Since such an invention seems unlikely, a similarly unlikely solution -- though perhaps not QUITE as difficult to put into practice (though still likely not "feasible), would be to run a "detector-like" unit, but with its "control box" being comprised of a high-capacity battery, and its "coil" being a strong electromagnet, so as to "pull" ferrous objects out of the ground, as you swept the magnet over the soil -- thus clearing the ground of those masking ferro-metals. And THEN, with the ferro-magnetic materials "cleaned" from the ground, to some certain depth, go back over the same ground, and re-sweep with your detector...


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/2019 11:35AM by steveg.
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
November 30, 2019 12:52PM
Elector Magnet......dang Steve now you are getting into MONEY. Roofers do have a roller magnet that will pick up surface nails..... but most magnets like earth magnets get filled quickly with black sand/iron bits.

SF it may well be...... but i think ML is missing out by NOT making it easier for other companies to make coils. In the case of the Nox.... its very popular if ML opted not to produce a coil for various mode like say the gold mode and another party did...... that sales MACHINES.
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
November 30, 2019 04:31PM
dewcon4414 Wrote:
> Elector Magnet......dang Steve now you are getting
> into MONEY. Roofers do have a roller magnet that
> will pick up surface nails..... but most magnets l
> ike earth magnets get filled quickly with black sa
> nd/iron bits.

Dew -- I know it, LOL! It's really not a practical/feasible idea. Just trying to think a bit "outside the box," LOL! If you can't BEAT the electro-magnetism of the iron, use it to your advantage! winking smiley

Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
December 01, 2019 02:33AM
Steve...…. if a nail is even just 1/2" deep...….,,,,,,,,, even a rare earth magnet will not pull it out of the dirt. I have a $330.00 rare earth magnet..... that has a genuine 760-lb pull...….. and it fails to pull out the buried nails. I have exhausted all other methodology; hence, the extremely inefficient (excessively time-consuming) pit digs. (((Only to painfully learn that 96% - 97.5% of non-Fe targets are fatally masked from current-day electronic device))).
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
December 01, 2019 03:57AM
What about the massive electromagnets scrap companies use?
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
December 01, 2019 04:03AM
The problem isnt the pull of the magnet, its the week attractive force from the rusty nails. You do better to run a magnet with a plow or tiller to break the iron free of the ground so it can be pulled out.


You can see my videos here: [www.youtube.com]
My blog is here: [thesilverfiend.com]

Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
December 01, 2019 05:20AM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Steve...…. if a nail is even just 1/2" deep...….,,
> ,,,,,,, even a rare earth magnet will not pull it
> out of the dirt. I have a $330.00 rare earth magne
> t..... that has a genuine 760-lb pull...….. and it
> fails to pull out the buried nails. I have exhaust
> ed all other methodology; hence, the extremely ine
> fficient (excessively time-consuming) pit digs. ((
> (Only to painfully learn that 96% - 97.5% of non-F
> e targets are fatally masked from current-day elec
> tronic device))).

Wow, I am surprised that such a strong rare-earth magnet still can't pull nails from even 1/2" deep. Perhaps sand (beaches), or plowed fields might be a bit easier, but WOW. I'm surprised at that.

And, as is the case every time you mention the greater than 90% of non-ferrous targets that remain masked, at a carpet-of-nails site, I am just amazed at the inefficiency of the technology we are employing, in terms of unmasking...


Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
December 05, 2019 04:01PM
I keep thinking that the key to this particular dilemma is finding some way to turn the iron into a partner in the non-ferrous search. Find some frequency that will turn iron into its own little coil in such a way that all that iron becomes sub surface search loops that will ladder a non-ferrous response back to the surface.

My think tank contribution for the day.

Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
December 05, 2019 07:00PM
It will be interesting to see the AQ in action when a couple of rusty spiked overlay a gold ring. Ano magic will occur, but depending on the mass of the iron, mass of the gold and relative distance from the iron to the gold - I expect a lot of previously masked low conductors to be recovered.

Videos demonstrating the AQ’s capability have been made and a few released before the Manta project was acquired by FTP, none released since that I know of. That will change soon enough.

Here’s the classics old one - in French with titles I added in English - You have likely seen this before, but here it is.


Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
December 05, 2019 09:23PM
Mike, neat thought....piggybacking, in other words.
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
December 13, 2019 03:06PM
Future concept: Wrap-around goggle-phones. They would be wireless/Bluetooth. This is a Head-Up Display set of wrap-around goggles that also encompass the headphones within the body of the goggles. It is not a full motorcycle helmet; yet, is a set of goggles that wraps around your entire head (360-Deg) like a sweatband. (A little smaller than a virtual-reality headset). The goggles are clear glass that provide full, unrestricted (peripheral included) vision; yet, the metal detectors data is bluetoothed to the goggles and displayed in H.U.D. fashion.
(((You could also have the metal detector in the goggle-phones; hence, only swinging the coil. . . . . aka HeadHunter PI))).

I was going to bring this up at ML...… but, …… at present...….. overdrive status is in full effect with the next generation stuff. . . . . . and this (inevitable) concept would over-tax the engineering staff and resources. . . . . . and . . . . . . would break concerted-focus.

XP would be the most logical entity for such task.
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
December 13, 2019 03:55PM
The wrap-around goggles idea is interesting, though tough for me to visualize...but the "overdrive status in full effect with next generation stuff" really catches my attention!

Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 06, 2020 10:10PM
I was reading an Omni Science Fiction collection last week......One of the stories has a guy using neutrinos to trigger RNA messengers to turn on certain DNA sequences. Which got me to thinking....there is probably a particle that would pass through normal soil and rock yet bounce off of gold????? .....hunting with particle generators and collectors....

...taco bell.....thinking outside the bun.

Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 07, 2020 12:41AM
NASA-Tom Wrote:
> Future concept: Wrap-around goggle-phones. They wo
> uld be wireless/Bluetooth. This is a Head-Up Displ
> ay set of wrap-around goggles that also encompass
> the headphones within the body of the goggles. It
> is not a full motorcycle helmet; yet, is a set of
> goggles that wraps around your entire head (360-De
> g) like a sweatband. (A little smaller than a vir
> tual-reality headset). The goggles are clear glass
> that provide full, unrestricted (peripheral includ
> ed) vision; yet, the metal detectors data is bluet
> oothed to the goggles and displayed in H.U.D. fash
> ion.
> (((You could also have the metal detector in the g
> oggle-phones; hence, only swinging the coil. . . .
> . aka HeadHunter PI))).
> I was going to bring this up at ML...… but, …… at
> present...….. overdrive status is in full effect w
> ith the next generation stuff. . . . . . and this
> (inevitable) concept would over-tax the engineerin
> g staff and resources. . . . . . and . . . . . . w
> ould break concerted-focus.
> XP would be the most logical entity for such task.

This link here shows some thing maybe like you are referring. This has been posted for quite a while.
Towards bottom of page.
I think this was deemed a hoax though as far as actually coming to market soon, but who knows.
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 07, 2020 01:50AM
Our friend Keith Southern is fascinated by the audio interface of detectors. I think it is fair to say that he is totally convinced - that at least now - audio far leads visual feedback from the detector to the operator.

Numbers or bars flashing across the screen are produced by processes that do far more manipulation of the signal outputted by the detectors interaction with the ground and possible targets than a relatively simple audio frequency output of the device’s analysis of the return signal from the ground.

A club member of ours here in Phoenix is pretty much blind and can’t drive anymore - he still detects. His ears tell him where to dig and his wife (a saint!) digs for him.

Ears first - ask any anti-submarine sonar operator,

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 07, 2020 02:02AM
Right now...….. audio is nearly everything.

What if.
What if …… some time in the future...… the tables turned...…. and a transparent head-up display created a 'visual' that far out-trumped audio.

(((It is hard to fathom this concept..... since we are so audio-driven ---mindset---))).
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 07, 2020 02:06AM
No, Tom, you are right - visual displays to show THE AUDIO! Not processed signals to drive the video, but video to illustrate and demonstrate the raw audio signal!

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 07, 2020 02:51AM
Initially...…. it'll be crude/rudimentary; yet, will indeed portray "future concept"..... and the advancement thereof.
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 07, 2020 11:27AM
I think we will see the phone used first for dirt hunting..... maybe an app. Cell phones seems to really be moving their tech along. Like you said all you need at that point is the stick and cableless coil. I could see audio graph..... maybe even color changes.

Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 09, 2020 11:16AM
The year 2020 will be known/remembered as: The year of 'depth'.

(And from 3 possible/probable fronts).
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 09, 2020 12:16PM
That in itself sounds down right exciting!!!!!!! HH jim tn
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
January 09, 2020 04:34PM
lytle78 Wrote:
> No, Tom, you are right - visual displays to show T
> HE AUDIO! Not processed signals to drive the video
> , but video to illustrate and demonstrate the raw
> audio signal!

Is that what Rutus Alter 71 does with its graph, or is that something different?
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
February 07, 2020 11:31PM
Last week I had lunch with a State Archaeologist. She asked me one question:

"Tom...… are you still dabbling with the most recent 80-years of losses in the top several inches of the first layer of peat/dirt?"

After lunch...…… tail tucked between legs...…… we went our separate ways.
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
February 08, 2020 12:10AM
Note to self....invest in a nice used backhoe, or.....move to slower sink rate state!
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
February 08, 2020 12:08PM
I guess you should have reminded her......... its because of some of us dabbling that they get the chance to dig sites we locate that were long forgotten. Symbiotic relationship .....
Re: On my mind -- Random Thoughts
February 08, 2020 02:35PM
I did tell her: I seek areas of erosion...….or...….. farmers fields that have continuously been plowed for decades. (And maybe centuries).