Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 02:29AM
Here's an interesting e-mail I received today.
I haven't the time to do a fact check so why don't one of you liberals do it for me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Remember when Donald Trump was business partners with the Russian government and his company got $53 million from the Russian government investment fund called Rusnano that was started by Vladimir Putin and is referred to as "Putin's Child?”

Oh wait, that wasn't Trump; it was John Podesta.

Remember when Donald Trump received $500,000 for a speech in Moscow and paid for by Renaissance Capital, a company tied to Russian Intelligence Agencies?

Oh wait, that was Bill Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump approved the sale of 20% of U.S. uranium to the Russians while he was Secretary of State which gave control of it to Rosatom the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump lied about that and said he wasn't a part of approving the deal that gave the Russians 1/5 of our uranium, but then his e-mails were leaked showing he did lie about it?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.

Remember when Donald Trump got $145 million from shareholders of the uranium company sold to the Russians?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton and the Clinton

Remember when Donald Trump accepted millions in donations from Russian oligarchs like the chairman of a company that's part of the Russian Nuclear Research Cluster, the wife of the mayor of Moscow and a close pal of Putin's?

Oh wait, that was the Clinton Foundation.

Remember when Donald Trump failed to disclose all those donations before becoming the Secretary of State, and it was only found out when a journalist went through Canadian tax records?

Oh wait, that was Hillary Clinton.

Remember when Donald Trump told Mitt Romney that the '80s called and it wanted its Russian policy back. The Cold War is over?

Oh wait, that was President Obama.

Man, Trump's ties to Russia are really "disgusting!"
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 02:48AM
The day that law breaking is confirmed the pack will devour Donnie. And it won't be just the Liberals. I feel there are pretty many conservatives out there that want to see Pence in charge. Nope no law breaking found so far. Or you would hear the howling and the sound of crunching bone.Also a sad day for America.If the team is loyal it will never get to Donnie anyways. Taking one for the boss is something that is expected. One thing Donnie should do to help himself is stop the tweets. A war of words will not be won. Tweeting about fake news when he should be driving home the healthcare bill shows he's not using his head. Hannity even realized it and became the Whip saying they need to drive it home. Nothing cures a a miserable locker room like winning. I just don't think Donnie has that in him.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 02:59AM
Not quite Goodie.


Trump has been inoculated to some degree, how?
By crooked H and her server, and nutjob Comey.

Hillary was the alternative choice.

One day you will understand how politics really work.

That 35% of Trump's base will never leave him.
Any republican who crosses, will pay huge price in the future.

The nutjob Sen from SC, and McCain, you watch they are gone anyways.
McCain I think will retire if he is smart.
The other, too stupid to realize what is happening or will happen.

Time to tune in to nick at nite, and pass on Fake news network.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2017 03:45AM by Sod-buster.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 03:07AM
Shoveler ......But Hillary every day! Write your congressman and tell them to arrest her. She isn't above the law. Lock her up. Nobody cares. Would you care if Romney was locked up? It still doesn't stop the investigation into Donnie and team Donnie. Let it ride out and see where it ends up. Innocent people have nothing to fear.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 03:22AM
Do the poll.
Ask folks if they think Hillary should be reinvestigated/reopened.
I'll bet poll will reflect, a yes .

Folks want closure.
Actually the left should too.
Remember Jimmy Carter?
He was used as a punching bag by the right.

So H will be the right's punching bag.
Any discussions about security and terrorism in the future, or 2am phone calls.
Guess who will the the punching bag.

If Hillary is exonerated with Trump As Pres.
She will not be a punching bag.
Obama likely will get the job then.

And any female republican running for Pres, watch out, don't think for one minute they won't use H as a punching bag.

Goodie, don't you want to know or not if you in fact voted for a criminal?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2017 03:34AM by Sod-buster.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 03:44AM
go-rebels Wrote:
He is mentally ill. There is no
> leaving him alone.
> So yesterday Trump seriously proposed a transparen
> t wall so the 60lb sacks of drugs don't injure som
> eone when thrown over from the other side.
> What kind of a madman thinks like that?
> []-
> Trump-says-border-wall-should-be-transparent-so-Am
> ericans-don-t-get-hit-with-flying-bags-of-drugs

Actually the border guards requested to Trump that the fence be transparent.

They feel it is in fact much safer when they can see what's going on. (Tall metal poles so they don't get ambushed.)

Why am I telling you that though, you knew that when you spun your story!
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 03:49AM
robertj298 Wrote:
> AirTester Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > robertj298 Wrote:
> > ------------------------------------------------
> --
> > -----
> > > I still find it amazing with all thats gone on
> w
> > it
> > > h Russia and numerous other things that Trump
> su
> > pp
> > > orters stand firm.
> > > I guess Donald was right when he said " I coul
> d
> > sh
> > > oot someone in the middle of 5th. Avenue and m
> y
> > su
> > > pporters
> > > would still support me".
> >
> >
> > Nothing has gone on with Russia you moron!
> >
> > You believe your own lies. Not one single Russia
> n
> > tie has been proven.
> >
> > Your stupidity is breathtaking.
> Lets see Trump Jr. gets an email wanting him to me
> et with some Russian lawyer saying they have dirt
> directly from the Kremlin on Clinton
> and want him to meet her and he says sure I love i
> t.He goes on to meet her and then says she didn't
> really have anything. All of this is kept
> a big secret until the times comes out with the st
> ory. When the Times say they are going to print th
> e emails all of a sudden Jr. becomes very
> transparent. Nothing going on there is there? BTW
> when someone resorts to name calling you know they
> lose all credibility.

I am satisfied with the explanation. If he had a crystal ball he wouldn't have got within a mile of a Rusky. Not that it would matter, they would find something else to probe.

Remember when the "Neck" spouted off that she actually had part of Trumps tax return? That was humiliating. Even Geraldo Rivera laughed cause it was a bigger blooper then Al Capone's safe which contained a Whiskey bottle and a 1920's stop sign. lolololololol.

> when someone resorts to name calling you know they
> lose all credibility."
Isn't that what happened to Hillary?
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 04:05AM
Even Hillary's campaign symbol was let's just say undesirable.
And was indicative of being self-centered.

But I think the arrow based on reality should have been pointed down.

And was a spin off of her 2008 symbol, another loss.
Didn't seem like she was as proud of the name Clinton vs her first name.
Maybe she didn't want to risk folks confuses herself with bubba, you know the one who won twice.
And maybe this is why she delayed taking her married name when she married bubba.

Reckon we'll see any leftys who aspire to be Pres to go crawling into their opponent's cabinet after they lose?
Hillary forgot one important detail.
Fireman who don't fight fires rarely get burned.
What a dummy becoming Sec of State under Obama.
By doing, she isolated herself politically.
Meaning she only had Trump and the republicans as a punching bag.
If she would have just sit back and not crawled into Obama's cabinet, she could have had another punching bag named Obama.

You see Trump beat her because he had more punching bags.
Actually many more than Hillary.
Since Hillary and the MSM were bed fellows.

Hillary should have studied Ronnie, for what to do.
And Gore, for what not to do.
And the Hillary of 2008 for what not to do.

Instead she studied Nate Silver and got her azz beat.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2017 11:26AM by Sod-buster.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 05:32AM
AirTester Wrote:
> robertj298 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > AirTester Wrote:
> > ------------------------------------------------
> --
> > -----
> > > robertj298 Wrote:
> > > ----------------------------------------------
> --
> > --
> > > -----
> > > > I still find it amazing with all thats gone
> on
> > w
> > > it
> > > > h Russia and numerous other things that Trum
> p
> > su
> > > pp
> > > > orters stand firm.
> > > > I guess Donald was right when he said " I co
> ul
> > d
> > > sh
> > > > oot someone in the middle of 5th. Avenue and
> m
> > y
> > > su
> > > > pporters
> > > > would still support me".
> > >
> > >
> > > Nothing has gone on with Russia you moron!
> > >
> > > You believe your own lies. Not one single Russ
> ia
> > n
> > > tie has been proven.
> > >
> > > Your stupidity is breathtaking.
> > Lets see Trump Jr. gets an email wanting him to
> me
> > et with some Russian lawyer saying they have dir
> t
> > directly from the Kremlin on Clinton
> > and want him to meet her and he says sure I love
> i
> > t.He goes on to meet her and then says she didn'
> t
> > really have anything. All of this is kept
> > a big secret until the times comes out with the
> st
> > ory. When the Times say they are going to print
> th
> > e emails all of a sudden Jr. becomes very
> > transparent. Nothing going on there is there? BT
> W
> > when someone resorts to name calling you know th
> ey
> > lose all credibility.
> I am satisfied with the explanation. If he had a c
> rystal ball he wouldn't have got within a mile of
> a Rusky. Not that it would matter, they would find
> something else to probe.
> Remember when the "Neck" spouted off that she actu
> ally had part of Trumps tax return? That was humil
> iating. Even Geraldo Rivera laughed cause it was a
> bigger blooper then Al Capone's safe which contain
> ed a Whiskey bottle and a 1920's stop sign. lololo
> lololol.
> "BTW
> > when someone resorts to name calling you know th
> ey
> > lose all credibility."
> Isn't that what happened to Hillary?

So your satisfied with the explanation that Jr. tried
to collude with the Russian Govt to get dirt on
Clinton in exchange for relieving sanctions but
he failed so thats ok.Your also satisfied that all
those in the cabinet that said they hadn't met
with any Russian officials just forgot about all those
meetings lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2017 05:33AM by robertj298.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 12:00PM
I'd like to hear what you leftwing nuts have to say, so I'll keep posting this question that no one can seem to answer.

I hear the loons yelling treason and collusion, but they can't cite one single law or produce any proof that anything that Trump did was unlawful, much less treason. Now that's loony! I'm all ears, first what law was broken and where's the proof that law was broken? All I'm hearing from the loons is bah, bah, bah someone forgot to put something that they forgot on a form that they filled out. Accusing someone of treason is pretty serious charge.

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 12:19PM
So why some of our forum Deplorables fantasize about a Hillary prosecution that will never happen, Independents like me wonder how a fella like Jared continues to maintain a security clearance. Flynn still had his clearance for 18 days once he was caught lying about his payments from Russia and Turkey. But then, Trump wants us to coordinate cybersecurity with Russia--after we give all of our SSNs and birthdates to his 'voter fraud commission'. It's such hard work giving away classified information one bit at a time...

Why Does Jared Kushner Still Have a Security Clearance?

Anyone else would have been fired long ago, if not worse.

With nearly each passing day, the public learns more sordid details of the Russia scandal engulfing the Trump administration. It’s far from clear just how deep the Russia affair goes; in today’s climate, one progressive’s collusion is a conservative’s perfunctory opposition research meeting. As with much in our polarized society, much lies in the eye of the beholder.

But the latest revelations undeniably have raised additional questions about the judgment of key figures in President Trump’s orbit, namely his eldest son Donald Jr., his former campaign manager Paul Manafort, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. Only Kushner, however, holds an administration position and, as a result, a Top Secret security clearance.

The fact that Kushner, by all accounts, retains that clearance is an affront to America’s national security and a slap in the face to the career professionals subject to a different set of rules. I know this because, as a career CIA officer and later a spokesman for the National Security Council, I used to be one of them.

If Kushner indeed still retains his clearance, there’s an unmistakable double standard at play. Career officials, many of whom spend decades in service of their country, are subject to a different set of rules than those under the protection of the powerful. That’s never how the system has worked, nor is it how it should work. The classified information Kushner has access to is no less sensitive, and, in fact, his position in the West Wing—where I spent the past few years—exposes him to a much broader array of the most classified information and programs in the U.S. government than he would in most other executive branch roles.

These are the facts: Jared Kushner held suspicious meetings with Russians officials and operatives that he failed to disclose when he applied for a security clearance. If he weren’t the president’s son in law, he’d have been frogmarched out of the White House long ago. Why does he still have access to America’s biggest secrets?


Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 12:35PM
Hell yeah,
I'm satisfied Robert.

Hillary couldn't recall anything basically when she testified.
She didn't seem to have a problem remembering her sniper fire though did she?

Puts her in Bryan Williams territory don't it?

Oh and she didn't forget to delete 30,000 emails did she?

The phone rang at 2am for Hillary.
Nobody was home.
And people died, Americans in fact.
One of her many death nails for being elected Pres.
Her con artist skills failed her.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2017 01:00PM by Sod-buster.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 01:00PM
Buster, why do you think The Orangeman and his Republican dominated Congress don't push for charges against Hillary? Could it be that, despite your infatuation, there's nothing there? Hmmm...
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 01:06PM
go-rebels Wrote:
> Buster, why do you think The Orangeman and his Rep
> ublican dominated Congress don't push for charges
> against Hillary? Could it be that, despite your i
> nfatuation, there's nothing there? Hmmm...

I thought you could read.
Go back up in this thread, I have already said the reason why.

You really think she didn't commit crimes?
Deleting the emails the way she did shows intent.
Plain and simple.

Don't need a Ph.D. To understand and see this.

Wake up buddy.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 01:09PM
tabman Wrote:
> I'd like to hear what you leftwing nuts have to sa
> y, so I'll keep posting this question that no one
> can seem to answer.
> I hear the loons yelling treason and collusi
> on, but they can't cite one single law or produce
> any proof that anything that Trump did was unlawfu
> l, much less treason. Now that's loony! I'm all ea
> rs, first what law was broken and where's the proo
> f that law was broken? All I'm hearing from the lo
> ons is bah, bah, bah someone forgot to put somethi
> ng that they forgot on a form that they filled out
> . Accusing someone of treason is pretty serious ch
> arge.

> tabman

This investigation is far from over. I hope they drag it out like they did Benghazi..All I hear is it's not illegal, it's not illegal. Well there are a lot of things that aren't illegal that are immoral and hurt this country.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 01:17PM
Buster, I must have missed it. Honestly, I rarely read your entire posts. They're just too long winded and repetitive.

And my question was never about crimes; it's about prosecution.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 02:54PM
go-rebels Wrote:
> Buster, I must have missed it. Honestly, I rarely
> read your entire posts. They're just too long win
> ded and repetitive.
> And my question was never about crimes; it's about
> prosecution.

That's ok, sorta glad you don't read my post.
Because if you did, you would after each reading get that much closer to knowing as much as I do.
I sure wouldn't want that!

A new movie coming out.
The title.
The girl in the plastic bubble.
Starring guess who?

And Go Rebels, forgot to ask, you don't by chance have a car elevator in your home do you?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2017 04:04PM by Sod-buster.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 04:09PM
robertj298 Wrote:
> tabman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'd like to hear what you leftwing nuts have to
> sa
> > y, so I'll keep posting this question that no on
> e
> > can seem to answer.
> >
> > I hear the loons yelling treason and collu
> si
> > on, but they can't cite one single law or produc
> e
> > any proof that anything that Trump did was unlaw
> fu
> > l, much less treason. Now that's loony! I'm all
> ea
> > rs, first what law was broken and where's the pr
> oo
> > f that law was broken? All I'm hearing from the
> lo
> > ons is bah, bah, bah someone forgot to put somet
> hi
> > ng that they forgot on a form that they filled o
> ut
> > . Accusing someone of treason is pretty serious
> ch
> > arge.

> >
> > tabman
> This investigation is far from over. I hope they d
> rag it out like they did Benghazi..All I hear is i
> t's not illegal, it's not illegal. Well there are
> a lot of things that aren't illegal that are immor
> al and hurt this country.

All I keep hearing from the leftwing loons is that Trump broke the law and he needs to be prosecuted for treason. All I want to know is precisely what law did he break and where's the proof. The leftwing loons can't even state what law he broke, much less prove it. Now that's crazy! It's nothing but a witch hunt. Period

Come on someone, tell me what law Trump broke??????????????????????????????????????? If Trump committed treason I'm on board for seeing him before a firing squad.

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 05:56PM
Here is some thing for folks to debate.

Could actually even affect this forum and others depending on the outcome.

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 05:59PM
tabman Wrote:
> robertj298 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > tabman Wrote:
> > ------------------------------------------------
> --
> > -----
> > > I'd like to hear what you leftwing nuts have t
> o
> > sa
> > > y, so I'll keep posting this question that no
> on
> > e
> > > can seem to answer.
> > >
> > > I hear the loons yelling treason and col
> lu
> > si
> > > on, but they can't cite one single law or prod
> uc
> > e
> > > any proof that anything that Trump did was unl
> aw
> > fu
> > > l, much less treason. Now that's loony! I'm al
> l
> > ea
> > > rs, first what law was broken and where's the
> pr
> > oo
> > > f that law was broken? All I'm hearing from th
> e
> > lo
> > > ons is bah, bah, bah someone forgot to put som
> et
> > hi
> > > ng that they forgot on a form that they filled
> o
> > ut
> > > . Accusing someone of treason is pretty seriou
> s
> > ch
> > > arge.

> > >
> > > tabman
> >
> > This investigation is far from over. I hope they
> d
> > rag it out like they did Benghazi..All I hear is
> i
> > t's not illegal, it's not illegal. Well there ar
> e
> > a lot of things that aren't illegal that are imm
> or
> > al and hurt this country.
> All I keep hearing from the leftwing loons is that
> Trump broke the law and he needs to be prosecuted
> for treason. All I want to know is precisely[/u
> ] what law did he break and where's the proof. The
> leftwing loons can't even state what law he broke,
> much less prove it. Now that's crazy! It's nothing
> but a witch hunt. Period
> Come on someone, tell me what law Trump broke?????
> ?????????????????????????????????? If Trump
> committed treason I'm on board for seeing him befo
> re a firing squad.
> tabman

All in good time my friend.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 06:35PM leftwing loon can say what law Trump has broken. They're still looking for a crime to hang on Trump, but during the meantime they want him impeached and tried for treason. Talk about sore losers and whinny babies. This takes the cake. You'd have to be a real fruitcake like Nancy Pelosi to use that kind of reasoning. LOL


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2017 06:37PM by tabman.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 07:54PM
That's ok

I know.

So why isn't the Republican Congress going after Hillary? Heck, it would make a good distraction from all The Orangeman's Russia problems...
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 07:56PM
Hillary couldn't recall anything basically when she testified. She didn't seem to have a problem remembering her sniper fire though did she?

That's the way it works. Ronald Reagan said I can't recall or remember 88 times during his Iran Contra testimony. They never seem to have memories.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 08:05PM
Settle down Tabman... there's plenty of time to pin the tail on the Orangeman.

I really, really hopeTrump fires Mueller; he has every right to Make America Great Again...

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 08:21PM
Now that's really sad, not one single leftwing nut can name a single law that Trump has broken, but they claim that he has committed treason and want him impeached. That's coming from some of our highest elected government officials and the MSN media. It's obvious that they are just being hopeful that they can dig up something because they don't like his agenda and haven't gotten over Crooked Hillary losing to Trump. LOL

Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 08:21PM
"The Good Old Days"...

Jeff Sessions panders to an anti-LGBT group... the Alliance Defending Freedon group:
    “Alliance Defending Freedom seeks to recover the robust Christendomic theology of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th centuries. This is catholic, universal orthodoxy and it is desperately crucial for cultural renewal. Christians must strive to build glorious cultural cathedrals, rather than shanty tin sheds.”
Watch Stephen Colbert rip Sessions apart:


Who doesn't yearn for the time when 14-year-old girls died in childbirth?
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 15, 2017 08:27PM
You'd like this Russian collusion story to go away, wouldn't you? Maybe Trump should immediately fire Chris Wray, the new FBI director, for refusing to give a loyalty pledge. It's important that Chris know who's the boss... who's going to Make America Great Again...
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 16, 2017 01:20AM
This whole Russian collusion crap is just that crap.
And what Donald jr did is a nothing burger.

Let's step back and look at this whole thingy here with collusion.

So how do we ever know where any information really comes from?

The press can report any story and declare anonymous sources.
How do we know for instance if an actual US citizen reports data to the press, that his info came from say a foreign source.
We literally could have 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc hand information.

And even a foreigner reporting to a campaign, is this necessarily even first hand info?

What about the truthfulness of the actual info, shouldn't this be what is important vs where the info came from?

Any dirt on a candidate that paint s them in a bad light, what difference does it make where it came from.

For instance.
A presidential candidate actually commits a murder in a foreign country years ago. It was swept under the rug in the foreign land. Later on the person becomes a candidate for Pres of USA.
And the actual murder is brought into the public in the USA.
And with this info, are down right facts and proofs of the crime actually being committed by the candidate.

Would we want to elect this person Pres?
Should we not beleive our eyes and ears, or just discount this info just because it came from a foreign source.

We don't really ever know for sure where the stories of dirt actually come from or originated.

Freedom of speech, and assembly, Donald jr had this right while inside the USA, didn't he?
And he was not a government employee at the time.
Neither was his Dad.
Notice the constitution doesn't address freedom of hearing or smell for that matter!

There is no telling how many stories of dirt that have been brought to the USA over the years, when it comes to politicians.

And remember there are more politicians beside the Pres and Pres candidates who could be ratted out.

How the information is gotten, should it matter?
For example some one hacks someone's computer.
And the hacker tells someone else, but they don't tell this other person where or how they got the info.
This other person reports to the press, and the story is talked about, etc.
Sure the hacker may be prosecuted , but what about this other person?

This whole mess is dumb, a waste of time, and money.
Bottom line is, if a politician doesn't want dirt found, don't do things that create dirt.

Now this doesn't mean fake stories of dirt don't get generated, or the story is only a half-truth that leaves out some data that make the story not as dirty or dirty at all.

What I have said above, is why most quality lawyers have said, no crime has been committed with this Russian lawyer thingy.

Now, an actual government employee even the Pres, this whole subject could be different as it relates to communicating information with foreigners.
I don't know all the rules, etc.
Maybe with time we will hear some more about these.

I have also wondered if any communications took place between folks connected to Reagan's campaign and the Iranians back in 1980 while Ronnie was a candidate or after he was elected but before he was swore in. .
This based on when the hostages were actually released.

This entire garbage really makes up look weak as a nation.
The super power, the USA, we can't even get our house in order.
Yet we over the years are telling other countries what to do or how to do, and even picking and choosing their leaders, trying to get some voted out, and yes even removing some leaders.
Very piss poor here.
George, Thomas, Abe, Franklin, John, and yes I think even Martin Luther King Jr would be very disappointed.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 07/16/2017 01:44AM by Sod-buster.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 16, 2017 04:39AM
While I am on a roll.

Seems to me the left and the MSM are acting like they are wanting to win their case on appeal.
After losing their case with Trump being elected.

Back to collusion and interactions with foreigners.
What about this Russian lawyer?
Did she have a cell phone while in the USA?
Was she prohibited from using internet while in the USA, using any means possible?

What about the press?
Don't they relay comments of foreign leaders during our Pres election seasons?
Whose to say some of these comments couldn't affect a way a US citizen votes?

The internet in general.
Reckon anyone here has read comments posted by a Russian or any other foreigner?
Wonder if the Russian lawyer would have posted on this forum when she was in the USA, in this thread, and spread true or false dirt on Trump or Hillary?
Could a voter have been impacted? With their selection when voting.
Could a foreign leader or members of a foreign government post in disguise with remarks, at home or when traveling?
What about the press actually reporting poll numbers on our candidates (to us), where foreigners were the ones polled?

The part that bothers me the most.
I do have freedom of speech, but is not unlimited.
I can't walk into a gymnasium full of people and yell fire, when no fire exists. Reckon I could say an anonymous source told me the place was on fire?

So, exactly what restrictions are placed on the press as they excercise their constitution right?
I think it has come to a point now, where the press is indeed inciting folks, hence they need some restriction(s).

Didn't Romney go to Israel as a candidate?
Trump went to Mexico didn't he.
What if during Trump's visit (televised btw) wonder if the Mexican Pres would have said vote Trump, Hillary is a crook. Or vice versa.
Could this have affected the way folks vote.
See, I have a problem with the left's idea of this " foreign" power affecting our elections.
Why in the world why we ever let Pres candidates while candidates go to foreign countries in the first place. (Using the left's logic)
Didn't Obama go to foreign country as a Pres candidate?

There are many ways a US citizen can get information that could make an impression on them, the way they vote.
Even books.

Now, rigging/hacking/altering voting machines/ballots is some thing totally different.
And so far no US government official has said this has happened.

Another observation

I can also make a case the fake newsers like NYT, WAPO, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NBC, all shirked their responsibilities while Trump was a candidate.
Instead all they did was make fun of him vs good investigative journalism work.
And they know this now too.
Wonder how Hillary feels?
Like the MSM shafted her.
But Hillary was in on the act too, making fun of him.
As Fred Sanford would say "you dummy".

Bottom line
It was not Donald Trump or Donald Trump Jr nor Hillary Clinton who pushed all the buttons on all those electronic voting machines or pulled the levers on the machines last October and November.
Re: OT: Who would you like to see as our next president, and why?tongue sticking out smiley
July 16, 2017 04:41AM
Sod-buster Wrote:
> This whole Russian collusion crap is just that cra
> p.
> And what Donald jr did is a nothing burger.
> Why?
> Let's step back and look at this whole thingy here
> with collusion.
> So how do we ever know where any information reall> y comes from?

So you think the emails Don Jr. released to the press are fake?
You don't trust when the FBI and CIA tell you they are certain the misinformation comes from Russia?
> The press can report any story and declare anonymo
> us sources.
> How do we know for instance if an actual US citize
> n reports data to the press, that his info came fr
> om say a foreign source.
> We literally could have 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc hand in
> formation.
> And even a foreigner reporting to a campaign, is t
> his necessarily even first hand info?
> What about the truthfulness of the actual info, sh
> ouldn't this be what is important vs where the inf
> o came from?
> Any dirt on a candidate that paint s them in a bad
> light, what difference does it make where it came
> from.
It makes a big difference when it is used to sway and election
> For instance.
> A presidential candidate actually commits a murder
> in a foreign country years ago. It was swept unde
> r the rug in the foreign land. Later on the perso
> n becomes a candidate for Pres of USA.
> And the actual murder is brought into the public i
> n the USA.
> And with this info, are down right facts and proof
> s of the crime actually being committed by the can
> didate.
> Would we want to elect this person Pres?
> Should we not beleive our eyes and ears, or just d
> iscount this info just because it came from a fore
> ign source.
> We don't really ever know for sure where the stori
> es of dirt actually come from or originated.
> Freedom of speech, and assembly, Donald jr had thi
> s right while inside the USA, didn't he?
> And he was not a government employee at the time.
> Neither was his Dad.
> Notice the constitution doesn't address freedom of
> hearing or smell for that matter!
> There is no telling how many stories of dirt that
> have been brought to the USA over the years, when
> it comes to politicians.
> And remember there are more politicians beside the
> Pres and Pres candidates who could be ratted out.
> How the information is gotten, should it matter?
> For example some one hacks someone's computer.
> And the hacker tells someone else, but they don't
> tell this other person where or how they got the i
> nfo.
> This other person reports to the press, and the s
> tory is talked about, etc.
> Sure the hacker may be prosecuted , but what about
> this other person?
> This whole mess is dumb, a waste of time, and mone
> y.
> Bottom line is, if a politician doesn't want dirt
> found, don't do things that create dirt.
> Now this doesn't mean fake stories of dirt don't g
> et generated, or the story is only a half-truth th
> at leaves out some data that make the story not as
> dirty or dirty at all.
> What I have said above, is why most quality lawyer
> s have said, no crime has been committed with this
> Russian lawyer thingy.
> Now, an actual government employee even the Pres,
> this whole subject could be different as it relate
> s to communicating information with foreigners.
> I don't know all the rules, etc.
> Maybe with time we will hear some more about these
> .
> I have also wondered if any communications took p
> lace between folks connected to Reagan's campaign
> and the Iranians back in 1980 while Ronnie was a c
> andidate or after he was elected but before he was
> swore in. .
> This based on when the hostages were actually rele
> ased.
> This entire garbage really makes up look weak as a
> nation.
> The super power, the USA, we can't even get our ho
> use in order.
> Yet we over the years are telling other countries
> what to do or how to do, and even picking and choo
> sing their leaders, trying to get some voted out,
> and yes even removing some leaders.
> Very piss poor here.
> George, Thomas, Abe, Franklin, John, and yes I thi
> nk even Martin Luther King Jr would be very disapp
> ointed.