Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 05:42AM
sad smiley I'm depressed now.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 07:19AM
Republican and I hope whoever gets it will be a conservative.
Let me tell you a scary story.....on second thought I will allow the reader to research it for themself.
I will not vote for anyone that supports 2030 Agenda.
If that ever gets adopted by this country, you just think you have problems now.....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2016 07:26AM by Steve(MS).
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 12:11PM
Im for Cruz. He has been wrongly accused for being a liar and a cheat. The Iowa thing with Carson is nonsense all his people did was repeat what CNN said word for word on there breaking news reported on live TV. Trump and Rubio calls him a liar every time Cruz mentions there records. Fact is Cruz is telling the truth about them. Just look what Trump has said about heath care. First he said he liked single payer then it was cross state then it was I like the government mandates. He's all over the place. Rubio lies about his immigration gang of eight bill. Google and you can see for yourself whose lying Trump is a phony and Rubio is just a plain liar that cant be trusted.. Cruz has kept every promise he has made. He fights in senate for we the people and the constitution and has the record to prove it. He went to Washington not to just come along to get along. I know people things he looks like a sneaky car salesman and talks like a preacher. But he's the real deal you cant judge a book by its cover.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 02:52PM
diamondr Wrote:
> Im for Cruz. He has been wrongly accused for
> being a liar and a cheat. The Iowa thing with
> Carson is nonsense all his people did was repeat
> what CNN said word for word on there breaking news
> reported on live TV. Trump and Rubio calls him a
> liar every time Cruz mentions there records. Fact
> is Cruz is telling the truth about them. Just look
> what Trump has said about heath care. First he
> said he liked single payer then it was cross state
> then it was I like the government mandates. He's
> all over the place. Rubio lies about his
> immigration gang of eight bill. Google and you can
> see for yourself whose lying Trump is a phony and
> Rubio is just a plain liar that cant be trusted..
> Cruz has kept every promise he has made. He fights
> in senate for we the people and the constitution
> and has the record to prove it. He went to
> Washington not to just come along to get along. I
> know people things he looks like a sneaky car
> salesman and talks like a preacher. But he's the
> real deal you cant judge a book by its cover.

LOL Yeah all they did was repeat what CNN put out, except they left out the part about Carson was not leaving the race.
Don't forget the fraudulent mailers he sent out in Iowa. Rafael is a real sleazeball.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2016 10:54PM by robertj298.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 03:51PM
Fact is CNN did say Carson was leaving and was going home to FL and was not going to SC or NH and how odd it was on live TV. What does the sound like to you? Fox News also reported it after CNN. What the Cruz campaign sent out in a email was this. Breaking news. The press is reporting that Dr Ben Carson is taking time of from the campaign trail after Iowa and is making a big announcement next week.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2016 04:53PM by diamondr.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 05:09PM
diamondr Wrote:
> Fact is CNN did say Carson was leaving and was
> going home to FL and was not going to SC or NH and
> how odd it was on live TV. What does the sound
> like to you? Fox News also reported it after CNN.
> What the Cruz campaign sent out in a email was
> this. Breaking news. The press is reporting that
> Dr Ben Carson is taking time of from the campaign
> trail after Iowa and is making a big announcement
> next week.

Senator Cruz's claims about CNN are false. At no point did the network indicate Dr. Carson would suspend his campaign. Our correspondent reported the information provided to him by the Carson campaign. Dr. Carson's staff informed CNN that he would return home to take a "deep breath" before resuming his activities on the trail. That information was reported accurately by CNN across TV and digital.But Cruz can't legitimately pin the blame on CNN here. His campaign is the one that implied Carson was about to quit.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 05:32PM
DFinTX Wrote:
> It's interesting to see that most who have posted
> here seem to be conservative or at least in
> support of Republican candidates. I'm a hunting
> enthusiast also and most of them also support the
> Republican candidates - I can understand the
> connection between the right to bear arms/NRA and
> leaning toward the Republican side. It's curious
> that those in the metal detecting hobby on this
> forum seem to lean this way also, unless the
> sample size is isn't large enough or the
> conservatives/Republican supporters are simply
> more vocal here. I doubt the same is true on some
> of the other metal detecting forums but it would
> be interesting to know. Sorry for the derail...
> Back on topic... JohnnyAnglo, very well thought
> out and eloquently articulated response.

I think most people (silent majority) are more "centralist" than just being a Republican or Democrat and are sick of extreme politics by the two parties. I think Trump and Sanders are saying things that have drawn positive attention from the silent majority that they haven't heard in decades. Neither one is bought out by a super pac. If there was a candidate I could at least trust to tell me where they stood, was willing to discuss and work on a compromise, I would feel better even if I was in disagreement with their position. JFK would probably be considered conservative by the current standards. Politics are all twisted around. Personally I think it's by design so no matter who wins they will be owned by the banks and military establishment. Like them or not, I think that is where Trump and Sanders are scaring some people used to being in control. I have a bad feeling even if Sanders and Trump won their respective parties you would not see them as the party candidates after the conventions. I think this election cycle is far bigger than just the candidates and platforms.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 06:02PM
Sanders is the only candidate that is not in the pocket of the rich and big business. The problem if he were elected is he would have to deal with a congress where the majority is
in the pocket of big business.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 06:12PM
This is far from a normal election. Very entertaining to watch the day to day bickering. Like puppies fighting over the food bowl. Super Tuesday should put some distance between the candidates. The Republicans will be down to three. And we will see if Hillary can open the gap with Sanders. The Republicans are so angry that they have thrown conservatism right out the window. Trump is anything but a conservative. Nothing he says makes sense and will never happen. People with any logic and not consumed by the anger of the right are pretty much just laughing at the entire Republican party. It's almost like burning your house down because you saw a spider. By the time he faces the winning Democrat for the national election he will alienate everyone but the angriest out there. No way to win an election. May be he should take on the Pope again.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 06:41PM
diamondr Wrote:
> Im for Cruz. He has been wrongly accused for
> being a liar and a cheat. The Iowa thing with
> Carson is nonsense all his people did was repeat
> what CNN said word for word on there breaking news
> reported on live TV. Trump and Rubio calls him a
> liar every time Cruz mentions there records. Fact
> is Cruz is telling the truth about them.

I don't understand,people would rather vote for Trump or Rubio than a real leader like Cruz.
Kids being told who to vote for by their liberal pathetic useless,%$&*"# so called professors and its gone on so long know the 30 somethings are voting like they were trained too.
We're screwed.
Serenity now,serenity now.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/2016 04:53PM by supertraq.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 06:42PM
diamondr Wrote:
> Im for Cruz. He has been wrongly accused for
> being a liar and a cheat. The Iowa thing with
> Carson is nonsense all his people did was repeat
> what CNN said word for word on there breaking news
> reported on live TV. Trump and Rubio calls him a
> liar every time Cruz mentions there records. Fact
> is Cruz is telling the truth about them. Just look
> what Trump has said about heath care. First he
> said he liked single payer then it was cross state
> then it was I like the government mandates. He's
> all over the place. Rubio lies about his
> immigration gang of eight bill. Google and you can
> see for yourself whose lying Trump is a phony and
> Rubio is just a plain liar that cant be trusted..
> Cruz has kept every promise he has made. He fights
> in senate for we the people and the constitution
> and has the record to prove it. He went to
> Washington not to just come along to get along. I
> know people things he looks like a sneaky car
> salesman and talks like a preacher. But he's the
> real deal you cant judge a book by its cover.

Couldn't have said it better,he reminds me of Reagan a lot.
I see what's going on with trump and rubiooo,trumps made a deal with rubiooo as his running mate if helps him destroy Cruz.
Just what we don't need,two more tricksters in office.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 08:39PM
Well no matter who you like and whomever gets the Republican nomination we better vote for them. Hitlery and free ride BS will drain your wallets if you work for a living. I voted for Donald today early and here, there was a line 30 minutes long and had been that way all week long. The numbers tell the story....................
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 10:14PM
Last nights debate reminded me of when I was a kid and used to watch the WWF,
and when I think about it they both attract the same fan base.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 26, 2016 10:23PM
One party caters to the poor at the expense of the middle class.

One party caters to the rich/ corporations at the expense of the middle class.

Face it, if your an employed working, middle class American, you're screwed no matter who wins.

If we continue on this path of allowing special interest groups and corporations to be considered as individuals along with entitlements and tax money used to support those who refuse to earn and work their way in society, middle class Americans, which I believe is what makes this country great, will soon be extinct.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 03:06AM

You nailed it - now the question is ----- who do you think has a shot at changing it?

I suspect that folks like you will prove the decisive vote in the general election.

P.S. ---- I suspect that nothing will change, no matter what.

Rick Kempf
Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 03:18AM
I love Carson, but he stands no has really done him wrong. Cruz I cannot stand, I do feel he is true to his faith and the constitution, but I think he will do ANYTHING to get elected. What he did to Carson was unforgivable and yes, he and his people DID KNOW the real story there and chose not to correct their message going out to voters. Also hate the sound of Cruz's constant oratorial voice. Rubio wilts under pressure....Putin would eat him for lunch. Trump....first I will say that I feel his faith is suspect...I think his proclamations in that regard is for show to get the evanagelical vote. If it is genuine.... I admire his love of country and our vets. I DO believe he really wants to right this ship...just wish he would dial back the insults and sometimes arrogant and juvenile behaviour. If he is elected I do think he will fill his cabinet with top notch mostly outsider experts to help him in making decisions. My vote goes to Trump. Think it will ultimately come down to Trump vs Clinton...and Trump WILL win....there is a ground swell in the US right now THAT did not exist when Romney ran. For a good example look at the governor election just last year in my home state of KY...the winner ,the very conservative Christian Republican Matt Bevin was given NO CHANCE but blew away his liberal dem adversary. Look at the conservative republication turn out so far in the caucuses....think a big surprise is coming in November. Obama has stirred up an anger never before seen in voters.Finally....I cannot express the disgust and anger I have for that lying, corrupt, evil HAG Hillary Clinton. I predict she will be indicted for the email server, but not be prosecuted...and Comey will resign because of the protection she will receive from Obamas cronies.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 03:19AM
Cruz is only 5 months older than Rubio. But yes Rubio definitely looks a lot younger. Trump has already won the nomination and will beat hillary. Lets be honest though. Whomever is president will not be liked by half the country and are merly pawns. I just want better defense and balanced/debt lowering budget. Although the two do contridict one another.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 07:18AM
If they did a remake of "the wizard of oz" hillary would be perfect for the wicked witch of the west,that scary laugh sends shivers up my spine.
And her wild insane looking eyes,spooky.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 09:17AM
My thoughts exactly. But I never liked watching wrestling much.

robertj298 Wrote:
> Last nights debate reminded me of when I was a kid
> and used to watch the WWF,
> and when I think about it they both attract the
> same fan base.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 09:50AM
Well looking from an Aussie point of view first of all you all need to vote compulsory as we do here in Australia we get fined $250 if we don't vote. As for Trump its god bless America but if he gets in it will be LOOK OUT World. I cant believe these guys with so much money can make such idiotic statements. And change them at their will. If he has someone who can write a good speech then he definetly needs to get them with all his millions I cant believe he dosent .

Thank god he is not a Aussie cause here he would be out on his ear quick smart. We don't pussy foot around here.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 12:16PM
lytle78 Wrote:
> FB
> You nailed it - now the question is ----- who do
> you think has a shot at changing it?
> I suspect that folks like you will prove the
> decisive vote in the general election.
> P.S. ---- I suspect that nothing will change, no
> matter what.

Probably Trump. Democrats hate him and the GOP wished he went away.

Id love to see Trump win the nomination and pick Elizabeth Warren for his running mate. Lol
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 12:58PM
pinpointa Wrote:
> Well looking from an Aussie point of view first of
> all you all need to vote compulsory as we do here
> in Australia we get fined $250 if we don't vote.
> As for Trump its god bless America but if he gets
> in it will be LOOK OUT World. I cant believe these
> guys with so much money can make such idiotic
> statements. And change them at their will. If he
> has someone who can write a good speech then he
> definetly needs to get them with all his millions
> I cant believe he dosent .
> Thank god he is not a Aussie cause here he would
> be out on his ear quick smart. We don't pussy foot
> around here.

You Aussies don't mess around so you allow the government to fine you $250 for not voting?
Must be all in the perspective I guess.
You also didn't mess around and allowed the government to get all your guns if I remember right,,,,how's that working out for you?

Gun facts:
Fact: Homicides were falling before the Australian firearm ban, matching a global downward trend in most industrialized countries. However, non-firearm homicides are relatively stable in Australia.

Fact: Crime has been rising since enacting a sweeping ban on private gun ownership. In the first two years after Australian gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms, government statistics showed a dramatic increase in criminal activity. 33 In 2001-2002, homicides were up another 20%. 34

From the inception of firearm confiscation to March 27, 2000, the numbers are:

Firearm-related murders were up 19%
Armed robberies were up 69%
Home invasions were up 21%

The sad part is that in the 15 years before the national gun confiscation:

Firearm-related homicides dropped nearly 66%
Firearm-related deaths fell 50%

Fact: Gun crimes have been rising throughout Australia since guns were banned. In Sydney alone, robbery rates with guns rose 160% in 2001, more than in the previous year. 35

Fact: A ten year Australian study has concluded that firearm confiscation had no effect on crime rates. 36 A separate report also concluded that Australia’s 1996 gun control laws “found [no] evidence for an impact of the laws on the pre-existing decline in firearm homicides” 37 and yet another report from Australia for a similar time period indicates the same lack of decline in firearm homicides. 38

Fact: Despite having much stricter gun control than New Zealand (including a near ban on handguns) firearm homicides in both countries track one another over 25 years, indicating that gun control is not a control variable.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 01:00PM
Ferrous Bueller Wrote:
> lytle78 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > FB
> >
> > You nailed it - now the question is ----- who
> do
> > you think has a shot at changing it?
> >
> > I suspect that folks like you will prove the
> > decisive vote in the general election.
> >
> > P.S. ---- I suspect that nothing will change,
> no
> > matter what.
> Probably Trump. Democrats hate him and the GOP
> wished he went away.
> Id love to see Trump win the nomination and pick
> Elizabeth Warren for his running mate. Lol

Two birds of feather will flock together. LOL
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 07:09PM
The only thing that brightened my mood here after reading all these sad posts is the Aussie viewpoint on Trump. I'd like to hear more from the Canadian side too (please!). The American side is just too weird for me to even understand. You really believe that? YIKES!

Bernie Sanders is not electable because most Americans, unfortunately, don't know what "socialism" means.

The real Trump will be revealed soon and he won't be the nominee of the Republicans.

That leaves only one real possibility. (BUT get out and VOTE...anyway!)
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 27, 2016 07:54PM
I Love the Poorly Educated Educated,,,,,,,Donald Trump.


Thank god we cant just knock over anybody here in Australia and get a gun, We can go to the candy store and come out with a lolly toy gun But no hope of getting a real one. Guns are so much harder to get here in Australia If you need one you have to break into a gun store, steal one of a policeman, Break into someones safe.

Now getting back to Trump didn't he say he would build a wall along the Mexican border and have the Mexicans pay for it how will that work, If he becomes president it might be needed to keep the Americans in.
He also said that America would Grab,, Grab,,Grab, How would the TPP go then.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2016 08:04PM by pinpointa.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 12:26PM
DrJoeprime, you're a bit vague.....I need it spelled out....of course unless you're not an American, then I don't care for citizens of other countries opinions about what's good or not for this country. . . . Metal detecting....I'm all ears.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 02:14PM
You all might make fun of Americans and think we don't have it all together. But I will say this...people aren't risking their lives, packing up everything they own and trying to make it to Australia or Canada for a better life. They are coming from everywhere trying to get to America though BY THE MILLIONS EVERY YEAR. This is the land of opportunity and where dreams can become a reality. It did not get this way by being a socialist sir. If socialist countries are so great, then why do we have so many people leaving them to come here? Hmmm.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 04:17PM
Daniel Tn Wrote:
> You all might make fun of Americans and think we
> don't have it all together. But I will say
> this...people aren't risking their lives, packing
> up everything they own and trying to make it to
> Australia or Canada for a better life. They are
> coming from everywhere trying to get to America
> though BY THE MILLIONS EVERY YEAR. This is the
> land of opportunity and where dreams can become a
> reality. It did not get this way by being a
> socialist sir. If socialist
> countries are so great, then why do we have so
> many people leaving them to come here? Hmmm.

Agree 100%,if socialism is so great why don't American socialist wannabes pack up and move.
Get out of America if its so bad,Cuba is a wonderful socialist country and China is a socialist meca,of course in Cuba the socialist dream became communist.
That's the problem,the promise of socialist eutopia all to often leads to communism, and there are no guarantees that when you go down the socialist road that it want lead to communism.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 04:45PM
I live in SC and voted for Trump last Saturday. I voted for him so he would win the GOP nomination and get beat by Hillary in a landslide in November. We can't have another Right Wing extremist nominated to replace Scalia.

I will do all I can to have Cruz lose. This country cannot afford to have a non-functioning federal government. Nate Silver ( has him at a 66% probability to win Texas this Tuesday. That should keep him afloat maybe through March.

Rubio is in trouble if he loses Florida on the 15th, which he is predicted to do. Trump continues to gain ground there. I don't see him hanging on much longer if he gets drubbed in his home state.

Kasich will stay propped up until Ohio when all the shadowy super-pacs supported by the GOP establishment unload on Trump in the Buckeye state. If Kasich can pull out a rare win, then he'll wield some clout at the GOP convention in the summer. Then the Establishment can try to take out Trump on the 2nd vote of the delegates in a brokered convention. But Cruz must win Texas and Kasich must win Ohio.

Carson just needs to go away. Can someone wake him up and tell him so?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2016 06:47PM by go-rebels.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 28, 2016 05:13PM
In the end Donald Trump will be seen as the destroyer of the Republican party.