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Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 24, 2016 06:29PM
Neither the Republican or the Democrat party run this government, we the people are no longer valid, we do not have any power or say in what our employees (politicians) do for us, the people. It is the 1% rich Elites that run the whole world, George Carlin was spot on in one of his comedy routines, basically what he said was politicians are bought off, the Elites paid for the Senate, Congress, State and local governments down to city hall and they have the judges in their back pockets. The Elites own all the important properties, they own the mainstream media so that all you listen to are what they (elites) want you to believe. It is a "rigged" system and we are being sucked into the Matrix. Only the weak minded are vulnerable to this propaganda and this seems to be the trendy millennium generation who think the democrats will pay off their college debts when in reality they will pay for it the rest of their lives. God help us if the Democrats win!!!!!! Only well informed, serious thinkers can gain back our country, I just hope Americans will wake up in time to save her, join the Liberty movement while you can.

Donald Trump for President 2016

Hillary Clinton for Prison 2016
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 24, 2016 06:57PM
I am surprised many of you cannot manage the mud better and have bought into the media managed manure that in reality has no basis, but make good copy.
Sanders, Clinton and Trump are disasters waiting to happen. Socialism is communal slavery, burn Bernie. Hilarity and the Don have shown they are for sale and in it for the money. Trump has a solid record of happily buying favor from politicians and says he has never done anything to apologize for. The Hil needs no justification, she is not the Hil we want to die on, ask Vince Foster.
I will vote for the least evil candidate. At this point I prefer to take a Cruz. It will not be my first trip down d' Nile.

Using a Legend, a Deus 2, an Equinox 800, a Tarsacci MDT 8000, & a few others...
with my beloved, fading Corgi, Sadie

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2016 07:09PM by Pasttom.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 24, 2016 07:05PM
The Republican Party created an avenue for Trump to win the nomination. There are two groups in the Republican Party wrestling for control: the entrenched progressives and the constitutional conservatives. The Republican progressives don't fundamentally disagree with the Democrats, who are Socialist and Communists by orientation. But they do want to have the position of power, and so the Republican progressives will pretend to 'fight' for conservative values, but always cave before the angry rhetoric of the Socialist Party.

So, the Republican Party is mostly the progressive party, and they have no will to fight except to maintain power. The Conservative wing of the party is unabashedly for restoring the Constitution as the governing Law (rather than the whims of evil men) and want to replace socialism and liberal orthodoxy (which always fails) with a free market economy that is not burdened by excessive federal and state regulations. They are seen as boat-rockers, as wacko-birds ... because they willingly point out the failure of the establishment Republicans in hopes that the American people will care enough to move the country back to the principles that work (rather than the current illegal and immoral progressive schemes).

Donald Trump is neither Conservative nor Liberal - he is mostly ignorant of economic theory, has no understanding of foreign affairs, has limited understanding of how the government works, does not understand military doctrine or war-making, is not familiar with social-theories about race in America, does not care about minutia of the deal. He is a guy that knows how to direct (control) the masses, he knows the art of the deal and what stances to take and how to present himself (as a strong leader) to gain support for his cause. That is what he has always done ... get what he wants by any means necessary. The question is: does America need Trump in the White House making deals with the Socialist/Communists when we don't know anything about his core, guiding principles?

Trump is not particularly religious - never did anything worthy of asking forgiveness for, is quite sure God likes him since he's rich (must be blessed by God). Doesn't understand the U.S. Constitution, so that is not a guiding principle. What then? What are his core values? The answer is: to do whatever seems right in his own eyes. Therein lies the risk. A lifelong liberal progressive is suddenly espousing aspects of conservatism yet his campaign is low-information voter bumper sticker philosophy about "making American great again", no substance (reminiscent of another candidate who said "Yes We Can" - but nobody asked "can what?").

Therefore, since Trump is untethered to any absolute moral code, he says anything, lies and distortions, on a daily basis. Have we not had enough of that already?

That leaves Rubio and Cruz as the only likely candidates to win the nomination. I think either one would be better than the self-serving, bombastic, arrogant yet ignorant (a bad combination to exist in one individual) Donald Trump. Rubio is backed by the progressive-wing of the Republican Party because they believe his record shows him to be more malleable, more likely to swing to their side (hey, it called riding the gravy train), where Rubio won't be as much a boat-rocker in Washington as Cruz (who has all the wrong credentials: morality, Constitutional Law background and actually believes in the Constitution, widely-read and intelligent, not corrupted by Washington, not willing to make bad deals, not a team player with the Socialists ... clearly no one likes him, so stay away from him as he might just undo the Washington establishment machine).

I would vote for Rubio, but I would prefer Cruz, and if there is no other option then Trump. Obviously, as we all know, as untested and unorthodox as Trump is and the damage he may cause is unknown, it is known the damage Hillary will cause, for she is a one-person wrecking ball of destruction.

You will vote Democrat if you like socialism and think the rich have stolen the wealth of the poor, and the white's have oppressed the non-white's and caused all the nations ills, and the military is a force for evil and oppression in the world, and the police are evil shooting innocent black men in the street for fun, and the securing of our borders is a racist idea. Should you disagree with Obama's policy then you are a racist, and if think our national debt is out of control and want to balance the budget you are a loon who hates the poor and the old and wants everyone to die in the streets, and if you want to end sanctuary cities you are a racist who hates Mexicans, and if you don't believe in Global Climate Change you are a science denier and a loon that needs to be imprisoned or silenced through the power of the government, and if you don't agree marriage can be defined as anything, that marriage should be allowed between anyone expressing 'love' for another thing: a man, two men, three men or a much beloved dog, a cat, or a child, or a antique car ... then you are a homophobe and a deviant. If you don't know history, don't understand economics, don't know how the government operates, have below average intelligence, can't explain where the "free" stuff comes from and don't really care: then you are a Democrat.

In the end, the election will be decided by the mushy middle - the undecided, unsure voter who makes decisions based on emotion and is swayed by lies and rhetoric because they have no guiding principles in their lives.

About 25% of the country is Socialist/Communist and will vote with Hillary (assuming she is not in jail). 35% are Conservative/Christian/deists/moralists who will vote for a principled Conservative. The other 40% are the mush that typically ends up electing the most eloquent or swarthy candidate - the one that looks dashing, has the whitest teeth, and promises the most goodies. If the disgruntled Conservatives stay home on election night (which they did with Romney) then the mushy-middle (which leans Left) will surely elect the pathological liar and European-style Communist - Hillary Clinton. My bet is the mush-middle are swayed by Trump's charisma and flamboyance and he wins over whomever the Democrats run.

If Ted Cruz wants to win, he needs to show real passion and outrage at the state of affairs in this country. He has to be less a member of the intelligentsia and instead show more outrage. Let the average blue-collar voter know that he understands their plight (he has to learn to speak faster to hold their interest, yet still use small syllable words to make his point understandable to the undecided mushy-middle voter), or he will not win. He might want to read Trump's book "The Art of the Deal".

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 24, 2016 07:23PM
Trump for president
Hillary for prison

Ship Sanders to N Korea. See how he likes it over there for awhile.

I really feel Trump will help the country by keeping and bringing back big corporations to the USA. Which will create a lot of jobs. Mexico WILL pay for the wall and I'm confident he'll strengthen our relations with allies. And scare the crap out of our enemies. We'll actually have a military again. And Vets will be treated right. All the candidates have flaws no human doesn't. I feel Trump is smart enough to get us back on track. I vote Trump!
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 24, 2016 07:25PM
The only way Cruz would win the nomination is if Rubio drops out. That isn't going to happen until it is too late. They will just continue to split the non Trump vote with neither getting enough. So it will be Trump vs Clinton. In the end Clinton in a landslide. She will nominate three justices her first term. Climate change, illegal amnesty, and single payer healthcare will be top priorities. God Bless America.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 24, 2016 07:29PM
I for one sure haven't let the press affect my thinking.

I watch many sources when it comes to tv and other communications..

The press sure ain't in the the tank for Trump-- quite the contrary.

And this gent Cruz--- made a fatal error---- looking back at history,,, Bible clingers don't fair well
Folks I feel really believe in separation of church and state--- no matter really how religious

Rubio reminds folks too much of Obama--- first term senator
Besides he ran from the only significant legislation he was at one time a part of.
He could have a future down the road though.

Folks don't like smooth talkers I.e. Rubio

Hillary's time has come and gone--- we've had a minority in the Whitehouse---- so the newness of this first woman president has tarnished

Here is something I have paid attention to over the years in my life.

Watch and listen how a person explains things.
See how long it takes them to make their points-- to communicate
Persons who take a long time to do this--- usually are not very efficient

And when the President-- guess what, you don't have time to get deep in the weeds on everything, and with all the issues and communications--- a down in the weeds kinda person,,, will most likely get overwhelmed-- this fits Hillary to a tee
Trump seems to get his point across much faster--- he seems to be a more efficient person--- a better manger of time
Time is never on a President of the USA side; especially in today's world.

And Trump-- he looks like a natural in a suit
He could show up in a corn field wearing a suit and not look out of place
You won't ever I think catch Trump in a duck hunting blind.
The only thing he's done is put his baseball cap on with his message
But even in a suit he looks pretty darn good with a baseball cap on.

Image plays a huge part.

His posture is good-- ole Jeb's posture was lumbering

Trump does have a sense of humor too-- Cruz, Rubio certainly don't appear to have

Trump, I think we can say--- has not been asleep for the last 30 years
He has a keen sense of the issues-- very relatable to the folks with less wealth and less education

What we need is a person to lead, direct traffic, a gate keeper, a bargainer, an arbiter.

And here's one of the biggest reasons to elect Trump.

I truly feel there are other folks in this country non political, who would make a great president.
So getting away from the traditional setting here,, just may encourage others to consider running in the future.

For a country of approx 315 million folks, I fell this is not only healthy for our country but needed.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2016 07:50PM by tnsharpshooter.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 24, 2016 10:01PM
Tns....your best post in my opinion. Glad you expressed yourself.....good points...

These are very interesting and crucial times.

I am enjoying everyone's thoughts on this subject...............yes!! get out and VOTE!!............PLEASE!!!
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 24, 2016 11:22PM
ozzie Wrote:
> I like Cruz for all that you mentioned,
> possum....and he's super smart....hell of a
> memory.
> Second, I like Ben Carson. Do NOT think he's a
> pushover too mild and laid back. I believe if he's
> prodded enough the fists will come up. Remember,
> he had to learn to control his anger when he was a
> youth. I like his sense of humor and demeanor.
> He's also conservative and a constitutionalist
> like Cruz. Good guy.
> If Trump floats to the top, I will take him over

> the witch and the socialist any day of the week.

I have to agree with you on the good Dr.,,,he is very controlled, did you happen to notice the control he had at the New Hampshire debate? He would not even look at Cruz when he apologized to Ben that he stabbed him the back in Iowa. I think that he showed total control of his emotions that night, probably wanted to punch Ted in that weasel nose of his...lol
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 24, 2016 11:27PM
A couple on here from Tn think pretty much alike. Lots of un-known with Donald, but I don't like what I think I know with some of the others. Someone non traditional might just be what we need. HH jim tn
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 01:24AM
You can talk all you want about Bernie Sanders and call him a socialist but out of all the candidates he is the only one that is not bought and paid for by big business and the super rich.
We experience the benefits of socialism when we travel a highway or cross a bridge,visit a national park, receive social security or collect unemployment insurance, Use electricity from a dam,
attend a public school and many other things. Lets just get rid of all those things so no one will call us socialists.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 01:36AM
robertj298 Wrote:
> You can talk all you want about Bernie Sanders and
> call him a socialist but out of all the candidates
> he is the only one that is not bought and paid for
> by big business and the super rich.
> We experience the benefits of socialism when we
> travel a highway or cross a bridge,visit a
> national park, receive social security or collect
> unemployment insurance, Use electricity from a
> dam,
> attend a public school and many other things. Lets
> just get rid of all those things so no one will
> call us socialists.
??????confused smiley
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 01:44AM
I am fine with Cruz or trump think Rubio is a empty suit and have to many opinions to type out by phone but I would like someone to tell me just out of curiosity of opinions exactly where in the Constitution or bill of rights or any founding documents is the seperation of church and state found? Outside of a letter by Thomas Jefferson to a baptist association where it is widely believed by context his intent in the letter was stressing the importance of protecting religion from the state not the state from religion, to avoid the problems and laws passed by the English government by having a state sponsored religion. Either way Cruz I think has tripped up by not getting rid of the head advisor earlier so I think trump will be it. The most important thing I think a executive should be good at is being able to tell when people are full of crap or not suited for a job and I think Cruz has failed in that but just by his success trump has the edge in that department
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 01:46AM
Trump! He wants to take care of people who are already here ''Legally'' where the rest not only want to let them in ,But put them at the front of the Line! This has been going on way too long and has to stop so We can rebuild this Great Country with closing the Flood gates. We have tried the Good Ole' Politicians so maybe what We need is a Business Man as this Country is like a Business in the Red and Hemoriging Money.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 01:47AM
As the field narrows, you will see Trumps lead fade away........

Tom in SC
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 02:01AM
goodmore Wrote:
> I disagree with Trump winning. The Republican
> party has been searching for a new identity for
> quite some time. The Tea party is now a failure
> because Trump is sure no Tea party
> representative. Basically he just a person
> representing an alternative to other candidates
> that nobody likes like Cruz. But in the end his
> alienation of minorities and women will be his
> downfall. The minorities are why Romney and the
> war monger before him lost. And this guy will
> not get the votes that they did. A very poor
> tactic and a sure path to Loserville. Hillary by a
> landslide.

With luck Hillary will be in Prison or have a stroke/heart attack from the stress of being a p.o.s
If it is a landslide,I hope its not by a landslide but in front of a landslide.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2016 02:06AM by supertraq.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 02:10AM
tmanly Wrote:
> As the field narrows, you will see Trumps lead
> fade away........
> Tom in SC

Not Hardly !!
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 03:33AM
Bernie all the way!
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 03:39AM
I like Cruz but Trumps going to be prez.
Has anyone noticed that Democratic turnout is a fraction of the Republicans.
People are sick of Obama,Hillary,Nancy pelosi,Harry Reid, and the rest of the socialist occupying the government.
Thing is,is it to late.

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 03:47AM
It is said from people that are in the know better than most of us.....it's going to be Trump / Clinton.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 04:44AM
Few things make me happier than annoying the hell out of liberals. Trump does this pretty good so that makes me happy, and you would think he would be my #1 pick. In the early going, Trump had my attention pretty good. But as this thing has rocked on, he has yet to lay down any sort of economic plan. He has done a lot of talk about how this or that needs to be done, but it really doesn't amount to much if no solution and game plan is presented. Complaining about problems without offering a solution is nothing more than whining.

If I had to choose between voting for Bernie/Clinton or being beaten with a sock full of rocks every day for the next 4 years, I would choose the rocks and smile. I can't stand either one of them and truthfully, I can't stand being around the supporters of them either WITHOUT wanting to strangle them or beat them with a sock full of rocks. One of my cousins is a big Bernie supporter right now. She is in her early 30s and hasn't worked a day in her life. She has been a full time student this entire time; has earned several degrees now, but has zero intentions of using any of them for work. Once she completes one degree, she somehow finds a way to go to school again for something else and finds a way to get it paid for. An honest days work would probably kill her, as it would for most Bernie supporters.

Myself...I will vote Trump over Hillary or Bernie but Trump is not my pick right now in the primary. My pick for that was Carson but I don't think he has a snowballs chance now.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 05:31AM
Can you imagine how much fun Trump is going to have with hillarie klinton.
Shoot'in fish in a foot tub with a .458 weatherby mag.
She deserves everything he will do to her nasty?

------------"Cz's still bad to the bone".------------
Living on a big ass Astroid.
The woman that got my rib,I want it back.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 08:42AM
I vote for Putin as he wants to eradicate ISIS - I dont know about the rest
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 11:00AM
We dont need Rolf Harris anymore you can have him…lol
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 12:51PM
rustic charm Wrote:
> I vote for Putin as he wants to eradicate ISIS - I
> dont know about the rest

That isn't a job for the US. If middle Eastern countries don't or won't fight for their own survival then they get what they deserve. The US under the guidance of W Bush created ISIS. Every time the US has tried to intervene in conflicts around the world like Vietnam, Korea, Iraq it has come back to bite us in the rear end. Let them fight it out and chose their own leaders. I hate to think how many Wars McCain would have involved the US in. If the conservatives want to see better treatment of the veterans of this country they need to stop sending them off to BS Wars.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 02:06PM
Good more exactly how I feel. Most accurate post of the whole 80. I would describe myself as very conservative and I am so glad that war mongering McCain did not win and that is pretty bad because look what we have in his place. It's a lose lose situation. Hard to believe out of 315 million people these last 30 or so clowns is the best we can do. Oh and we might as well say 7 billion because you don't even have to be born a US citizen any kind more
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 02:37PM
I highly recommend Hillary for prison!!! With her lying and cheating that is exactly where she needs to be.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 03:12PM
It's interesting to see that most who have posted here seem to be conservative or at least in support of Republican candidates. I'm a hunting enthusiast also and most of them also support the Republican candidates - I can understand the connection between the right to bear arms/NRA and leaning toward the Republican side. It's curious that those in the metal detecting hobby on this forum seem to lean this way also, unless the sample size is isn't large enough or the conservatives/Republican supporters are simply more vocal here. I doubt the same is true on some of the other metal detecting forums but it would be interesting to know. Sorry for the derail...

Back on topic... JohnnyAnglo, very well thought out and eloquently articulated response.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 03:25PM
I'm a Trump vote.

Tired of the party of the fringe groups (Democrats) and I'm tried of the party of the white applogists (Republicans).

In Nevada, Trump got %47 of the Hispanic vote via the exit poll. Heard it being discussed on the radio on the way home while listening to Democracy now. Funny how Democracy Now discussed it, but not a peep on the Nightly NBC news. Trump is appealing to everyone that is tired of the Lawyers and Politicians.

Manufacturing created the middle class of America. If you wanted good wages and a good life in America, manufacturing jobs is where it came from. As mfg is removed from the shores of America, so also is the middle class. Trump is the only candiate I have heard mentioning this at all. For everyone else, its just business as usual.

I trust Trump to surround himself with the right people to help him make the right decisions for America.

Who will the country pick to lead it....A Socialist (Bernie), a Capitalist (Trump), or just maintain the status quo by picking the usual lawyer/politician (everyone else).

I'm hoping its a Capitalist.

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 03:51PM
I don't think we will ever get back from the mess we are in now.

Our politicians have tied our hand with trade agreements and treaties that are binding and supersede our own law.

Make no mistake, every illegal alien in this country is here with the total blessing and encouragement of our government both D's and R's and the U.N..

We've been sold out for a long time, through blind mob ideology and foreign money and we're the last ones to be let in on the joke.

I guess to the OP's question, I will go with Cruz even though I don't think the spineless Republicans will work with him.

Republicans these days seem much more adept at bending over and taking it from Democrats.

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
February 25, 2016 09:57PM
After reading all this I'm still voting for Joe Dirt . Because he's a true American . sube

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2016 09:58PM by sube.