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Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 07:27PM
Actually it is quite interesting and also enlightening to see what the rest of the world says and thinks about what's going on here in America. You should try to find out for yourself.

I probably have a stronger connection to outside the U.S. than many but I am very much an American and love this country. I was born in Europe, lived 2 years in the Bronx, 8 years in Montreal and since age 15 in California.

However, expressing political views is a dangerous pastime on a forum like this. I tend to be an idealist and believe in the good and kind in people.

SO...anyways...here is my not vague opinion: Bernie Sanders for president. Will all his plans work? Probably not...but it is in the right direction. Will it be expensive? Yes ..and will be paid for by the 0.1% who can well afford it.

My realistic side says no. Americans do not understand what Socialism is and are frightened of the word (although cashing their SOCIAL Security checks is very easy!). So I'll, be voting for Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton..who WILL win and who will make a great president.

I'm guessing you can probably tell I'm a Democrat. Actually I'm a little (just a little) sorry for the state of the Republican party. They are so out of touch with the real America that I can not see them coming close to winning this election ... no matter their candidate.

I really don't wish to debate this on the forum as I prefer to read about metal detecting here. So please remember these are all just my humble opinions
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 07:37PM
I have to agree with Ole' Daniel on this one as I have all these Russian and other European's at the Heatlh club I work out at singin' the Praises of Puten and how great Russia is. I told them if He is so great why are you here? They always give Me a puzzled look?
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 08:53PM
goodmore Wrote:
> rustic charm Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I vote for Putin as he wants to eradicate ISIS -
> I
> > dont know about the rest
> The US
> under the guidance of W Bush created ISIS.

Yet the rest of the western world under direction of the US, has to commit troops to the M.E to fight these US created terrorists otherwise risk sanctions - as George's ultimatum to the world clearly states "you're either with us or you are with the terrorists" -

Is this G.W Bush in prison yet?
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 09:15PM
Here we all come, showing our hopes, preferences, fears and grievances.

Mostly we are sticking to the topic, a few veer off into attacking other's inputs (although not - so far - the other posters themselves).

Compared to the cage match on another forum which invites members "views', it's all been pretty civilized and I for one have come to a better understanding how some of the issues and candidates are precieved by my fellow "Dankowskites".

Hopefully when everyone has had their say we can all continue to enjoy each other's wit, wisdom and yes, peculiarities.

Oh - by the way. I'll hold my nose and vote for Hillary. I like Bernie, but his ideas won't work. Trump - I have never liked. Rubio and Ted C. - I don't like their policies.

Just my opinion - thanks for asking and thanks to Tom for letting us all get this off our chests.

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 09:25PM
For the most part this has been very civilized. The forum needs to be commended. One thing for sure is I hope to be swinging a detector very soon as the temps of Spring show up. I love this country and the freedoms I have. Planning a detecting trip while many others are suffering through out the world makes me realize how blessed I am.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 09:37PM
DrJoeprime Wrote:
> Actually it is quite interesting and also
> enlightening to see what the rest of the world
> says and thinks about what's going on here in
> America. You should try to find out for yourself.
> I probably have a stronger connection to outside
> the U.S. than many but I am very much an American
> and love this country. I was born in Europe, lived
> 2 years in the Bronx, 8 years in Montreal and
> since age 15 in California.
> However, expressing political views is a dangerous
> pastime on a forum like this. I tend to be an
> idealist and believe in the good and kind in
> people.
> SO...anyways...here is my not vague opinion:
> Bernie Sanders for president. Will all his plans
> work? Probably not...but it is in the right
> direction. Will it be expensive? Yes ..and will be
> paid for by the 0.1% who can well afford it.
> My realistic side says no. Americans do not
> understand what Socialism is and are frightened of
> the word (although cashing their SOCIAL Security
> checks is very easy!). So I'll, be voting for
> Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton..who WILL win and who
> will make a great president.
> I'm guessing you can probably tell I'm a Democrat.
> Actually I'm a little (just a little) sorry for
> the state of the Republican party. They are so out
> of touch with the real America that I can not see
> them coming close to winning this election ... no
> matter their candidate.
> I really don't wish to debate this on the forum as
> I prefer to read about metal detecting here. So
> please remember these are all just my humble
> opinions

Social Security is paid for by the people working,its not a socialist giveaway like welfare.
We Americans worked and paid for the one's before us on Social Security with no complaints on my part.
It's a entitlement for workers that paid for it,unlike welfare that the working people also pay for
so people that haven't worked and aren't ever gonna work can lay at home and watch Oprah and sell/do drugs and breed.

Working class people had better fight tooth and nail to keep it as most all jobs with retirement have gone overseas and any one
that has half a brain can see what 9/11 did to 401k's when people were at retirement age lost over half their money,they either had to keep on working or come out of retirement.
Imagine if we lose Social Security, you want have a pot to piss in.
And if you you should be unfortunate and become disabled,what then,suicide?

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2016 09:41PM by supertraq.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 09:44PM
Also Bernie looks like he might have a couple of years left at best,but he's not the solution for America.
We need another Ronld Reagan and Cruz comes the closest to Mr.Reagan

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 01:00AM
As a Canadian, all that I can add is that as long as Hilliary does not get elected as your President - America should rebound from the mess that Obama and the Democrats have created. The current foreign policy of the Obama team has caused many of the USA's adversaries to lose any respect for your country....Iran continues to do as it pleases thanks to John Kerry's idiotic deal that he struck with them.

It does not matter who the Republican party chooses - that person should easily be able to trounce Hilliary in November....personally I like Ben Carson and John Kasich but unfortunately, neither one has a chance although I would not be surprised to see Trump pick Kasich as his running mate.

I came across this You Tube video on Hilliary that is worth taking a look at for anyone who actually thinks that she would be the best choice to run the country.........

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 02:15AM
Don Trump deeply disgusts me both intellectually and viscerally.

He combines the showmanship of P.T. Barnum with the attitude of Adolf Hitler.

The media eats it up and promotes him because Trump = high ratings.

The things that Trump says, the attitude he conveys, are eerily similar to Hitler in the early 1930's.

And Clinton is a morally bankrupt lying felon at best.

Heaven help our country.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 04:02AM
DrJoeprime Wrote:
> Actually it is quite interesting and also
> enlightening to see what the rest of the world
> says and thinks about what's going on here in
> America. You should try to find out for yourself.
> I probably have a stronger connection to outside
> the U.S. than many but I am very much an American
> and love this country. I was born in Europe, lived
> 2 years in the Bronx, 8 years in Montreal and
> since age 15 in California.
> However, expressing political views is a dangerous
> pastime on a forum like this. I tend to be an
> idealist and believe in the good and kind in
> people.
> SO...anyways...here is my not vague opinion:
> Bernie Sanders for president. Will all his plans
> work? Probably not...but it is in the right
> direction. Will it be expensive? Yes ..and will be
> paid for by the 0.1% who can well afford it.
> My realistic side says no. Americans do not
> understand what Socialism is and are frightened of
> the word (although cashing their SOCIAL Security
> checks is very easy!). So I'll, be voting for
> Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton..who WILL win and who
> will make a great president.
> I'm guessing you can probably tell I'm a Democrat.
> Actually I'm a little (just a little) sorry for
> the state of the Republican party. They are so out
> of touch with the real America that I can not see
> them coming close to winning this election ... no
> matter their candidate.
> I really don't wish to debate this on the forum as
> I prefer to read about metal detecting here. So
> please remember these are all just my humble
> opinions

I agree 100%. Someone mentioned Cruz as another Ronald Reagan. Are you Joking? Reagan knew how to compromise,
all Cruz knows how to do is obstruct. Even his own party dislikes him. Reagan would never even be nominated in todays
Republican party. He was a union leader, gave amnesty to illegals and called for sensible gun control.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 10:47AM
Iran continues to do as it pleases thanks to John Kerry's idiotic deal that he struck with them.

You need to look at what happened in this weekend's Iran elections. 93 seats filled by the moderate party. That was 100% of the seats up for election. The reform party is the modern party that wants to be like the west. It is comprised of young adults and students for the most part.

You also need to realize that the sanctions were dissolved by European countries. It's very tough to hold sanctions on a country when you are the only country trying to do it.

So the old give peace a chance has been tried. Have you looked at the size of Iran on a map. The US and it's feeble coalition can't get Iraq under control after 11 years. And that country is only half the size of Iran. I mean we are talking about going to war here are we not? I don't know what other alternatives the Republicans have. Another set of sanctions? What a joke.

Oh and this also needs to be stated. That reform party made up of brave young people that voted for those 93 seats? If you want to turn them and their entire party against the US and the west all you need to do is drop one bomb.

It's always nice to see someone from another country speak up about the respect of America. Maybe Canada can take the lead on Iran. Go to war for twelve years and solve nothing. Depose another set of hard liners. Destabilize another country. It worked so well for the US in Iraq and Afghanistan. Don't worry. You will treated as liberators. They will love you to death.

And you have candidates that state that they will tear up the treaty. Those are people that never learn from mistakes. Big Republican Bush mistakes.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2016 08:33PM by goodmore.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 11:33AM
I would NOT vote for Hillary rob-um Clinton if she was the only one running. I would do a write in for Bozo the clown first!!!!
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 01:36PM
I'm voting for him cause maybe he will stir the pot up in Washington and get stuff done and give the company's who moved over seas moving remorse.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 04:04PM
I am kind of curious as to what kind of coverage in other countries, that the media is giving to the US presidential race. There is no telling what you guys are seeing/hearing about all of this or how they present citizens of the US as being. Here in the US, we can turn on one of several news station outlets and each one will cover the same story totally different. Each channel has their own agenda and we really don't know what the facts are vs what the media wants us to believe. For example....CNN, MSNBC, CBS...are pretty much left wing bias news. They will present everything the liberals/democrats are doing as being golden, and will trash the right wing conservatives. Then there is Fox News that is the complete opposite.

The news media will make or break a candidate. They got behind Obama and pushed him right into the White House like he was the next Messiah. Are things better after 8 years of liberal/democrat running the show? I will put it this way.

Before Obama went into office, I had a good paying job that was the highest paying job around here. Groceries for my wife and I for 2 weeks, was around $90. I had THE BEST insurance you could get and it was FREE through my job's benefits program. We didn't pay a dime for health, dental, and vision insurance out of our pay checks. We had low deductables and high coverage rates. EVERYBODY took our insurance, no matter what health care you needed.

8 years after Obama...I have the same job. However, due to Obama care, all the insurance companies shifted their rates and coverage, and made it more expensive for companies to provide health care. To compensate for this...the benefits package was changed and we had to start paying for our health, dental, and vision insurance. I have the best package they offer...and the coverage SUCKS OUT LOUD with a super high deductable and low coverage. In other words...most of it comes out of my pocket AND about $130 a month out of my check each pay period. We don't have the option of opting out of it or we have to pay the penalty for not having insurance when we do income taxes. Not to mention, now we have to be "in network" to get coverage with our doctor, dentist, or optomotrist. If your doctor is not in "the network" then coverage isn't provided. Most of the good ones around here are not in the network. Groceries....we do good to escape the grocery store under $200 for 2 weeks worth now days. Pay wise...we have been given a few minor cost of living raises over the last 8 years...but it doesn't help off set all the new costs for insurance, and the high cost of everything. I make more $ by the hour amount than I did 8 years ago...but we have way less to show for it. Making $25 an hour today is like making $8 an hour 8 years ago.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 04:54PM
Unfortunately,Daniel,the vast majority of people who vote democrat don't work so the rising healthcare costs associated with obolacare doesn't apply to them because they get discounts from the guv,you and me.There are some people who will vote democrat,who are intelligent,but have the attitude that the Repubs are the rich guys and don't have the little guy in mind.So we get 8 years of OBOLA,millions of illegals who costs Billions in social services,but these intelligent democrat voters fail to connect the dots and the low info democrats don't even realize that there are dots.
Maybe those stupid voters who stayed home last time because they wouldn't vote for a rich guy have learned their lessons,but Stupidity knows no limits.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 04:55PM
Single payer national healthcare is the answer. The only way to make healthcare affordable is to take the profit out of it. You are paying more because the insurance companies need to offset the coverage of people that are sick and they at one time were just dropped . Is seeking medical help a right in our country? Not by the Constitution. But most see it as a basic human right. So there are two choices. A fair national healthcare system or leave people die in the streets. Never forget before Obamacare the uninsured were driving up the price by going to emergency rooms. We were all paying for them. People talk about repealing Obamacare need to remember what we had before it was a failure. Or at least they need to offer a solution. Obama and his Obamacare did not raise your rates. The insurance company did. He isn't pocketing your money for profit they are. And they will never stop until that decision about treating those that can't afford it or letting them die in the streets is made.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2016 05:03PM by goodmore.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 05:04PM
robertj298 Wrote:
> DrJoeprime Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Actually it is quite interesting and also
> > enlightening to see what the rest of the world
> > says and thinks about what's going on here in
> > America. You should try to find out for
> yourself.
> >
> > I probably have a stronger connection to
> outside
> > the U.S. than many but I am very much an
> American
> > and love this country. I was born in Europe,
> lived
> > 2 years in the Bronx, 8 years in Montreal and
> > since age 15 in California.
> >
> > However, expressing political views is a
> dangerous
> > pastime on a forum like this. I tend to be an
> > idealist and believe in the good and kind in
> > people.
> >
> > SO...anyways...here is my not vague opinion:
> > Bernie Sanders for president. Will all his
> plans
> > work? Probably not...but it is in the right
> > direction. Will it be expensive? Yes ..and will
> be
> > paid for by the 0.1% who can well afford it.
> >
> > My realistic side says no. Americans do not
> > understand what Socialism is and are frightened
> of
> > the word (although cashing their SOCIAL
> Security
> > checks is very easy!). So I'll, be voting for
> > Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton..who WILL win and
> who
> > will make a great president.
> >
> > I'm guessing you can probably tell I'm a
> Democrat.
> > Actually I'm a little (just a little) sorry for
> > the state of the Republican party. They are so
> out
> > of touch with the real America that I can not
> see
> > them coming close to winning this election ...
> no
> > matter their candidate.
> >
> > I really don't wish to debate this on the forum
> as
> > I prefer to read about metal detecting here. So
> > please remember these are all just my humble
> > opinions
> I agree 100%. Someone mentioned Cruz as another
> Ronald Reagan. Are you Joking? Reagan knew how to
> compromise,
> all Cruz knows how to do is obstruct. Even his own
> party dislikes him. Reagan would never even be
> nominated in todays
> Republican party. He was a union leader, gave
> amnesty to illegals and called for sensible gun
> control.

No I'm not Joking! Yea the republican controlled Senate and Congress have single digit approval ratings.
Cruz stands his ground and will not become a insider and follow a bunch of bought politicians, so the crooks don't like him.
No Ronald would not win the nomination because look at America,they don't have a clue as to what's good for America.
Their voting for a socialist and a disgusting nasty pos like hillary.
Cruz is the only choice because he wants what's best for America,not what's popular among idiots.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 05:17PM
doc holiday Wrote:
> Unfortunately,Daniel,the vast majority of people
> who vote democrat don't work so the rising
> healthcare costs associated with obolacare doesn't
> apply to them because they get discounts from the
> guv,you and me.There are some people who will vote
> democrat,who are intelligent,but have the attitude
> that the Repubs are the rich guys and don't have
> the little guy in mind.So we get 8 years of
> OBOLA,millions of illegals who costs Billions in
> social services,but these intelligent democrat
> voters fail to connect the dots and the low info
> democrats don't even realize that there are dots.
> Maybe those stupid voters who stayed home last
> time because they wouldn't vote for a rich guy
> have learned their lessons,but Stupidity knows no
> limits.

Love it,thought I was the only one left that could see or care what the idiotic and blind dems are doing to America.
The ones that don't work love obama,hillabillary,sandyboy because they take from us,not rich but the working class.
It's gone on so long I don't think it will do nothing but get worse.
To many takers nowdays.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2016 11:47PM by supertraq.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 07:09PM
doc holiday Wrote:
> Unfortunately,Daniel,the vast majority of people
> who vote democrat don't work so the rising
> healthcare costs associated with obolacare doesn't
> apply to them because they get discounts from the
> guv,you and me.There are some people who will vote
> democrat,who are intelligent,but have the attitude
> that the Repubs are the rich guys and don't have
> the little guy in mind.So we get 8 years of
> OBOLA,millions of illegals who costs Billions in
> social services,but these intelligent democrat
> voters fail to connect the dots and the low info
> democrats don't even realize that there are dots.
> Maybe those stupid voters who stayed home last
> time because they wouldn't vote for a rich guy
> have learned their lessons,but Stupidity knows no
> limits.

What a load of crap. Just make up your own statistics lol. Actually there are fewer illegals here than there have been in years
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 29, 2016 09:43PM
True that doc....and funny too.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
March 01, 2016 08:30AM
tabman Wrote:
> deadlift Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Don't really like any of them, but have
> respected
> > Cruz's perspective in the past. Rubio's slacker
> > rep is disconcerting, but we did elect a man
> who's
> > never had a real job in his life. I think
> Bernie
> > is true to himself and sincere, but his
> economic
> > views are just blatantly ignorant. Trump will
> > speak on things politicans wont touch, which is
> > good and bad. He just can't reign it in.
> Hillary
> > is a fake, pathological liar, even for a
> > politician. Partitionship aside I just can't
> > fathom how people dont see it and support her.
> Most know exactly what Hillary is and will defend
> her to the end, because they want free stuff. We
> need a big shakeup in Washington to turn things
> around, I'm going with Trump. It's nothing but one
> big cocktail party with both parties in
> Washington.

this is 'dead nuts" accurate!...love all that free college,free obama phones,free chow,
free heat,free electricity...best got damn country in the world!..just ask 'em,they will tell ya!
gotta get that free s**t!..commin' in by the thousands. 'hot damn" i feel poor!

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
March 01, 2016 10:44AM
The free phone thing was started by your Lord and Savior Ronald Reagan. He signed legislation to pay the phone bills of the poor. It just merely transferred over to cell phones under Obama because land lines are obsolete.
Comin in by the thousands? There is actually a negative number the last few years. More people are leaving than coming. And those that are coming are arriving by plane. Hope that wall Trump builds is 30,000 ft.
Student debt is one of the big financial problems in today's young families. While I do agree that paying for two years of community college for everyone is at this time impractical, I also have to admit that education is one way to make this country much stronger.

The free heat and food? I'll leave that between you and your conscience. If you or a loved one ever needs free food or heat I see you changing your mind.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
March 01, 2016 01:08PM
Most people that vote Democratic do so not because they want free stuff, it's because they work long hours for
not enough pay to put a roof over their head and food on the table. They are tired of seeing economic policies
that favor large corporations and the rich because those are the groups that have congress and the president
bought and paid for. Americas 20 wealthiest people have more money than the bottom 152 million wage earners.
Of course we don't want them to contribute any more in taxes to make up for those lazy 152 million.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
March 01, 2016 01:26PM
I believe that by the sweat of a man's brow that he should eat. In the animal world, if they don't hunt for food, they die. Any able bodied male should be made to work. If they decide they don't want to, then it shouldn't be my place to have to feed them. They made the choice not to work. If they wanna eat, they should have to work. It shouldn't be my place to take care of everybody else's laziness. If you want a vehicle to drive...go to work and pay for it. If you want nice clothes...go get a job and pay for it. I work an average of 84 hours a week and if I don't pay the electric bill...guess what happens...if I don't pay my phone bill...guess what happens. The system IMO, should be set up to take care of those who physically cannot work, and social security should take care of those who hit retirement age until they die. I don't think the ones who are able to work and MAKE A CHOICE not to, should get a dime from anybody. They made their bed, SO LET THEM LAY IN IT!!

People these days have made life long careers out of playing the system and letting other people pay for it. I don't think that is right. If little trailer park trash Tammy Lee decides to spread her legs every chance she gets and has 8 kids by 8 different dads...it shouldn't be my place or your place to have to pay her to sit at home and do nothing. I work with too many single moms that work the same hours as me and some even more...just to take care of their kids. I have a ton of respect for people like that and I don't mind helping them out if and whenever I can. I have no respect for those like Tammy Lee and the only thing I wish I could pay for is to have them neutered so they can't have any more kids.

Free college education. Take a look at K-12 grade in the US. It is mandatory to go until you are 18...and is considered "free" public education. Now look at how well educated the kids come out of school these days. Some can't even tie their own shoe laces. Try working with some of them right out of high school in a factory...they are clueless and can't even do basic math; adding and subtracting. All they train them to do is how to take and pass tests so that the state/govt will fund the school more money. Free college will be the same way. It is already at the point where 6 out of 10 have a degree and thousands in student debt...and they have to find jobs that have nothing to do with their degrees, just to be able to find ANY job. My wife is a prime example of this...she has a B.S. in animal science and agriculture but she makes more money working at the local factory and not even using her degree. She makes $20 an hour at the factory and the highest paying agriculture related job around is only $12 an hour after being there for 8 years. She left that job to come to the factory she works at now and started out making $16 an hour.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
March 01, 2016 01:29PM
robertj298 Wrote:
> doc holiday Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Unfortunately,Daniel,the vast majority of
> people
> > who vote democrat don't work so the rising
> > healthcare costs associated with obolacare
> doesn't
> > apply to them because they get discounts from
> the
> > guv,you and me.There are some people who will
> vote
> > democrat,who are intelligent,but have the
> attitude
> > that the Repubs are the rich guys and don't
> have
> > the little guy in mind.So we get 8 years of
> > OBOLA,millions of illegals who costs Billions
> in
> > social services,but these intelligent democrat
> > voters fail to connect the dots and the low
> info
> > democrats don't even realize that there are
> dots.
> > Maybe those stupid voters who stayed home last
> > time because they wouldn't vote for a rich guy
> > have learned their lessons,but Stupidity knows
> no
> > limits.
> What a load of crap. Just make up your own
> statistics lol. Actually there are fewer illegals
> here than there have been in years
Of course it's a load of crap. The equivalent to that is that Pubs want Trump because they all all racists. Sure...

Blame the healthcare mess on Ronald Reagan when his COBRA law mandated that hospitals that take any federal money must treat anyone in their emergency rooms... those without insurance... illegals... anyone. Trump should have pressed Cruz on that point last Thursday when asked "who pays" but he's just smart enough to know that you never disparage Ronald.

Trump is the resultant of twenty years of conservative policies. We are soon going to witness the breakup of the Grand Old Party. Good riddance...

Trump should hope that Cruz wins Texas. That keeps him splitting the non-Trump vote through March and cements Rubio's loss in Florida next week. Can Rubio, at his age, afford to get drubbed by a KKK supporter in his home state? I don't think so; he got 20 more years of politics in front of him...
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
March 01, 2016 01:53PM
goodmore Wrote:
> The free phone thing was started by your Lord and
> Savior Ronald Reagan. He signed legislation to pay
> the phone bills of the poor. It just merely
> transferred over to cell phones under Obama
> because land lines are obsolete.
> Comin in by the thousands? There is actually a
> negative number the last few years. More people
> are leaving than coming. And those that are coming
> are arriving by plane. Hope that wall Trump builds
> is 30,000 ft.
> Student debt is one of the big financial problems
> in today's young families. While I do agree that
> paying for two years of community college for
> everyone is at this time impractical, I also have
> to admit that education is one way to make this
> country much stronger.
> The free heat and food? I'll leave that between
> you and your conscience. If you or a loved one
> ever needs free food or heat I see you changing
> your mind.

I know and have known many poor Americans,albeit white that never got a phone bill paid by the Gov.
Must have been for blacks only.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
March 01, 2016 01:58PM
robertj298 Wrote:
> Most people that vote Democratic do so not because
> they want free stuff, it's because they work long
> hours for
> not enough pay to put a roof over their head and
> food on the table. They are tired of seeing
> economic policies
> that favor large corporations and the rich because
> those are the groups that have congress and the
> president
> bought and paid for. Americas 20 wealthiest people
> have more money than the bottom 152 million wage
> earners.
> Of course we don't want them to contribute any
> more in taxes to make up for those lazy 152
> million.

Yea Republicans too and the income has gone down under Obama for the first time in history while my grocery bill and insurance and deductibles have gone through the roof.
That big fantasy you just posted is ass backwards to reality.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
March 01, 2016 02:01PM

Daniel Tn wrote:

I believe that by the sweat of a man's brow that he should eat. In the animal world, if they don't hunt for food, they die. Any able bodied male should be made to work. If they decide they don't want to, then it shouldn't be my place to have to feed them. They made the choice not to work. If they wanna eat, they should have to work. It shouldn't be my place to take care of everybody else's laziness. If you want a vehicle to drive...go to work and pay for it. If you want nice clothes...go get a job and pay for it. I work an average of 84 hours a week and if I don't pay the electric bill...guess what happens...if I don't pay my phone bill...guess what happens. The system IMO, should be set up to take care of those who physically cannot work, and social security should take care of those who hit retirement age until they die. I don't think the ones who are able to work and MAKE A CHOICE not to, should get a dime from anybody. They made their bed, SO LET THEM LAY IN IT!!

People these days have made life long careers out of playing the system and letting other people pay for it. I don't think that is right. If little trailer park trash Tammy Lee decides to spread her legs every chance she gets and has 8 kids by 8 different dads...it shouldn't be my place or your place to have to pay her to sit at home and do nothing. I work with too many single moms that work the same hours as me and some even more...just to take care of their kids. I have a ton of respect for people like that and I don't mind helping them out if and whenever I can. I have no respect for those like Tammy Lee and the only thing I wish I could pay for is to have them neutered so they can't have any more kids.

Free college education. Take a look at K-12 grade in the US. It is mandatory to go until you are 18...and is considered "free" public education. Now look at how well educated the kids come out of school these days. Some can't even tie their own shoe laces. Try working with some of them right out of high school in a factory...they are clueless and can't even do basic math; adding and subtracting. All they train them to do is how to take and pass tests so that the state/govt will fund the school more money. Free college will be the same way. It is already at the point where 6 out of 10 have a degree and thousands in student debt...and they have to find jobs that have nothing to do with their degrees, just to be able to find ANY job. My wife is a prime example of this...she has a B.S. in animal science and agriculture but she makes more money working at the local factory and not even using her degree. She makes $20 an hour at the factory and the highest paying agriculture related job around is only $12 an hour after being there for 8 years. She left that job to come to the factory she works at now and started out making $16 an hour.

Amen to that brother!
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
March 01, 2016 02:07PM
Wrong on Cobra,it allowed a person that became disabled,terminated,etc to keep their employer based insurance on a decreasing scale percentage wise the longer their unemployed. At 2 year mark it endswwith you paying most of the premium.
I know because I had to use/keep my insurance one time.

You notice,employer based. Means the person worked for a living and therefore earned help.
Not a lazy Dem laying around waiting for a free Gov.program to support them,insure them,change their diaper and throw them over their shoulder and pat'em on the back until they burp and quit crying,lol because they will never stop crying.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2016 02:19PM by supertraq.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
March 01, 2016 03:10PM
Daniel Tn Wrote:
> I believe that by the sweat of a man's brow that
> he should eat. In the animal world, if they don't
> hunt for food, they die. Any able bodied male
> should be made to work. If they decide they don't
> want to, then it shouldn't be my place to have to
> feed them. They made the choice not to work. If
> they wanna eat, they should have to work. It
> shouldn't be my place to take care of everybody
> else's laziness. If you want a vehicle to
> drive...go to work and pay for it. If you want
> nice clothes...go get a job and pay for it. I
> work an average of 84 hours a week and if I don't
> pay the electric bill...guess what happens...if I
> don't pay my phone bill...guess what happens. The
> system IMO, should be set up to take care of those
> who physically cannot work, and social security
> should take care of those who hit retirement age
> until they die. I don't think the ones who are
> able to work and MAKE A CHOICE not to, should get
> a dime from anybody. They made their bed, SO LET
> People these days have made life long careers out
> of playing the system and letting other people pay
> for it. I don't think that is right. If little
> trailer park trash Tammy Lee decides to spread her
> legs every chance she gets and has 8 kids by 8
> different dads...it shouldn't be my place or your
> place to have to pay her to sit at home and do
> nothing. I work with too many single moms that
> work the same hours as me and some even
> more...just to take care of their kids. I have a
> ton of respect for people like that and I don't
> mind helping them out if and whenever I can. I
> have no respect for those like Tammy Lee and the
> only thing I wish I could pay for is to have them
> neutered so they can't have any more kids.
> Free college education. Take a look at K-12 grade
> in the US. It is mandatory to go until you are
> 18...and is considered "free" public education.
> Now look at how well educated the kids come out of
> school these days. Some can't even tie their own
> shoe laces. Try working with some of them right
> out of high school in a factory...they are
> clueless and can't even do basic math; adding and
> subtracting. All they train them to do is how to
> take and pass tests so that the state/govt will
> fund the school more money. Free college will be
> the same way. It is already at the point where 6
> out of 10 have a degree and thousands in student
> debt...and they have to find jobs that have
> nothing to do with their degrees, just to be able
> to find ANY job. My wife is a prime example of
> this...she has a B.S. in animal science and
> agriculture but she makes more money working at
> the local factory and not even using her degree.
> She makes $20 an hour at the factory and the
> highest paying agriculture related job around is
> only $12 an hour after being there for 8 years.
> She left that job to come to the factory she works
> at now and started out making $16 an hour.

Dang, for someone thats working an average of over 16 hours a day you sure post a lot on here at all times of day LOL