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Pages: 12345
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A quick question for those testing these machines, which one does better for depth and accurate ID on low conductors (small hammered silver)in high mineral ground?
I see the D2 is dropping the ID of low conductors near iron, is it the same in high mineral ground?
Cheers, and merry Christmas folks.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
MANTICORE Technical SpecIfications Update!
Detect Modes: (Customisable)
All-Terrain (5), Beach (4), Goldfield (1)
Operating Frequencies:
Multi-IQ+, 5 kHz, 10 kHz, 15 kHz, 20 kHz, 40 kHz
Noise Cancel:
Auto, Continuous Auto, Manual (-9 to +9)
Ground Balance:
Auto, Manual, Tracking
1 to 35
Target Identification:
Conductive: 0-99 with ferrous indication
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
khouse Wrote:
> I believe it was said on a video that it has 2 equ
> inox type batteries in the handle, making the hand
> le a little more elongated. 7% more usable depth
> could mean 1-2 inches. I think that would open up
> another layer for me. My wife also said she could
> use another 7%! Just saying.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
In the video they say it has double the battery's as the coil transmits 50% stronger magnetic field, which in turn makes it go deeper.
I think Geotech said on another forum that a 50% increase in drive voltage gives about 7% increase in depth.
I wonder are those the gains we could expect from this detector?
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Neil Jones says it's a replacement for the Etrac, so I'm guessing it's aimed above the Nox?
He's trying it out at a rally this weekend and will report back on it.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
If I've read it correctly Rutus will be offering a multi frequency download for there Atrex model.
They say the multi frequency is near finished testing by different folk around Europe.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Very good video, does this explain why some of the videos in relic mode are getting big depth?
If I'm understanding correctly, if your running a setting of say 1 or 2 out of 5, a target at depth isn't being filtered and basically it's in all metal, so it could be a coin at 10" or a lump of iron?
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I love researching new permissions, this is an abstract from the landowner's memoirs back in early 1800's.
I've went one to find items from the said church and silver coins of the period that i gave to the present landowner as he's into the history and mythology of the area as much as myself.(i also unearthed a WW2 mortar which needed the attentions of the army bomb squad to
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
That depth video is a waste of time, the detector isn't seeing the ground as the coil is stationary, might as well be an air test.
It is however perfect for sucking in the novice who will believe they'll get these depths in real life.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
My only guess is that Calabash was moving the coin and nails closer and closer until the Nox just missed it, but the Deus was still hitting it.
Maybe there's only 1/2 inch difference between them, you won't know unless he runs it again.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I agree, pump a Deus coil in my front field and it's will quickly fill the mineral scale lol
Pedlar mills Wrote:
> Bad dirt is now my only concern for new detectors
> coming out. Hunt some places that are 4 and even 5
> bar dirt some of that is due to fertilizer from th
> e farmers some just high mineral dirt, so u
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I wonder is it just masking the EMI sound interference or actually able to remove it and it's effects?
I'd guess you'd know by doing a depth test below the power lines to find out.
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
Nice to see that it's at least as deep or deeper than the Nox, and much better than the old Deus.
That cut half at 7" is a tough target!
Another box ticked
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
I think he did mention he had went through the programme's off camera and there was no difference.
Longbow62 Wrote:
> On the nail test he used Field2. Why? He didn't sa
> y I went thru all the programs and Field2 hits it
> best so I'm using Field2. His own preferred progra
> m for relic hunting is Park2 w
Thomas Dankowski Metal Detecting Forum
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Pages: 12345