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Results 1111 - 1135 of 1135
And like it! I had an omega before ., and sold it. In my Missouri soil, I get better depth, better target ID, ( I can actually ID nickels) . If the trash is not too heavy, I like to run in all metal ., and still get target ID. The processor is very fast in this mode. It does not balance as well though, and its a bit heavier. The stock pro coil seperates very well, reminds me of the 11 " tek
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Most bull markets last 17 years, We could have 6-7 years left in the precious metals. Over the course of a bull market, there are usually 5 major waves.{ Elliott wave theory} Wave one is a slow grind upward. The buyers during this phase is the smart money, those who follow the markets religiously.It lasted 6 byears. Wave two is a correction, wave 3 is an up wave , where the buyers are the mutu
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I was thinking the same thing , watching the videos of the AT. How is it going to work in the ground? When I bought the Omega, it tested very deep in air tests, yet in my soil, the depths were about half what it air tested at. Another thing I noticed was when the engineer waved a nickel past the coil, the target ID varied by 6 numbers. How accurate will that be when the nickel is in the ground?
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Over the last 100 or so years, bull markets last about 17 years. In the early 1980's,the bull market in equities { stocks} started and topped out in 2000. The commodity bull started at that time, and we are 10 years into it.
If past history repeats its self, Gold, silver, oil ,etc will top out around 2016-2017. Market experts { Im no expert} expect gold to top out at $5.000 to $ 10,00
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Hey, what a select few are saying could be true. But often times the early reports that come out are rah rah cheerleaders for that particular company. Ive seen it with all makes. You have to read between the lines, divide the hype by 50%, then decide if you want to try it. Keep an eye out on the for sale columns also. Pump and dump comes to mind.Having said that, I feel Tom D. is quite honest i
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I have used the O-8 for the first 5 months of the year. I just picked up a Minelab Safari. Have about 5 hours on it. The safari seperates foil, nickels and aluminum VERY well. Im also finding nickels again. On the O8, nickels read all over the place if they are dirty. Better depth on coins also, in my neck of the woods. More challenging audio system, but finding coins I missed with the O8.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
was in 1976. 4 " down. 1920-D ex. cond. The value of it never went up much over 30 years, so I traded it 3 years ago, for a bunch of ounces of silver rounds. They have increased in value 50% so far.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Keith S mentioned something that has tipped my curiosity. Some of the higher freq machines can struggle a bit in highly mineralized ground.
My questions are thus.
A. In highly mineralized ground , which operating freq tends to work the best?
B. In medium mineralized ground, which operating freq tends to work the best?
C. In lite mineralized ground, which operating freqs. tend to work the best
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
i put the 5" coil on my omega , detecting a local ball yard. While you don't cover much ground, it will be much easier to seperate each target. I detected a strip that was between the concrete and metal fence, 3' x 75', and found 78 coins.
One coin was over 6" deep. I would have gone bananas trying to use a larger coil there.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I have been using the Omega for a few weeks now, all three coils, and I've pulled over 700 clad coins from one 4 diamond ball park!Its an awesome coin machine. I haven't dug many nickels due to the numerous square tabs that read in a similiar range. I only dug 18 pcs of iron, but about a LB of aluminum. Quite satisfied with Dave Johnsons baby!
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
On average last 17 years. The commodities bull that started in 2000, still has 7 years to go, if the past is an indication of the future. Hang on and accumulate that gold and silver, for a few more years. The silver coins I bought 8 years ago are up 400%, and Im expecting that percentage to go much higher, especially with silver in rather tight supply. HH
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I'm currently cleaning out a small baseball field complex. Its a newer park. When the targets get too thick for the 10", I drop down to the 5 coil, and it is awesome in trash. The 10 coil is great for pinpointing and seperating coins next to trash, but sometimes the targets are just too numerous, in a small area. Once I get the area cleaned out a bit, I'll try the 11 coil, to do th
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
At 19khz, I understand it would be very sensitive to gold, but how about foil and aluminum? Would it be able to pick out rings better that read in the foil and nickle range,in comparison to a coin machine, such as the omega? Does this machine ignore iron like the omega?
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Years ago, the 2 filter detectors were slow sweep, while the 4 filter models required a much faster sweep . Does anyone know what the current madels are nowadays? I dont read about "filters" anymore. I finally got out with my Omega today, and seem to get better results with a faster sweep speed. Is this one a 4 filter model?
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Back in the mid 1990's, I bought a Sovereign XS, that air tested poor. About 6" on a dime. I thought I had a dud. But I stuck with it, Got to know it well, and on the Lake Michigan sands, with the sensitivity as high as I could run it, and disc as low as it would go, by listening to minute changes in the audio, I was picking up clad coins 16" deep, in the damp sand, tape measured.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Back in the mid 1990's, I bought a Sovereign XS, that air tested poor. About 6" on a dime. I thought I had a dud. But I stuck with it, Got to know it well, and on the Lake Michigan sands, with the sensitivity as high as I could run it, and disc as low as it would go, by listening to minute changes in the audio, I was picking up clad coins 16" deep, in the damp sand, tape measured.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
This is amazing! No Im not a salesman for teknetics, or sell detectors.
I Set the sensitivity at 99,disc at 40, one tone, and I get a repeatable audio signal at 14" on a dirty clad dime.
Turning down the sensitivity to 70, disc at 40, one tone, it nails the dime at 11" .
Setting the machine to autotune, sens to 70, one tone, its 13" on the dime. Wow.
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I set the sensitivity at 70, One tone audio , auto tune mode, It gives a repeatable audio signal at 12" . Then I set the discrimination to 40, and it detects the dirty clad dime at 10.5" Next I cranked up the sensitivity to max. or 99, disc at 40, still one tone, and it picks up the dime at 11.5 " Not bad for the stock coil.
Cant wait to turn this screamer loose in the dirt!
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Hey Tom, nice website. I just received my new Tek Omega last week with 3 coils. Since the weather is cold, and the ground is frozen, Ive been doing some air tests in my metal filled garage, with the 5" coil. I went with one tone, sensitivity at 85, discrimination at 40, and I'm getting a repeatable signal on a dirty clad dime at 9.5" . Bumping the sensitivity to 99, and dropping th
possum mo
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum